Situational Awareness Fail

I cannot really understand why someone who would go to the trouble of detailing an "after action report" with all kinds of discussion about situational awareness... on the 'nets finest gun forum, in the tactics & training area of the site... would CHOOSE to go out for a stroll unarmed.
'If all one has is a hammer, everything looks like a nail'
Even if she had been trying to steal it and she ran to the car, shooting her obviously wasn't warranted.
I'm not sure stolen cell phones are all that valuable in the US anymore. I never hear much about them.
Sounds a lot more like they had a fight and she walked off then decided that wasn't such a great idea.
I do understand that not everyone is able to carry all the time. I even understand that some who are able to -- may not wish to carry all the time.

I cannot really understand why someone who would go to the trouble of detailing an "after action report" with all kinds of discussion about situational awareness... on the 'nets finest gun forum, in the tactics & training area of the site... would CHOOSE to go out for a stroll unarmed.

To be candid, I actually think it's ludicrous. And I say this because if you DO have the license and you DO have the carry hardware (and you seem to have the mindset...) then you must actually believe you can predict when there is a cold chill in the air and bad stuff is going to go down. And maybe you select those particular times and places to carry?

That's not a great idea either. Better to stay home on those days.

I'm willing to bet that most of us on here can mention multiple times where being aware or some other non-violent mindset or action has prevented us from being in a situation we did not want to be in.

I am also willing to bet that the vast majority of us have never actually used (or even brandished) our firearms.

There are a lot of reasons some of us do not carry all of the time. Should we? Probably. Do I? Frankly quite often when it is just me out and alone I don't. I'm REALLY good at retreat and when I don't have my children with me there are very few extremely unlikely scenarios that would involve a firearm.
How would being armed in this situation made a difference? Even if phone was stolen you going to threaten lethal force or even use lethal force for a cell phone? Even the gold plated android i-King daddy whatever hero phone being stolen does not justify lethal force or some states even threat of lethal force. Agree better situational awareness is warranted to avoid situation all together but I don't see that going any differently with CCW or without. Guns don't solve most situations. They may help if things went really bad. But remember the best weapon is between the ears and needs just more training and practice than any weapon you may carry
Just my $.02 and worth less
What does the OP lose by taking his handgun with him when he leaves the house?

Agreed, it wouldn't have changed the outcome of this situation but that's pretty much true most of the time. So, why carry at all?
My decisions about when to carry are based on a variety of factors. But it's just a personal calculation. I'm not here to pass judgment on what others decide about carrying.
My decisions about when to carry are based on a variety of factors. But it's just a personal calculation. I'm not here to pass judgment on what others decide about carrying.

When I first got my permit I actually sat down with my wife and hashed it out. I also went on THR and asked and the general concencis was that since I can't predict when or where I carry (where legally permitted) every time I leave home (I later upgraded to carrying any time I'm not in bed).

We don't know for certain what this incident was about and I still think you could have defused it while the woman was a block or so away but the fact is that you don't know they weren't armed. All you know is that you didn't see a gun or club, or what ever weapon that guy may have had on his seat.

I'd strongly suggest you take this as a message from the Universe that you might want to rethink your carry options.
Oh, completely agree that a firearm wouldn't likely have been helpful in this situation unless it went in another direction.

Even still, if one happens to be the type to dissect such a situation, it seems (to me) that one is the type to CARRY. Unless one feels like he knows when the threat is REAL, and only carries at those times.

Which is ludicrous.
Ludicrous if you think you "know" and 10x ludicrous if you leave your home that day if/when you KNOW.
I went to South Africa earlier this year. I would have felt safer in Johannesburg if I was carrying, but I couldn't. I feel the same way when I go to NYC and other US cities. I am content to develop and hone non-carrying skills in Maine.

A moose wandered into town last year and spent time on my street. But I didn't
start bringing my 870 on walks afterwards.
The few times I have let a stranger use my phone in an environment that was not controlled (ie the outdoors, not in an office, shop etc) I have asked for the number they want to dial, then whack it on speaker. They can then speak and listen if needed.

I don't let go of the phone. Tough luck if they are offended.
It's all good, just explaining how it seems to me.

Like most of us, I know and spend time with many folks who don't carry and some who cannot understand it at all, in any way. I will often liken it to having a spare tire or a fire extinguisher.

With a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, basement and garage...
I don't start small fires on purpose or get stupid and reckless with combustibles. I also don't run around the neighborhood looking for fires and hot spots.

With a ready spare tire in my trunk, I don't specifically seek-out the back lot of the pallet factory or the discount nail & fastener warehouse. I also don't choose a hazardous street on purpose because I know I have an extra tire in the trunk.

However, along the same lines, I don't kick the spare tire out for extra trunk space and I sure don't put the spare back in the trunk before a "hazardous" or long trip. That's silly, because I know I can't predict a flat. Instead, the tire is always in the trunk, and the extinguishers are where I expect them to be and if, God forbid any of them are NEEDED, they are at the ready.

Like my carry gun. But hey, that's just me.
Every time someone approaches me, as they begin their spiel, whatever it is, I respond with:

"Unless you are giving Sh** away, the answer is no."

I had a guy diagonally cutting through a parking lot at night once in Downtown Dallas. At about 15 ft, he started the "Say man, can I ask you a question...?"

I turned and said "No, you should find something else to do."

He said "dang, you're having a bad day, I'll go now."

I do not randomly approach strangers in public, I do not expect others to do so to me. Its an attempt to get close to me. I don't want someone close to me. I feel it's easier to establish that right off the bat.
She had two working legs, it wasn't late at night on a dangerous street and Freeport isn't exactly a tough town.

I think I would have walked right by and I definitely wouldn't hand my cell to a stranger.

Like many other places, Maine is rapidly filling up with junkies.

I'm not surprised the PD was interested. Tourist shopping towns have a lot to lose by getting a reputation as "not a safe place to shop"
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That's silly, because I know I can't predict a flat. Instead, the tire is always in the trunk, and the extinguishers are where I expect them to be and if, God forbid any of them are NEEDED, they are at the ready.
You've got a valid point, but...

Sometimes a spare isn't the best answer to a flat.
A shovel or spaghetti pot can often put out a fire with considerably less mess and expense than an extinguisher.

There are so many places I can't legally carry a firearm.
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Entirely true. Well, the argument against a spare tire, haha, I can't exactly see that. If you are on the road more than 50 yards from home and you get a flat tire... unless you drive a Ferrari, I don't see a better solution than a spare tire.

I can say this for sure--
It's always going to be different for each and every one of us. Due to the places we live, the jobs we work and the people that we surround ourselves with, we'll all never see this the same way. Easy now for me to see since being divorced. Now, it's a mostly rare event that I put myself in places where I can't carry. Especially for vacation and entertainment venues. I don't have to go places my wife wanted to visit, I am free to avoid places I don't care to be. Not always, for sure, but for the most part.

Was discussing in another forum the "plan" for another guy to go visit his grown children on Long Island, NY... and bring along a carry gun. The conversation becomes frustrating for any Pro-2A type. It gets very hard to stomach for me.
I think the biggest and best takeaway for the OP is this: You have very good instincts. Next time, follow through in honoring them.

And thanks for sharing.

And to paraphrase the most interesting man in the world, "I don't always carry.....and when I don't....I'm really aware of it.";)