SKS for antelope? Why?

What "game" (as opposed to varmits) is legal to shoot with a centerfire rifle in Iowa?

Predators, furbearers, varmints, small game, maybe even pheasants. Don't ask me why you'd want to centerfire a pheasant:confused: but I don't think it's illegal.

Off limits to all rifles including rimfires: Muskrat, Beaver, Turkey, Geese, Duck (I think), maybe a couple more I didn't think of.

SKS are usually just as accurate as a 30/30 Winchester 94 or Marlin 336, and I doubt there would be too much talk against using those old favorites for pronghorn. All three are exceedingly common hunting rifles in the east. There was some talk during the 90s, when SKS cost about $90 or so and were prolific in every gunshow, that the SKS might displace the lever action 30/30 as the most common woods rifle in the east due to the low cost and availability of cheap ammunition.
So from that perspective, I don't see why an SKS wouldn't work for shots under 300yds.
Never seen an SKS as accurate as the average Winchester or Marlin .30-30, don't see anyone here or anywhere for that matter touting them as a great or even good choice for an out of state antelope hunt and popular in the east? How many antelope do they have in the east? BTW, you're 14" low at 300 yards with a 200 yard zero.

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Never seen an SKS as accurate as the average Winchester or Marlin .30-30

Challenge Accepted.

It may take awhile due to shortage of funds, but I am intrigued....

I also submit to you that, while a 4MOA rifle is considered atrocious 'round here, it would be more than adequate for antelope to 150 yards: 4MOA @150 yards is aproximately 6" dispersion from POA, no? Assuming the shooter does his part, 6" in any direction from the center of a speed goats chest would result in a fatal sucking chest wound..... those enormous lungs are wonderful at putting the speed in the speedgoat, but they also make a large target, too....
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Never seen an SKS as accurate as the average Winchester or Marlin .30-30
You must have some stupendous Winchesters or Marlins out in Iowa. Out here, groups under 2" at 100yds with any of the 3 are cause for celebration. On a good day, my Winchester is a 3MOA gun at close range-just about the same as an average SKS.

BTW, you're 14" low at 300 yards with a 200 yard zero.
This rainbow trajectory issue is no doubt why no antelope were killed prior to the advent of the 30/30 in the 1890s, and why to this day none fall to muzzleloaders. :rolleyes:

Is the SKS a great gun for antelope-no one is claiming that. Is it adequate? Sure! Is it powerful enough? Most certainly. We may not have antelope in the east, but I know they fall down dead just the same as whitetails and any other thin skinned game of that weight.
He could have been a collector and likes to shoot what he collects. I have other guns but sometimes I just have to take out the old M1 Garand for deer hunting. In fact It was my only choice when I lived in New Mexico. If it was good enough for shooting 1000 yard matches it was certainly good enough for 200 yard deer. :D
Up until about 1894, ALL hunting cartrdiges had rainbow trajectories yet 'lopes still got clobbered. Heck, modern archers topple many pronghorns each year, too.

The widespread myth of only long shots for western game animals is commonly accepted.

I remember when Gun Writers were trying to convince people that the 7.62 x 39 was equal to the 30-30. Or not. Depends which side you were on. I had been using a custom bolt gun for years in that caliber for whitetail and still would get an earful from the experts. Use what you want if it is legal.
Use both SKS and AKS for hogshooting.Never had to shoot twice those 130TSX are mean to those hogs shoot out to 150 meters with no probelm.killed a 330lb boar at 145 meters enough said i think.HOGSHOOTER
I don't own a SKS, but I do own a AK in 7.62x39. That being said, it never dawned on me to take it hunting untill I saw this fella with his, hunting antelope. I do not begrudge him, but I like my hunting rifles when hunting.

I'm sure he had a good time!
I had been using a custom bolt gun for years in that caliber for whitetail and still would get an earful from the experts

There always seems to be a lot of "experts" around, and never enough people that really know what they're talking about. While I don't think I would use an SKS or AK as a hunting rifle, I believe that they would be just as good as any other rifle as long as you hit what you are shooting at. Isn't that what matters? A good solid hit with a SKS is better than a miss with a 300 mag.
Good commercial 7.62x39 is slightly inferior to 30-30, whcih I consider the baseline for whitetail, let alone antelope. Any kind of Russian surplus 7.62x39 is well inferior to 30-30 and simply not worth it to me unless you have no other choice. The round and the guns that shoot it are generally inferior to 30-30, but you can spray hundreds of them against 2 legged predators, the true calling of SKS/AK platforms.
Pronghorns aren't all that wary, and depending on the terrain can be stalked fairly closely. It seems to be more of a stunt to be using an open-sighted SKS on pronghorns just to see if it can be done. :cool:
Having shot a good many Speed Goats in eastern MT (terrain like Wyoming), I can tell you with authority that the SKS in 7.62x39mm, while not my first choice, would be a fine Antelope rifle and catridge to about 300yards. Yes, you are 14" low at that range, but given the gun's 6 O'clock style sights a backline hold at 300 yards will strike the vitals. I have a friend who uses one on mulies, and when he shoots they die. He won't shoot beyond 300yds, because not only is the bullet running out of killing power, 300 is the limit of his ability to keep his shots on a paper plate/the vitals.

Will the little 123gr bullet shoot diagonally through the hip bone to the far side shoulder? No. But even with a 7mm Mag 150gr neither he nor I would take such a shot. From the front, side, or quartering to, this bullet WILL kill any deer or antelope you hit correctly with it.

Before you try it though, be sure to practice that two-stage military trigger, as it is the key to shooting the SKS accuratly