Sir, the hammer on that gun is cocked...

Marko Kloos

Last weekend, I traded a friend my *&* Mod.411 for a Para-Ordnance P12.45 in a straight trade. It looks nice, shoots like a champ and seems to be feed-reliable with both ball and HP loads. I've started carrying it cocked-and-locked in the Askins Avenger it came in, or my roomie's Galco SOB. (The PO used to be her gun, so now she's hounding me to trade it back to her.)

As I am pondering my inevitable next purchase, I can't help but notice that all the pistols in my collection are now either single action autoloaders that can be carried cocked and locked, or safe-action/striker-fired guns. Is this some kind of evolution one goes through? I started out with double-action large-frame autos, and I've owned DA guns almost exclusively until I got my first 1911. Once familiar and comfortable with cocked-and-locked carry, I've really grown fond of SA carry since then. My next purchase will be a long overdue one: I'm buying a very nice Browning HP this weekend. Maybe that John Moses Browning guy was onto something here....
It's Guncraft time in TN!

Lend, ol' buddy, you've got the worst case of guntradeitis that I've ever heard of, let alone seen.
and how is ole Guncraft? I lived in Knoxville 10 years ago and Guncraft was my first "real" range. I was (was?) such a newbie back then, they got a whole lotta my money and I don't think I have a single firearm still in my possession purchased from them, I still use the range bag I bought there though.
Guncraft is still there (obviously) and doing all right. Weist died last year but his son is carrying on. As for buying from there, I get small things (i.e. cleaning supplies). I can't afford the prices they charge. I like doing business with locals, but not when there is a $100-$150 markup on some things.
"Gun" . . . *!&#%*

Please, it's not a "gun". A pistol, a revolver, an autoloader, a wheelgun, a semiautomatic, a rife, and so forth are all fine, but not a "gun" (unless you really are referring to a smooth bore). When I first entered the military 30+ years ago, I quickly observed the penalty for referring to any firearm as a "gun". I hope further elaboration will not be required. :) :)
Couldn't stand the wait... I went out and picked up my new Hi-Power today.


It's mighty purdy.

Oh, and as far as the usage of the word "gun" is concerned: Forgive me for not having fully mastered my second language yet. I am still learning. :)
lendringser: It sounds like you and I have the same taste in guns. I never went through the evolution you did though. When I first became interested in shooting, and finally when I was old enough to do anything about it, double action autos were not "the thing". (God, I am getting old, I just had my 39th birthday and am getting really paranoid about my age). So I started out with single actions. All my serious guns are single actions. However, now that the in thing is double action autos, I bought a few, and a Glock to see how I liked them. I have a lot of fun with them and after shooting them quite a bit I have now decided that my serious guns are now going to be single actions.
Nice Hi-Power. I have three.
Wouldn't you...

...really rather have my G33 than that clunky ParaOrd?

(Gotta keep the pressure on... ;))
Sory to hear that Mr. Weist passed away.

The old Guncraft store in OR was my first real gun store. Buzz may remember the other one next to WestTown mall back in the '70's. Guncraft and the one in Jackson Square were favorite hangouts until I left in '77.

Anybody ever get Tam over to Big Ed's pizza?

I wanna play too...

Are there any clubs, IDPA etc. running out of Knoxville? I am only about an hour north in Williamsburg, KY and would love to shoot with some TFL people. Well thinking of it I don't yet have the necessary equipment for IDPA or such but I love casual shooting. If you all ever decide to get together let me know!

Some day I will own a high-power!
Use of the word "gun"

The use of the word gun is proper in designating an artillery piece which has a certain ratio between the barrel length and the caliber, but I dont remember the specifics. The mortar has the smallest ratio and the rifle the largest. A howitzer and a gun are somewhere in between.

The use of the word gun is sort of like calling an engine a motor. A lot of folks do both.
GC next to West Town? I only remember it being in a strip mall just down from Jackson Square. But, I remember it well. That was the first time I ever saw an Uzi. I was probably 7-8. Talk about a wonderful experience.
RWK: 1. You're absolutely correct. 2. Fuhgeddaboutit! There are some battles you'll always lose. :)

At least most folks here don't use "clip" and "magazine" as being the same thing. :D

Same place you can get armor-piercing Black Shredder Uranium bullets for your 45mm semi-automatic assault handgun, all without background checks.

At the gun show, of course. :)
Good choice on the Browning HP! If you ever decide to customize it, shoot me an email.

I went through the same evolution as you. My first handgun was a Beretta. Shortly after that, I went through the Glock phase. Then the Sig phase until I fired my first 1911. I was hooked on that design ever since.
I was just thinking about that same transition last night. I started with DA/SA and stayed with it for years, only shooting occasionally. In the last few years, I've gone from DA/SA to Glocks & single-action. The only weapon I carry with a long trigger pull is a Kahr, and that really is in the same vein as a Glock. My next purchase? HK P7.

I believe that as one's gunhandling skills improve and confidence is gained, there is a natural progression towards weapons that are able to provide the best possibility of first round hits yet remain perfectly safe in competent hands.
Buzz, there used to be a decent gunstore next to West Town Mall - Brunners? - in the late 70's. My first handgun was bought there. Once we moved close to OR, I stopped in Gun Craft on a weekly basis. Got my second handgun there, Security Six, which I still have.

I started with a 1911 and have never been without one. I do agree that once your educated as to the ins and outs of handgunning, the SA guns are simply ahead of the pack. I do have revolvers and DA HGs, but they are for certain roles. My everything guns are 1911s.

The interesting thing to me is how well novice shooters shoot SA guns. Once you explain that the hammer does not drop unless you pull the trigger, the safe carrying and handling become less of an issue.


Farragut High, class of '77
If we're talking about guns

Lets also talk about clips. Very few pistols use "clips". Half moon,full moon etc are one kind but are only used in revolvers. The other kind are usually Broomhandle Mausers that use a stripper clip.

A clip is a part of a magazine or feeding device, usually built into the firearm that either holds the rounds for insertation and is discarded (stripper clip) or is used in conjunction with the firearms feeding device (en bloc, like a Garand, Sweedish Mauser or Carcano)and is ejected after the last round.

A magazine is used on every repeating firearm. Most repeating pistols have a removable magazine that is reloaded outside of the firearm. Its called a magazine and its a complete mechanism for feeding the rounds into the chamber under the assist of the slide.

OK, so I'm a little technical here. A while back, someone in the office asked I had illegal clips for my AR15. I responded that the only "clips" I had for my AR were 10 rounders.