Simple GPS for starters?

Do the boy scouts teach land nav with a compass anymore? I don't think the military does.

I was going to suggest mine, but it seems it hasn't been produced for near a decade.
I wouldn't trust the life of a tick with them.
Wasn't long ago and folks were saying that about the GPS system while they were trying to use the LORAN-C system...;)

JohnWilliamson, As of 6-7 years ago, BSA taught map reading and trail blazing skills... The concept was called "Orienteering"...

Kind of a lost art even in the scouting circle and the boys usually only learned of it at the larger weekend campouts...

Everybody will have their own preferences.My brother has the high ech Garmin Rhino,its nice,gps /radio that keeps track of your buddy.

I have done ok wth a cheap Garmin Cricket.

Have you ever been watching satellite TV when a storm came in and you lost signal?.The same thing will happen with a GPS and that is interesting when a white out snow squall hits you November at 8000 ft plus.Got the Tee Shirt!

On the margins of a standard USGS 1:24,000 topo,are little black tic marks.Those represent tje 1 kilometer squares of the military grid reference system.I take a straight edhge and draw that grid on my map.

I also put in a few declination ref lines,about 14 deg east in Colorado.

I set up my GPS to give me MGRS(military grid reference system) instead of lat/long

I navigate with my map and compass.If I get uncertain,I can verify my position with an 8 digit grid coordinate.The I go back to map and compass.

Now,one situation the GPS is king,fishing lakes in Canada,with all the fingers and coves and islands and trees,and they all look the same.
The Garmin E-trex 30 or the Dakota are two very simple excellent gps units. I would also go to a retailer or online and get a card called

This chip gives all landowner info as well as hunting game units, etc. I know they are available for Montana, Wyoming. They are located in Missoula, MT. The chip overides the 100K scale on the gps and converts to 24K.

Garmin has the best customer service of all the manufacturers.
I use my phone... access to google maps is a God send when hunting.. easy tocfind closest
Lake when hunting new place.. among other stuff

They show government land ownership only, not private ownership, nor hunt unit boundaries.

In states like MT, this is very important. Many hunt units have different regs. EX...339 You have to draw a permit for a brow tine bull. Right across a creek or pass or road, you are in 343 which is brow time bull only.
GPS vs Map & Compass

A GPS is a nice piece of gear but you should also be proficient with a 1:24,000 topographic map and compass. I carry a military lensatic compass with Tritium illumination and a topographic map for where I am going to be. Having the map laid out ahead of time allows for a map recon of the area in which you will be operating. There are great military manuals available that cover map and compass work. The best part of a map and compass is there are no batteries to replace or signal disruptions. I also get my maps laminated which makes them water proof and a good overhead shield from the unexpected rain storm. Contact me and I'll give you more info on where I get my gear.
GPS vs Map & Compass

The military grade lensatic compass uses Tritium for illumination. Tritium is a controlled radioactive materiel but available to the public when used in several different applications. It will provide illumination to the face of the compass in total darkness. Proficiency with the map and compass takes instruction and practice.