Sir, the hammer on that gun is cocked...

I may live in Virginia, but I was born in Knoxville. I even worked at WestTown Mall, in fact. Gee, you guys are making me even more homesick! When I lived there, you just drove out NorthShore Road 'til you found a deserted quarry to shoot in. I guess that's out of the question now...


Bearden Class of '75
Remember: You don't want the P-12.45 anymore... You'd rather have my G33... You're getting sleeepy, sooo sleeeepy. ;)
Quiet, Taminator! I'm still trying to arrange a meeting between Lend and my lovely, beautiful two-tone 226. She's just perfect for him. I need to catch him while he's still in acquisition mode.
Mr. Cooper used to say that the double action semiautomatic was the answer to a question the didn't need to be asked. As with most things involving handguns and self defense, his words are worth considering.
One of the advantages of the Glock, and I think a reason it has gained such acceptance with American Law Enforcement, is that it has one trigger pull. Single action autos have one trigger pull. Traditional double action autos have two trigger pulls to learn, not to mention the transition between.
To those new to handgun shooting (and to far to many police bureaucrats) the idea of a heavy pull for the first shot and lighter pull for subsequent shots seems appealing. My law enforcement experience bares out that here we have another case of people making decisions who don't know what the (expletive deleted) they are doing.
I have to agree with Mr. Lendringser. Once you get used to a 1911, its hard to go to anything else. I bought a Beretta after my 1911 and it took me over a 1000 rounds to get used to that double action.
Oh, I misunderstood the title. I have had three people, who should have known better, utter those exact same words to me since I began to carry a 1911 on a regular basis.

Uninformed observer: "Uh, did you know your gun is cocked?"

Me: "Yeah. What did you think of last night's Red Wings game?"

UO: "Is it supposed to be that way?"

Me: "What? Yzerman scoring the game winning goal? You bet your ass it's supposed to be that way!"

UO: "No, I mean your gun. Is it supposed to be cocked?"

Me:"Yeah, it won't go bang if it ain't cocked. So did you watch the game or not?" Etc....

Anybody else ever run into this? I have carried Glocks or Sigs for years and stayed away from the 1911 because I didn't like the idea of cocked and locked carry. Of course once I actually bought one and began to train with it I changed my mind. Nowadays, if I can get away with carrying a full size gun it is ALWAYS the Kimber 1911. It's just right.
Nomenclature re: Firearms feed devices and other minutiae.


Thank you for setting us straight. ;)
