Sign Says No Firearms

In my area, Southern California, the signs to be taken seriously are of two parts: The restriction, prohibition, or what ever it's called is in large print. Then in small print, typically at the bottom of the sign the there's a reference to the law, code or regulation that provides the authority for the restriction/prohibition and, sometimes, the maximum penalty for violation. Often a contact number for local LE is included.
How does this compare with the signs in your area?
One of the few things I like about CCW in Massachusetts is that we don't have a huge list of restricted areas we carry. We can even open carry throughout most of the state. Though trying that in town might get one is some hot water. Basically the only restricted areas are schools, public transportation centers, government buildings and posted public lands. There are no restrictions on places that sell alcohol etc. Even if a business does post a "no firearms" sign there is no obligation to follow it. All they can do is tell you to leave. Of course there are very few people in the state that do CCW, mostly because there are few gun owners here.
i have not seen any of these signs yet, in 8 years. i am kind of in gun country anyway. aside from the obvious post office etc which i know i need to heed. then you got churches, alcohol establishments, school zones etc. from what i read in the paper...we actually have a local officer in trouble for firing twice in a school zone.

was told walmart was gun free, but i cant find a sign. until i know....i dont believe the signs have any legal merit unless there is law backing it up, but i will avoid carrying in those places if i ever see one because i understand any municipality might have the right to make its own laws. my gut feeling is that its no more than a "no shirt no shoes no service" sign and the only trouble would be not leaving if asked. and even a bit less of a restiction, since you couldnt actually see a patron with a gun unless they were letting it show.

but like i said, i cant find mention of it in virginia law.