Single handgun for HD, CC and Hunting...

I suppose it depends on what you're hunting, but generally hunting requires a larger caliber and longer barrel to be legal. So, I guess a Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44mag. Maybe?
10mm Auto or .41Mag Revolver would be the two finalists, probably a 1911 in 10mm. But I still live in America, so thankfully I don't have to.
Elmer Keith thought a 4" .44 Magnum was about right.
One gunzine writer who got acquainted said that the first time he visited Elmer at home, he was wearing a .44. He wasn't going anywhere, it was apparent that he put on his gun when he put on his pants.
Minimum hunting handgun in Ohio is 5inch barrel 357

So I guess I'd use my 6.5 inch Taurus Tracker .357
Get a scope mount and scope for it.. not my idea carry gun though that's for sure.
Hunting what? That matters more than CCW or repelling borders. Wouldn't ever be a handgun for repelling borders though.
"...With a good belt and suspenders..." Means you're insecure. Just like it does in business. snicker. A good belt is enough.
I would choose either my .357 GP100 or .45 Colt Redhawk depending...

I don't hunt but either of the above is fine for SD, concealed carry the GP100 MC could work.
Glock 20
-light/concealable-ish.... CCW check
-full size / light rail etc ...... Home Defense check
-10mm cartridege ...... Plenty bang for 2 or 4 legs (handgun wise) check
-Cheap to buy ....... who doesn't like a bargain check
-hell for stout reliable and durable ...... check
-YUGE aftermarket support ........ check
-it's a Glock so who cares if it gets dinged up or lost in the woods .....check

So other them ammo cost it's about perfect.
I used to carry a S&W 686+ 3" as a trail gun and also for home defense. Bit heavy for carry, but I did so quite a bit. I prefer pistols over revolvers, but I'd still probably go with that.

Runner up is Glock 20 (10mm)
Jframe. I can't carry anything bigger. Definitely not the best for hunting. There isn't really a one gun fits all kind of gun unless you can carry bigger guns.
Silly to include "hunting" as a category unless it's meant for rabbits,
raccoons, skunks, snakes and, eh, chipmunks. :)