Silenced Shotty


New member
I know that video games are a bad source for realism, but there are a couple out now that are supposed to be realistic and have silenced shotguns.

There is some info on the net about it also. It seems like a slug would be pretty quiet with a silencer since it is subsonic.

Any body around here have any experience with this?
The only information I've found is from a European company. Other than that it looks like you would have to build one yourself with the approval on a $200 Form (I can't remember which one) from the BATFE.
Should be a form 1 for a idea on how to make it work with a shotgun though... I recall a previous thread discussing this... You'd have to go digging for it though
The big issue will be effectiveness. You have that huge center hole, so a lot of your gases will go just straight instead of entering whatever you use to suppress the sound.
To make a shotgun suppressor as effective as the MW2 or No Country For Old Men one, it would have to be much larger in real life than those fictional ones.
I never tried it but I have read that suppressors (silencers) have been tried on shotguns and failed due to the suppressor trapping small shot and bits of wadding. Maybe if something like a copper shot cup were tried, it might work.

I've fired a "Hushpower" single-shot based on an Italian break-open shotgun, and it was surprisingly effective, but had a very unusual report to it; the outer aluminium body of the suppressor would ring slightly with each shot, so you would get a "thwop-nnnng" sound with each shot. They built these very simply, with a rear diaphragm welded onto the barrel, the rest of the barrel ported with 4 rows of holes, and the rest of the suppressor threaded onto the barrel from the front. It tended to get dirty, but it was easy to clean, and the wad did a fairly good job of directing the gas into the suppressor.
Here is a reflex design. I read somewhere that it suppressed less than 20 decibels. It should work with slugs and shot though.


Hushpower in England makes them with the usual baffles instead of a perforated tube afaik. The baffles just have a large bore to keep from catching the shot cup.

Well Grandpa, it doesn't seem like you have to try very hard to be one, and I don't mean smart!

By the by, your use of the "^" to disguise your language is clearly a forum breach.
ahem... Back to the topic. That vid is pretty cool. And fairly effective it sounds like. Wonder if they tried it with larger gauges?

Pizzakilla- You are right. I forgot a step when I did the math. The speed of sound is 1125fps at sea lvl. Most slug rounds are higher than that, but a lot of shot rounds are really close or under that. I wonder if anyone who loads their own shells has loaded subsonic shells on purpose and how much difference it would make?

This fist listing or 00 buck would be subsonic if it shot at exactly that MV.
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Quote"i dont care if you call it a shotty or shotgun im not going to be a^^ hole just so i can sound smart.Anyways there is a suppressor builder who made one for a 410 mossberg 500 "

Please see the Rules of Conduct, number 4, it spells out the use of the english language and slang terms.
It was a joke. It was humor. It was worth a smirk and nothing more. It was a comment that was easily ignored. You however, felt the need to respond to a little levity with name calling. Why? Are you twelve? Your comment was aggressive, abusive and completely unwarranted.

Frankly, I don't see the point of being a jerk about a silly joke.