Single .22 found outside puts Michigan high school in lockdown...


When did Michigan become pansies, too? Is the Illinois influence leaking in?

All clear at Plainwell Highschool after lockdown
November 8, 2007 - 10:33AM
PLAINWELL (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – There was another scare at Plainwell High School, one day after the school closed for a security sweep.

Police found nothing Wednesday.

A 22 caliber bullet put Plainwell High School into temporary lockdown Thursday morning.

Police cars from the state, city and sheriff's department were outside the high school.

Inside classes were in temporary lockdown.

“An announcement came saying we had to stay in our first hour until they told us to leave,” said student Joan Giffels.

Before eight Thursday morning, the district says a parent found a 22 caliber bullet on the sidewalk. The bullet is no bigger than a quarter, but students in their first period classes didn't know what to think.

“They think someone's going to come in and randomly shoot or hurt someone,” said student Afton Rachut.

Their lessons continued but no one could leave any classrooms. Not until the state police brought in their dogs that are able to detect gunpowder.

Their search turned up nothing.

“We have searched every locker in the building and all the areas and we are perfectly safe and secure,” said Superintendent Susan Wakefield.

A few hours later the normal schedule resumed. It was a relief to students, experiencing their second security scare in as many days.

“We were all like thank the lord, o my god, it was so scary,” said one student.

The district sent a letter home Thursday with all high school students notifying their parents of what happened.

Several parents have told us in prior emergencies, they've never heard from the district.
Question: what exactly are the laws about having ammunition on your person on school property? Not guns, just ammo.
What's bad is I bet some DEE DEE DEE thought it'd be funny to do that after what happened in Finland the other day...IIRC he was using a .22LR.

The world of education is very paranoid and protective...a lot of you here may think that no guns does not equal protective but the "academics" think they are doing what's best for their children.

I can tell you firsthand the WORST nightmare of a school is a shooting, bomb, or some kind of hostage taking scenario.

Was it an overreaction? Probably. Would we think that if there was a geeky loser who got caught with a .22 pistol in his backpack and a stupid video on YouTube?

In this case I think paranoia might be the safest measure, it'll just be our responsibility to spread the word that guns aren't evil, the people are.
IIRC he was using a .22LR

And didn't he take out 8-9 people? No disrespect intended, but talk about shot placement...

Strangely, I'm ok with this lock down. Finding a bullet on a school sidewalk is cause enough for me to do what they did: have the kids stay in class while the drug dogs do some sniffing. They didn't send in a SWAT team and they didn't strip search the kids.

The bullet could've easily come from a kid who was packing that day and had extra rounds in his pocket. Could've gotten there a thousand different ways. Fact is we should play it safe when possible evidence like this comes up.
Everyone who is bitching about this now would have been bitching at the police if someone had ignored the cartridge, and a school shooting occurred.
I have no probem with it. My kids are in schools, and ANY thing that might be questionable is well worth long as they don't cry wolf too often to make a real threat be taken less seriously.

Police all over are/should be on extra alert for schools - not just for random violence, but for terrorist activity too.
I usually stay out of these things - but this is the first time I have seen this jump off the page at me:

"“We were all like thank the lord, o my god, it was so scary,” said one student."

I am all right for thanking the lord/allah/Jameson's/whatever diety you pray to - however it sickens me that the media and public have worked our children into such a tizzy about a single shell found on the sidewalk.

Excuse me while I go get my spare mag, topped off with Federal .45 from my cupholder in my vehicle.

Everyday we have to point out to our children how much of a load of crap this is, I understand safety, but these guys are like putting any soft edible vegitation in a blender and lickety split the gunfighting was headed off.

- T
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further more

I am in the Cleveland area and when the tech shooting went down it was amazing the people who were involved:

"yeah, i was in da baffroom and he was putting on black jeans and a black t-shirt"

But get this:
"and he was loading up bullets in his guns"

Reporter (ed) "what did you do"

"Whatcha think I do, I went and got a sammich".

There is a reasonable middle ground, a single 22 round on the public sidewalk throwing a school into lockdown doesn't (in my opinion) doesn't qualify as a happy medium.

