SIG vs Glock

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New member
I went to local store to buy Glock 30, but saw there SIG220 which just arrived. It looks and feels great. I like Glock also though.
How they compare regarding recoil and accuracy? Is 4 rds difference in capacity really important? I saw also ad about 10 rds mags for SIG 220 (Promag) on line - are they good?

Size of gun does not matter.

I would appreciate any advices and comments

Thank you all in advance

Question 1: If the P220 is heavier than the 30, you can expect less felt recoil. SIGs have the reputation of being one of the most accurate (if not the most accurate) out of the box pistols made. I don't own a Glock, but even the comments I see on this forum from Glock enthusiasts admit that the Glock's accuracy potential is "...good enough for self defense work..." which indicates an acceptable level of accuracy. That means it will probably group around 2.5 to 3 inches (maybe less) at 25 yards, certainly more than adequate for defensive work. This leads me to believe that the SIG is more accurate, but for self-defense purposes, that really is not a major issue of concern.

Question 2: It's only important if you require more than 8 rds (SIG P220 capacity w/one in chamber) to terminate hostilities, assuming you don't have a spare mag with you.

Question 3: My experience with the 3 SIGs I own has shown the following: P226s and P229s do OK with after market mags, but only with the MecGar brand. P220s (at least mine) don't work worth a damn with anything but SIG factory mags...

Advice: Buy the one you can shoot best and feels right in your hand. Go to a shop with an indoor range and rent both (if possible)...put about 50 rds through each and then make your decision...that way you'll be making the RIGHT decision.

Both are fine weapons...either one will serve you well if you work at mastering their potential.

Good luck and welcome to the firing line!
I Love my P220!
Accuracy is outstanding!
I haven't shot Glocks much, but I have shot my P220 against a "Target" Springfield 1911, and I shot both equally, whereas the owner of the Target pistol (much more experienced, and much better shot) only shot slightly better with his 1911.
My dad & a friend were so impressed with it, they bought there own, and another friend will be buying one soon.

I Highly recommend the Sig to anyone, sorry I can't comment more on the Glocks (though I'd like to have a few someday).
IMHO a G30 is probably more comparable to a P245 (both compacts in their respective lines) than a P220. However, FWIW, I have a P220 and a G30 and would say that the SIG is more accurate but the Glock is easier to shoot.

I guess "easier to shoot" is a personal matter. For one thing, I myself find that the consistent, moderate trigger pull of the Glock allows me to get on target quicker than the DA/SA of the SIG. But maybe the choice comes down to what the pistol will be used for. For example, I'd tend to pick a Glock for personal or home defense.

The difference in magazine capacities would not affect my choice. The five or six rounds of a revolver used to be considered adequate, although standards of firepower have admittedly changed.

I'd stick with factory mags. (Of course, many factory mags these days are made by Mec-Gar.)

In sum, choosing between a G30 and a P220 is really a no-lose situation.

I hope this helps some.
As the proud father of 2 P220s (4 & 9 years old), I must sing thier praise also. They are very accurate and eat anything I feed them. I also agree with the advise to stick with SIG factory magazines. I have had very poor luck with after market magazines. The worst I ever had was one of the 10 rounders. I rarely got through all ten shots without a jam.

I would take the Glock because it offers everything that I'm looking for right now. I want a consistant, LIGHT trigger pull. I already have a Ruger P-95, but I'm not sure how steady I would be during that crucial FIRST SHOT. So i want something duifferent.

You should get what YOU prefer.

I have never shot a P220, but I do have a P245 which is just a compact 220. It is very accurate, reliable, and easy to operate- the DA/SA trigger pull doesn't bother me. SIGs are very solid guns.

OTOH, I don't own a Glock but I have handled one. I don't like the way they shoot, and the mag didn't want to accept it's full capacity.

My own opinion would be "go with the SIG" but you need to decide which one YOU are comfortable with...and buy it.

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
SIG P220 - a litle practice and the 'first double action' shot shouldn't be a problem - and the pistol is accurate
My four year old model came with a 'factory target' 1" group, 25 m, on the tip of the triangle/point of aim that I photocopied and use every now and then to measure up against the "Herr Jensen" that signed the gun out. A Swiss lying is an oxymoron, though I havent made it yet I'm sure the SIG can do it - would a Glock?

