Thanks guys, If you are with me, you are relaxing and having a cold one. I think Rooster dropped his load and left..... He is not answering Emails and obviously hasn't tried to explain himself here.
Unintelligible attack deleted by Forum Administrator.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited February 13, 1999).]
Interesting, you are basically saying that I deserved reprimand because I made a joke that involved the NRA ?

First of all, He who can't laugh at himself certainly is being laughed at by others.

Secondly, If you had directed that post at ANY of our members you'd've been bounced immediatley.

Given that you have sorta apologized for your entirely innappropriate name calling (which btw, I don't think the NRA would've appreciated by way of defense... With friends like you...), I guess I will wait (not very long) for the impending edit of your above post.

Thanks again to everyone who bothered to show support. But, If anyone thinks my comments were innapropriate, besides Rooster, I'd like to know.

Unintelligible Post Deleted by Forum Administrator.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited February 13, 1999).]
I mean amending your post to remove the name calling. If you would like to explain your point or concern, that would be great.. especially since no one else seems to agree with you.

As far as the censorship, as a glorified moderator I would move to erase anything that represented a personal attack, especially an unwarranted one, on any member. I could very easily edit you post myself, as could any other moderator/administrator, so you need not imply that anyone is being heavy-handed.

Like I said, you are be given a long rope here, since you attacked me and not someone else. It is your decision what to do with the rope.
Thanks for explaining the censorship.
As for the rope thing, I think I"ll roll it up and put it with the other ones.
Whoa, there guys!
I only just happened on this thread. I apologize to all for not paying closer attention.

As always, you've been the perfect gentleman. Sorry for the abuse from others.

You're right. Censorship exists, here. It's defined by Forum policies, general netiquette, gentlemanly behavior and a collective desire for intelligent discourse.

All members...sorry for the intrusion. Please carry on.
Rich Lucibella

That was the ULTIMATE display of efficient cencorship!

Now back to business as usual, as long as everyone agrees. ;)

Rob, sorry for the late post. I was slaying
BG's in east Texas.

What did I miss here? Did someone forget to take their medication?

We here in Texas back you up 110%.

Well, at least 99.999%, o.k.?

So what we're saying here is, we don't like
the: ultimate, practical, tactical, packable sub-MOA, SEAL approved, submersible,reversible, cursable, manstopping, permanent crush wound,
knockdown power, stainless, painless, ergonomic, reagonomic, Sanow and Marshall subsonic, point shooting, sight shooting, fright shooting, 10 round only,LE only, magic ammo baloney, super, magnum, NRA'd, RKBA'd,government approved, spec-ops spec'd,
mil-spec'd, what did you for $20 expect,Facklerized, Cooperized, Ayoobized, advanced,restricted firearm, ammo or accessory advertising term that you just can't live without? Whew! I have some single malt scotch and a 6" cuban waiting for me. And you know how hard short cubans are to find!

Time to go....

[This message has been edited by DAVID (edited February 19, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by DAVID (edited February 22, 1999).]
God, man, that's ART!

Oh-oh. Wait a minute! You got Sanow and Marshal but missed Fackler!

Oh, no. "Equal time" has been violated! Here goes the whole darned argument-posing-as-a-discussion again.....

Thanks for the Back-up.. I may need it when I come down to Texas to hunt (at least three time this year...)

Have you Carlin's latest HBO special? He does a hilarious section on Advertising catch-phrases. GMTA.
