Since my father told me about my grandfather and great grand father hashing this out after Sunday dinner back in the 1920s, I figure it's been talked to death.
I would propose the following improvements, IT WILL SAVE THE CHILDREN(TM) :barf:
President two terms, four years popular election.
Senator one term, six years, appointment by the states, (Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear) Senator sworn " protect the consititution and the rights of states and citizens against all enemies foreign and domestic." Two senators per state.
Congress, one term three years, total members of the House 999. Minimum 5 congresspersons per state, rest of total (749) apportioned by population.
No person shall be eligible to hold public office unless they have been out of public office, to enclude employment by a government agency or any private or public organization, corporation or entity receiving money from the Federal Govenment, for at least twice the time spent in the previous office.
Lawyers are recognized as having a special relationship with the judicial branch of Government, therefore cannot hold public elective office outside the Judicial Branch. (Hey if the appearance of a picture of a book violates the non-existant "separation of church and state" then a lawyer in the legislature surly compromises the separation of powers.
Who is cutting his own throat here, I couldn't run for office until 2071, assuming I retired this year, then again, if Asimov was right, I may need the income suppliment.