"Sightless in Philly" course announcement

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The Army taught ONE technique with bbguns, and that was QK, again, you have been had.

Call it QK if you like, we called it 'shooting a quarter in the air with a bb gun'. LOL

It was supposed to build confidence in our abilities, but once we were there we made lotsa jokes about the 'bb gun trick'.

It is a trick and it is a joke....and we both know it.

...and btw, if you've ever been bird hunting, rabbit hunting or trap shooting....you know what leading the target means. lol
You are a poser. And you have been had.

You were not shown how to hit anything out of the air with a bbgun in the Army. They taught ONE skill with the bbguns, and it WAS QK. You would have known that as thats what they were calling it [ in fact the Army names the rifle technique mcDaniel gave them QK ].

It was a skill imparted to soldiers for a very specific reason. It was effective at hitting quickly, and hitting moving targets. You know nothing, and that is so apparent to anyone who even reads your posts let alone really was trained in the skills while in the service back then.

You were not shown leading thrown targets, and you were not shown how to hit quarters in the military. I have the actual program from the army, and the skills were NEVER given through shooting quarters.

The poser has been exposed, and you are the poser. It was only a matter of time before you dug yourself a hole, people like you always do eventually when left to their own demise.

Go pose elsewhere, you are a non issue where information about QK is concerned.
You were not shown how to hit anything out of the air with a bbgun in the Army. They taught ONE skill with the bbguns, and it WAS QK.
Everything I posted is true. Never was the bb gun trick called Quick Kill or QK. Never.

It was a skill imparted to soldiers for a very specific reason. It was effective at hitting quickly, and hitting moving targets.

That is utter rubbish. If you knew anything about combat you would surely know that the bb gun trick means absolutely nothing towards survival.

...and people actually pay you? :D
Everything I posted is true. Never was the bb gun trick called Quick Kill or QK. Never.

Wrong again. The bbgun was used specifically and exclusively in the QK program by the US Army. You have been had again and again on this subject.

That is utter rubbish. If you knew anything about combat you would surely know that the bb gun trick means absolutely nothing towards survival.

If you really knew ANYTHING about the bbgun being used and why it was used, you would not be posting these types of responses. You are a poser of the highest order. Now everyone knows it.

The Army adopted the skills McDaniel imparted to them for a reason, and you can rest assured the Army did not spend money or time on "tricks" that were not going to give the soldier skills to survive.

Had again, hell skyguy, you don't have a clue about what you are talking about or the history behind the QK program, and the more you post the poser nonsense, the more evident it is to everyone watching that that is exactly what you are, a POSER of the highest order who doesn't know diddly about QK or how it is even performed.

The "leading targets" comment was priceless at exposing your lack of knowledge or training you say you have on the subject. Then the statement the Army used quarters to train the troops really is the icing on the cake of your posership.
The bbgun was used specifically and exclusively in the QK program by the US Army. You have been had again and again on this subject.


I was in the Army 'AIRBORNE'...the 173rd, aka The Herd...The Sky Soldiers. That's a few steps up from regular Army training.
We were trained by experienced soldiers who knew what real fighting was all about. After over a year and a half in nam in operation Junction City and operation Macarthur and war zones C and D, I know what it's about. And it ain't fast draw against paper and a timer or shooting a bb gun.

Your expertise is in shooting tricks and reading books and old army manuals.
Yet, you charge to train people to fight. Wassup wit dat? :)

Anyway Brownie, best of luck with your 'Sightless in Philly' course.
....and hey, pick up a Lasergrip. Get one and you'll never look back. :D
We were trained by experienced soldiers who knew what real fighting was all about.

No more so than any jarhead was then or now. Your statement doesn't change the fact you have shown a total lack of knowledge in this subject.

Your expertise is in shooting tricks and reading books and old army manuals.

You know nothing of my expertise. That must be your arse talking again, cause you mouth knows better.

Teaching skills that can be used to stay alive is not teaching someone to fight [ that would be tactics ]. Again you show your lack in comprehending just what it is we do train people in.

If you were not just posturing and posing here, and were who you want people to believe you are, you'd know the difference. Had again skyguy.
Anybody else notice a pattern to these PS threads

Must be the company they keep

QKR.....spelling it arse doesn't make it civil:rolleyes:

Skyguy chose to come into this announcement and stick his nose into it with nothing but negativity and untruths in an attempt to not only discredit myself but the QK system.

He has continually attempted to interject his BS [ is that " BS" allowed and civil enough for you?:rolleyes: ]?

His interjections here and elsewhere are rife with misinformation and untruths about his background and training. In other other words, he doesn't know sh%t from shinola about the subject [ is that also uncivil enough for you?:rolleyes: ].

He has been exposed here as a poser, and the posing has been nothing but an attempt to bang on me and the QK system while working his little CT laser adds into the mix at every opportunity.

The pattern you mention stems from skyguy and his ilk sticking their face into a thread where it doesn't belong and posting about things they know nothing about. Ya, I notice a pattern as well. The BS didn't come from this side, it was an announcement of a training venue. The poser started the pattern here. So who's the arsehole here? Who started with the BS? [ Hint: it was not in the original thread I started ]. We on the same page now? Anything else you'd like to add?

I don't see the need to be civil when the posers want to interject their BS and highjack the thread.

Any other comments about civility, direct them to the poser skyguy. In the meantime, expect this jarhead to pull out the Marine bat whenever someone wants to start in with their BS. Skyguy has an alligator mouth and a hummingbird arse [ oops, there is that word again :rolleyes: ]

The courses are on schedule. Philly is coming up, LE's from Ca. are coming into the area in two weeks, a gig with the prosecutors office in NM is next, more military training is scheduled this fall, and there's a trip to Europe coming up before the end of the summer to train LE there. Course are being scheduled in Colo and Las Vegas as well.

I wasn't really talking to you...other than a little nudge regarding civility

You are obviously part of the problem rather than the solution and I was wasting my time ...since I don't really care if you get banned.

Mostly I am just tired of these threads going so predictably downhill

Unfortunately I got sucked in by the title...not realizing it was more PS-BS
Exactly my thoughts Obi-

I made an announcement of a scheduled event. Unless questions needed answering regarding specifics to that announcement, I don't see the need for anyone like the poser in question to stick their uneducated nose into the thread unless they are looking for a fight.

If that is what they want, I can accomodate quite nicely. If you tire of these threads going downhill, why don't you have a conversation with the institgator/poser skyguy here.

The thread was not part of any problem, it was an announcement. Your comment about more PS-BS is exactly the problem you yourself think is created by the "other" side.

Get a clue
Ya know guys, when I read your training tips, I'm impressed... truly. Individually, you come across as professionals; people that we can all learn from.

Collectively, however, you degrade yourselves down to petty bickering, that comes across to others as anything but professional. Both of you are truly an asset to this forum... until you butt heads.

This is the second thread I've closed because a worthwhile thread quickly lost its worth. Hopefully, there won't be a third, and there definitely won't be a fourth.

I strongly suggest you put your differences aside, or take them to PM or e-mail, so that readers can continue to view you as true professionals.
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