Peter Knight
Advantages of the Glock 30 vs SiG P220-(1)Smaller and easier to conceal (2)Polymer frame makes the gun lighter and soaks up some recoil(3)finish is more durable and corrosion resistant(4)Requires less matinance and lubrication than Sig(5)Lower bore axis produces less muzzle flip(6)Trigger is the same for every pull -no transition from double action to single action(7)Easier to get parts for in the after market(glockmeister,Glockworks,lonewolf,ect..(8)Higher magazine capacity 10+1 and the ability to accept Glock 21 13+1 mags(you can add a base to a Glock 21 mag and have a full size grip if desired(9)price is generally cheaper Advantages of the Sig P220 vs Glock30 (1)Better standard factory sights (2)It has a de-cocking lever that will safely lower the hammer on a loaded chamber(3)Sig has a conventional hammer so if you get a failure to fire you can just pull the trigger again(4)most sigs are generally more accurate than glocks(5)more pleasing to the eye than glock in style and you can replace the grips with aftermarket(rubber,wood,stag,ect..(6)single column magazine provides a more comfortable grip to hands and provides better trigger reach(7)fit and finish is excellent has a steel guide rod and music wire springs(7)a smooth conventional style trigger without a safety catch in the middle of it (8)Probably a better resale value than Glock I think these pistols are fairly equal in reliability ,you just have to decide what other features are important to you. G.R. :)

I own botha SIG220 and a Glock. Have owned three Glocks and have shot a 30 quite a bit.

Glock Raider has written an accurate summary.

Only caveat I would dare to add is that the Glock 30 is more of a concealed carry gun than the P220. I, repeat, I hide the 220 better, but not by much. (both with IWB holsters)

The Glock 30 I shot shoots very well. Better than needed practical accuracy.

Buy both and make your own decision. Everybody needs at least two handguns anyway. (for real)

BTW, the Meg-Gars I bought for the SIG worked OK. Bought five, four work well. One dud.


"Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it sounds like
they're snoring." -Harvey Danger, "Flagpole Sitta"
This is a toughie!

I've had both.

The SIG looks and feels better, but the Glock shot just as good/better. Less felt rcoil and flip. Dropping the Glock, getting it wet, dirty, etc wouldn't bother me like it would the SIG.

As a tool, go Glock. For shooting fun and pride of ownership, go SIG.

Get a second job, work some overtime, get both. :)

I haven't shot Glock yet,but I do have Sig P229 9mm. The gun is execellent. It is very accurate, reliable.....No safety though(only internal safety). The most charming point about Sig is the accuracy. I've had compared the accuracy with Bettera 92FS, Daewoo DP51, and S&W. The best one was the Sig in big time! I am planning to get a HK just because it is from Germany where the Sig made from. The Sig convinced me enough to buy any Gemany made gun. Also, it is like driving a BMW(the Sig) rather than a Toyota(the Glock). We all know Toyota(Glocks)is good, but Toyota never can be BMW(you know what I mean). Since the size of gun doesn't matter, it is obvious that you will not conceal the weapon often. Then GET BMW!!!!!!!!!!
The Sig P220 is the best OUT OF THE BOX NON HK pistol on the Market. And that includes Kimbers and Paras and all that... The Glock is a good pistol - but the Sig is just - well, FLAWLESS.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
The Sig 220 is the best out of the box (including HK!) pistol on the market. After my latest purchase of one several months ago both my custom 1911s went up for sale. The Glock 30 is also a fine pistol and the most accurate stock Glock out there IMO but the Sig is king!
Greetings; Anyone who knows me from the other
forums know that I would recommend the Sig
P220A to anyone, for any purpose. They are
extremely reliable; even in -0 weather
conditions. Look at all the major miitary's
that issue the 220. During the recent earth
quake in Turkey, I saw a Turkish police officer carrying a Sig 220, on CNN Headline

Ala Dan
Ala Dan,
That must have slipped through the sensors--I didn't think CNN showed guns on the news. But seriously, I have never been disappointed with my Sig.
I guess it depends on the desired use. I carry a glock 29 because it is comfortable to me. It is lighrweight, controlable, and light.

I shot my first Sig last night. I think it was a 220 it was a .40 caliber. The owner was shooting consistently to the right, and had a good spread up and down. he ashed me to shoot and see what I thought, I sent the target out to 25 yards, and put 3 rounds in the 10 ring touching. I am Impressed with the gun. but it was heavy.

10MM Magnum.... tried the rest, now I got the best
Mas Ayoob was getting cloverleafs with his 30 at 25 yds. The 30 has a reputation as being one of, if not the most accurate Glock. Walt Rauch was getting sub 3" groups @ 50yds. with a 20. These are probably atypical, but there seems to be nothing inherent in Glocks to prevent them from getting outstanding accuracy. The rep of SIG seems to be based on consistency.
When I went to instructors school out of 60 students about 20 had Sigs and 20 had Glocks. I had a Glock 19. All of the Sigs either broke, had mags problems or jams. Mine nor any other Glocks even had a jam. The Sig guys were even cleaning their guns during breaks. I never even oiled my Glock. 1000rnds later never skipped a beat. I have a 220 too. I just can't bet my life on a gun I can't trust a 100%
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