- T
Wow, some reactions I didn't expect, people being okay with that.

In NH, a .22 on the sidewalk would pretty much mean that the kid was out shooting with a parent on the weekend, had a handful in their pocket, forgot one and it bounced out or fell out through a hole. .22 rounds are like pocket change.
Stinks to be the kid who dropped a dud .22 in his pocket while out shooting yesterday and dropped it on the sidewalk while digging around in his pocket for something... I bet he feels awful for causing all the commotion.
We've become a bit too paranoid. Society has evolved to the point where anything that even remotely resembles a 'threat' terrifys our kids becuase they've been so brainwashed.

"Don't play tag, someone might be hurt if they trip and fall."

"Don't draw pictures of guns, we have a zero tolerance."

"Suspend kids if they point their fingers at oneanother and say bang."

Watch out for our kids yes, but indoctrinate them to the point where they're afraid of almost anything - I don't think so. Surprised the National Guard wasn't mobilized...
This once again provides information which I will use in the future to screen schools for my kids to attend. I will have zero tolerance for zero tolerance.
I had a friend who got suspended from school for having shotgun shells in his car/truck.
He normally has a shotgun too, but didn't have it that way.

The school is for a smaller city, less than 30,000, he's on the school trap shooting team and he hunts pretty much everything we have here.

I can see MAYBE if this was a school in some place like the middle of Chicago or Washington D.C. or something, but not a rural town in western Wisconsin.
The liberal influence of the Madison crowd has ruined what was once a very gun friendly state. Having been born and raised in a small Wisconsin town the incident cited by CmpsdNoMore saddens me greatly.
I had a friend who got suspended from school for having shotgun shells in his car/truck.
He normally has a shotgun too, but didn't have it that way.

The school is for a smaller city, less than 30,000, he's on the school trap shooting team and he hunts pretty much everything we have here.

I can see MAYBE if this was a school in some place like the middle of Chicago or Washington D.C. or something, but not a rural town in western Wisconsin.

Pearl, MS (and even Jackson, which it's near) aren't exactly Chicago or DC either. And the shooter there would probably have fit in pretty decently in any rural town that size. Lastly, that shooting was done with a rifle, not a pistol.

Though I'd agree that shells probably shouldn't be worthy of expulsion...but an actual shotgun? Crazy things happen in Podunk, too...if it's reasonable to ban them in a city, it's probably reasonable to do it there too.

I can tell you firsthand the WORST nightmare of a school is a shooting, bomb, or some kind of hostage taking scenario.

No, the worst nightmare is such a thing happening and anybody being able to show that the school had any form of warning (even only in hindsight) before it happened and did nothing.

Because even if they don't end up in "real" court, you can bet the court of public opinion will have a field day.

Was it an overreaction? Probably. Would we think that if there was a geeky loser who got caught with a .22 pistol in his backpack and a stupid video on YouTube?

That's the thing. I can see wanting to be caution when people have actually entrusted you with the safety of their kids. Sure, 99 times out of 100 something like this is nothing...but do you want to be caught the 1 out of 100?

On the other hand, I'd agree that this just furthers the fear of guns that is taking over our culture.

I don't know what to think. I'll flip a coin.....

Abraham Lincoln says this was an overreaction, but a somewhat understandable one.
I doubt that this would have casused much of a stir if it weren't for what happened the previous day.

Last week some threatening scribbles were found on the partition in one of the girls restrooms. Apparently some semi-specific threats and and the date of Nov. 7. The local and state police and the bomb dogs were out greeting everyone at school that morning, after they had swept the school. Parents had all been notified the night before.

Because of that, I'm sure, there was a heightened sense of concern when someone found the shell.
I guess that would have been a bad day for me to walk by there within a 22 stuck in the tread of my shoe.

I read today they locked down all the schools in Broward yesterday when that inmate shot the deputy. Seems like an overreaction to me.
Think about it from the student's point of view. If you like your 1st period teacher, and hate your 2nd, 3rd and 4th period teachers (or if you have a test in one of those classes), dropping a .22 on your way in keeps you in 1st period for 3 hours.