Sitting duck, or paranoid?

I guess "out of ammo" is relative to how many guns you have. I couldn't take all my firearms to the range and shoot them all in any meaningfull way in one day, so I guess as long as I have a box for each, I'd be safe.;)

When I do have a range session, I have a designated carry gun that normally is not fired at all, and if it is, it's topped off before I leave.

Other than that, 500 per pistol and shotgun, 1000 per battle/assault rifle, 2000 per full auto, and 100 per turn-bolt are the normal "minumum" rounds I like to keep on hand.

No, I ain't running out.:D
Out of ammo? What??

I don't remember a time when I was completely out of ammo. At bare minimum I have one full mag for my handguns, and I don't think there has ever been a time when I don't have at least a box of shotgun shells kicking around. Never been a packrat for ammo--when I have excess laying about I can usually find an excuse to go "enjoy the weather" and make some noise---excess never lasts long around the house.

However---for home defense, my house itself isn't exactly intruder friendly. One way in, basement level, and I call my stairs the local "field sobriety test". I pitty someone breaking in armed--they'll shoot themselves during the half-gainer they do on the way down. If an intruder isn't armed (anyone breaking into my house NOT armed would just be suicidal) and doesn't break his own neck trying to negotiate my stairs in the dark, he's at least going to be in too rough of shape or a little too distracted to be very threatening before he's either a line-drive to 3rd-base with a metallic "thunk", skewered on a rapier like a pealed shrimp, getting an apendectomy from my K-bar, missing teeth from a close encounter with a 9-iron chip shot, etc... A firearm is only one of MANY things available for home defense.

I've always been of the mind that if you become TOO reliant on one thing, you become too vulnerable without it and fail to make use of alternatives before it's too late to make a difference. Improvise, Adapt, Overcome.

A) set yourself a minimum inventory, and maintain it.
B) look around, identify options, find alternatives, and become familiar with them.---ALWAYS have a plan B (and C, and probably D, too).
Like Capt Charlie, some of my guns are unloaded only when cleaning them. I always have 50-100 rounds of dedicated defensive/duty ammo for each caliber I carry and generally have a few hundred rounds of practice ammo on hand. Go pop a few dollars for some ammo.
I keep 250 rounds of FMJ per Pistol and at least a 20 round box of JHP for HD.

and if there is a Sale I'll buy alot more than that. I bought a Couple of boxs of 9mm WWB 100 round at Wal-Mart, just because it was a good deal. I don't even have a 9mm yet but I only got 200 bucks left and I can pick up my PX4.

and I very rarelly shoot up my HD stuff, it's just to expensive.
I have at least 500 rds. of "range" ammo for each handgun and 50 rds. of "defensive" ammo for each one as well. I also have at least 1500 rds. for each of my assault rifles and hundreds of rds. of various shotgun ammo, not even counting ammo for my hunting rifles. Plus like Capt. Charlie, I too have loose rounds laying all over the house.

I always have my Kershaw folder in my pocket and at least one loaded handgun in my house nearby with extra magazines. Also an alarm system and two very large dogs!

I'm neither a sitting duck nor paranoid. I'm just prepared.
Completely out of ammo?!?!?! That's crazy talk!!:eek:

If I were you, I would immediately go out and buy two boxes (100 rounds) of defense ammo for my handgun, price be damned. Waiting for sales is good for stocking up, but don't sit around and be defenseless in order to save $2 or $3 per box!!

Never let yourself be completely out of ammo - when you are, you are completely defenseless.
Never let yourself be completely out of ammo - when you are, you are completely defenseless.

No offense steelheart, I'm just using the idea behind the statement.

If you REALLY feel you are defenseless in your home without a firearm, I would have to say it's time to branch out your experiences just a tad--it becomes a false sense of security at that point. I say "false" because there are countless ways beyond running out of ammo that might leave you without the use of a firearm within arm's reach at every second. Don't let yourself get tunnel vision--get creative and MAXIMIZE your options.
I agree with range. If someone wants to kill you in your home, chances are there's little or nothing you can do about it unless you have an alarm with a sensor on every window and door that's set at the time they try to come inside. I say this because unless you have a loaded gun taped to your hand 24 hours a day there's no way to be prepared for a sudden attack.

All of us are very prepared, but chances are in the summer time a person could come in through an open window and shoot you dead with little or no time to react if they really wanted to. Hell, if someone really wants you dead they could just hide outside your house and shoot you as soon as you come out, there's no way to prevent attacks like this. We can only prepare for situations that will give us time to react, such as an alarm going off, hearing a window break or door break etc...
Captain Insano!!!

Heresy to say the least.

Running out of ammo should not be an option. Just remember bad things happen to unprepared folks. It is typically when you let your guard down or run completely out of ammo that SHFT.

So let this be a lesson to you. Use the internet. Go to Wally world. Go to the local gunrange and pay extra. But never run out of ammo.

Or at the very least - buy a tactical baton.
For my handguns I keep a minimum of 100 rounds for each caliber, couple hundred shotshells for my 12ga.

For my hunting weapons I keep 100 rounds for each caliber.

For my AR and Mini 14 I keep 2000 rounds of 5.56

And ALL my weapons are loaded, Like Capt. Charlie I have weapons at various locations within my home, my Son and Daughter have trigger time on all weapons, and we have developed some home defense strategy.
Is this paranoid?

No. That feeling started after my first week of gun owning. I would describe it a ''naked feeling''. I also feel very ''naked'' without any ready HD gun in my
It's time to go!

RoSAR1 said:
If someone wants to kill you in your home, chances are there's little or nothing you can do about it unless you have an alarm with a sensor on every window and door that's set at the time they try to come inside. I say this because unless you have a loaded gun taped to your hand 24 hours a day there's no way to be prepared for a sudden attack.
All of us are very prepared, but chances are in the summer time a person could come in through an open window and shoot you dead with little or no time to react if they really wanted to. Hell, if someone really wants you dead they could just hide outside your house and shoot you as soon as you come out, there's no way to prevent attacks like this. We can only prepare for situations that will give us time to react, such as an alarm going off, hearing a window break or door break etc...
Wow, why even bother owning a firearm then? If someone wants to kill you that bad I've got three suggestions:

1) You should kill them first.
2) You should be in the witness protection program.
3) You should just run away and leave the country.

Worrying about getting ambushed as you leave your house? Now that's paranoid! :eek:
I think Hemicuda has it right. Rotate your stock...maintain your "stock". Buy new as you shoot the older ammo. Every so often purchase a you can have an increase. It'll bring a smile to your face when you look at all those rows of boxed ammo. :D
I agree with range. If someone wants to kill you in your home, chances are there's little or nothing you can do about it unless you have an alarm with a sensor on every window and door that's set at the time they try to come inside. I say this because unless you have a loaded gun taped to your hand 24 hours a day there's no way to be prepared for a sudden attack.

Not really. All you need is a decent security door and block glass or polycarbonate windows. Not expensive stuff really and no one will be getting in your house without a bit of warning to you. A good fence and a dog will put you even further ahead in the game, as would an attached garage.
Quack-Quauk, ammos cheap and there are those who think that your life is cheap...they will shoot you for the jacket or shoes your are wearing....IMHO