
New member
Along with the word TACTICAL that gets overused so much - is the word ULTIMATE... It seems EVERY gun coming out gets the label...
The Ultimate this or that... The Ultimate Tactical...
If I may suggest to the writers - most word processor programs have a special feature allowing them to look up other words that mean the same or similar... They should look for it. Then once found, they should use it.


Resistance is Futile

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited 02-12-99).]
Now, Kodiac, wouldn't you just love it if every gun-rag comeout with a cover that said:

HK: The Ultimate Tactical Firearms

Nah! Make it "definitive strategic weapon", followed by a picture of human brain!

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited February 13, 1999).]
Kodiak is right. A thesaurus yields numerous possibilities.

Incomparable expedience
Matchless suitability
Unparalleled aptness
Supreme advisability
Apropos to the utmost
Preeminent handiness

Oh, and how about the recent marriage of "practical" and "tactical"? I think that's a little redundant.
Cornered Rat; like the idea a lot!!

How about two brains, one bigger and smarter, labeled, and this is your brain on guns!! Walt
how about this:

One brain (this is your sheeple brain) with a thought bubble with all sorts of scary things like dark streets, hooded thugs, food lines, jack-booted gov't officials, etc..

And another (this is your brain with a gun) with a thought bubble with images art, music, family fun, and productivity.

(Gotta go, the NRA's advertising dept. is calling...)

Kodiac you have to say "Go dudego" your the ulimate.....just messin with ya, your right it bothers me to, but at least there still advertising. Lets just hope that it is able to keep hapning....rooster....
Unintelligible attack deleted by Forum Administrator.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited February 13, 1999).]
Hey rooster I sure hope that negativity that seems to be directed towards TFL member Rob is just a joke. Rob has on more than one occasion helped me out and is NOT a peice of ; ; ; ;. If I am wrongly butting into an A-B conversation please let me know. I sure hope no ill will is intented for I myself intend none.
I'm reminded of Duane Thomas of the Dallas
Cowboys. When asked how it felt to be playing in the "ulrimate" football game, he replied, "If the superbowl is the ultimate football game, how come they are going to have another one next year?" - Doc
Mort, actually practical and tactical is not redundant, when received with the meanings attached to those words meant to be portrayed. Tactical meaning LE duty and spec ops use, and practical meaning primarily, use in practical competitive shooting (IPSC, IDPA, etc.), not necessarily practical like "practical for LEs and civilians for defense", because of course many other pistols (IPSC raceguns, for example), are "practical" by definition because they're used in a so-called "practical" competition, but would not be found in any LE's duty holster. Long way to go for simple point, huh?

thanks, I await Roosters explanation.


I read the P/T the same way. The Practical refers to the competition, not the dictionary meaning of the word. That was Glock's Marketing intent as well.
Since we're discussing our illnesses in this thread, I'd like to share my disdain for "ergonomic". Ergonomic for what? Somebody with bear paws for hands or a kiddy? Gun Rag writers seem to think we all wear the same size glove, drink our coffee black and, if you read a lot of gun rags in the '70s, scoffed at shooting anything less than a full powered 44 mag. revolver with one hand.

Excuse me while I heave in the vomitorium.
Rooster, I really feel that you owe Rob a personal apology. He has helped numerous people on this forum and is always willing to go the extra mile. Read some of his post-replys before you attack him.
you comment was totally un-called for...

Justice for one,Justice for all.
Even though our views often diverge, I have found Rob to be a perfect gentleman. Rooster, I resent your ad hominem attack.
rooster, I'll stand with Rob as well. He has always treated me like a gentlemen, and helped me numerous times. You don't have a relative by the name of Trevor, do ya? ;)

Back to the original topic, while I agree with Kodiac ... is anyone else worried about this boy? First it was 'tactical', and now 'ultimate'! Does this mean you are approaching the end of Webster's, and therefore your torment? ;)

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 02-13-99).]
Yes, but I was speaking of the dictionary definitions of "practical" and "tactical". I see Glock's point, though. But what about Colt's Magnum Carry? Is the same rationale being used there? I don't know.

rooster: forethought, man. Rob is one of us.
Does anyone else see the irony in in this thread, considering the name of the software powering TFL? ;)...Eric

[This message has been edited by EricGT (edited 02-13-99).]