Single .22 found outside puts Michigan high school in lockdown...

I am a father and I think they overreacted a bit
I would feel way more comfortable if teachers were allowed to carry.
Pretty soon people will be able to take hostages using just the cartridges to intimidate people. After it gets that bad, they will take hostages with spent casings.:D
I think they should make schools like maximum security prisons, barb wire all around, thick windows, guards and cameras all over. Kids coming in should be changed into pocketless jump suits after going thru the metal detectors. Constant observation and padded walls. Laptops so no sharp pencils or pens allowed. Also helmets in case they fall down. Then they would not need to lock down schools anymore.
You know what? I actually go to this school, and was affected by the lockdown, thank you VERY much.

2 days before that, they found a note written on a bathroom stall for a SHOOTING THREAT for the next days date.

They brought in police personnel, and most of the school wasn't even there.

The next day, they find a bullet outside......hmm...
The lockdown may have been overprotective, but I'm happy they did it. Two and two could have VERY easily come together.

It just makes me feel better that they did this....

Quite a number of times when the "other cheek is turned" ...shootings DO occur. "THEY SEEMED SUSPICOUS, BUT WE DIDN'T THINK THEY'D ACTUALLY DO IT" is usually a line ALWAYS said by a student on the news......hmm..

Panzies? I think not ;)

This might make you understand better.
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N8sd, bet you'll enjoy the next panic lockdown, when someone figures out that instead of skipping class, they can drop a shell outside and make the whole school run around like a headless chicken.

And then the next one, and the next one...
Umm...with all the was a little comforting? ...keep in mind, we live in a small town where NOTHING happens, so it was uncomfortable

and I didn't enjoy it. Bladder infections suck. Did you even watch the video linked? You'd realize that the day before that, there was a threat of a school shooting ;)

That's what most people don't realize.

PLAINWELL (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Police in Plainwell were searching a school for weapons Wednesday morning.

A threatening message was found at the school last Friday, saying "something is going to happen on 11-07-07 at the high school."

As a precaution, public safety officers were sweeping the school grounds before students arrived Wednesday.

The threat was found written on one of the girls bathroom stalls. In response, the school created an automated phone call for parents Tuesday, telling them about the message and how it's being handled.

The school doesn't know who wrote the message, but they're taking it very seriously.

All clear is the word from Plainwell High School. The Superintendent tells Newschannel 3 they sent out automated calls informing parents of the situation, but some of those calls may have missed their marks.

Bottom line: Nothing was found in Wednesday morning's security sweep.


And THEN the next day a bullet was found. The prin. even stated in a letter that he has found PLENTY of bullets beffore, but with the events of the previous day, it was better safe than sorry.

What is it with you people? You get pissed if a shooting happens and nothing was done and "all the signs were there" and then if a school does take precautions, we're panzies?

Then of course, I'm quoting a teacher on this exact issue on this forum...

I think it shows that we took a proactive step to protect our students even though we suspect it is probably nothing to worry about. There's nothing wrong with taking the initiative to make sure students are safe. If they wish to call that weak and pathetic, so be it. Some people never get a clue.

I've learned a long time ago, that people who are so critical are often those who won't make a decision on their own, but can only dis decisions made by others in their place. In other words, they talk a long line of BS but when it comes to having a plan, they don't. They depend on others to make that decision for them.
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Thank you!

You know what? I actually go to this school, and was affected by the lockdown, thank you VERY much.

2 days before that, they found a note written on a bathroom stall for a SHOOTING THREAT for the next days date.

They brought in police personnel, and most of the school wasn't even there.

The next day, they find a bullet outside......hmm...
The lockdown may have been overprotective, but I'm happy they did it. Two and two could have VERY easily come together.

It just makes me feel better that they did this....

Quite a number of times when the "other cheek is turned" ...shootings DO occur. "THEY SEEMED SUSPICOUS, BUT WE DIDN'T THINK THEY'D ACTUALLY DO IT" is usually a line ALWAYS said by a student on the news......hmm..

Panzies? I think not

This might make you understand better.

Thank you N8sd! I sometimes forget that the media is really good at reporting only part of a truth in order to spin things. Although, by the article it is obvious that something happened earlier, it wasn't clear that there was an explicit threat. That certainly does change things. Consider me put in check!
I have to say that I was a little underwhelmed by the school's response, to tell you the truth.

They searched all the lockers, and then the school is declared "safe". Well, that'll only work if someone brought in a gun ad actually stashed it in their locker, instead of keeping it in their waistband or pocket during class.

What good did that "security measure" do, other than give everyone a false sense of security--and the administration a reason to say, "look, we did something"?

It's very much like our approach to airline security. You don't prevent terrorism by frisking little old ladies, and you don't prevent school shootings by frisking everyone's locker. Any kid with two brain cells to rub together will find a way to keep a gun from being found if they really intend to do something bad.

You have your choices, but don't think for a moment that you can be 100% safe in a free society. Hell, you can't even be 100% safe in a completely controlled society, otherwise our prisons would be the safest places on earth. They have full authority control, with guns and dogs and metal scanners, and no pesky civil rights to consider...and yet, prisons are among the most dangerous places in our country.
Marko Kloos, I have to completely agree. Otherwise, school shootings and other crimes wouldn't exist anymore.

False sense of security. Things like restraining orders, etcetera.

willson73, I'm glad I could clarify it for you :)