Simonich's Gunner Grips

Here are some photos of the Gunner Grips that I received today. I mounted them onto my Tibbets 1911.

Ross T.


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Here's a closer look.

Ross T.

P.S. I'll get a photo of the otherside in later on today.


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    gunner grips simonich2.jpg
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Prodigal, I have a hard time with word descriptions but I will try. The grips are much coarser than conventional checkering. But the points that give you the grip are much farther apart. Actually the points are little squares. I would describe them as not as harsh as those really gross grit finished grips, or sharp checkered wooden grips. Also they dont snag clothing like the afore mentioned grips. In the literature I am making up for the grips will tell you if you find them too harsh take some 220-320 grip sandpaper, or your wifes toenail polishing stick and sand the grips till they are comfortable to your hands. Then re oil with wd-40 or similar light oil to restore the color. I dont find the grips to be harsh after 100 rounds of hardball, but then I work with my hands all day and they are fairly toughened. Here is a closeup.

Thanks for looking!
Is the "feel" like checkering or less abrasive than that?

I've been doing some drawing with it. I've got grips with checkering and don't find the checkering abrasive. Nor do I find these abrasive. But then again the feeling of if it's abrasive is subjective. I love 30lpi frontstrap but have read where some people can't handle it and taken sandpaper to it.

Like Mr. Simonich has written in his post they aren't points that come up but more like squares. And with the skin coming in and forming around the dimples i feel works something like traction. With checkering being like diamond points some may find them abrasive, but they grab. With the gunner grips you'll get grab but the high points aren't as sharp and your skin has a little more surface area to hold onto in the dimples.

Again I can't tell you if they won't be as abrasive to you as checkering on wood grips b/c checkered wood grips don't bother me at all but I can say that these grips will grab and from the last photo of Rob's you'll see that the high points aren't as pointy as checkering. You may find these as a great alternative if you find checkering not to your liking. Heck! I like checkering and like the way these feel.

Ross T.