Sick of my danged AR-15!!!!

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George Hill

Staff Alumnus
After business meetings this morning (monday morning - I work graves so my scedual is all screwed up), I took my AR up into the mountains and let loose with some snarly bursts of .223 stress relief.
Well - after 1/2 a magazine - that stopped and new stress swelled my viens. #*$%^!@$*@#@!&%$#!!! Bushmaster kept jamming!
Jammed with every magazine.
Jammed up worse than I ever seen.
Jammed if I held it loose.
Jammed if I held it tight.
Jammed it if I held it just right.
It jammed up cold.
It jammed up hot.
It jammed untill I could fire it not.
I do not like AR 15s
I do not like M 16s
I do not like them here or there.
I do not like them anywhere!

Okay - I feel better now.
I have decided that I am dumping my last AR.
Being a forgiving and patient person - I have been tolerant of my AR's quirks. No more. A freaking combat rifle should be able to fire any time you ask it to - not when it feels like it.

For any Utah TFL members: If you have ANY GUN you want to trade for a used AR Shorty...
Let me know. I will consider most any trades or offers. Or I will sell it to a fellow who I know who likes ARs like a fetish. Handguns, Rifles... make an offer.
I want out of the Black Rifle Game!
Comes with some 30 round magazines - unless your trading with a rifle that uses AR mags.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
>Bushmaster Kept Jamming.

LOVE IT Now THAT is a keeper!

I'll trade you a Jennings for it. ;)

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
I'm looking to trade for something made of real steel, Schmidt. I gots better metal in my boys Hot Wheels cars...

As for the Bushmaster... :mad: Freakin ARs!
I am so done with them!

What looks good is an SL8 with the G36 accessories. I know they are only 10 rounders but dang it - I know it will fire all 10 rounds with out a hitch!
Or I could actually go turn coat and get an AK-47. I dont know. I am just grumpy as hell today because of this.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Got to be something really simple, like gas rings not lined up properly, etc. I use the one-piece McFarland gas ring, so that's not a possibility on my Bush. I've fired thousands of rounds, with not one failure, even with crappy USA and KKK magazines. The AR is a pretty simple machine; not many possibilities to have to track down.

Shoot to kill; they'll stop when they're dead!
Yep, its got to be something simple because the rifle itself is pretty simple. If this is a new rifle, Bushmaster may have screwed up the assembly (wouldn't be the first time) and a decent AR 'smith should be able to put it in good working order without spending a lot of time or money to do it.
I hope the problem gets resolved, but it sure brought out the poet in you! Great poem.

Neil Casper
Wow sorry to hear ya got a lemon there. I've had about ten different AR15's myself and the only one with any problems was a kit gun that some jerk had FA'd at one point and heated up the chamber very bad. The darn thing would fire and then stick a case in the chamber royally. I had it checked and the chamber was larger at the neck that at the rim. Other than that one piece of crap all the ones I've ever had or tried were great.

Let a competent smith look it over for you before you give up. When they work right they are just lovely to own.
Good Luck
George, maybe your mind is made up, but if you gave us a description of the jam, we might be able to give you an idea of what's happening and what to do to correct it.
George, Thanks for the flowing discription of your problem. Love the beat. I was just thinking about buying one of those. Now I won't. And if my wife knew she would thank you too.
I like real steel myself.


The problem is obvious. You need to get rid of that Mattel toy and buy an FN FAL. I'm approaching the 1500 round mark with mine, and I have yet to have a jam. Before I got the gas system adjusted I sure tore up some case rims, though.... :)

Curmudgeon In Training
I've got one friend who has been "converted" to using a Black rifle in competition, and he is trying his darndest to talk me into getting a "Mouse gun" for comp.
For some reason my heart just won't let me give up my .30 cal. ;)
Mossyrock, you hit the nail on the head! Mine would flat eat UP some brass!

Screw the Anti's!! HBAR Bushmeaster has yet to malfunction in about 1000 rounds...but a friend just bought a Shortie and said it jams all the time in a variety of ways...
Hope you get it fixed.
Thank you for the posting, Dr. Suess, I mean George.

I am not much of an AR fan, but they usually are better than that. Something is wrong that can be fixed, especially if it worked OK before.

Kind of like 1911's aren't they? Beautiful when they work well, and USUALLY some time and $$$'s needed to make them do so. :( Ruger's mini answered the dilemna for me. If you feel the need for more accuracy, it can be sent off for a barrel job, and you'll still be $$$'s ahead of the game with a RELIABLE weapon. :)
Too Bad George. My Bushmaster has about 1,300 rnds and no problem. If it's still under warranty, send it back to the manf. .
there are a bunch of places where jams can happen

could easily be an issue with the gas port size

you should join the ar15 email list
lots of AR gurus there
have a buddy with an ar?
swap uppers and see where the problem is...
look at the spent rounds for excessive extractor marks
a rough camber could cause that

there is a solution
especially if its a factory gun


"walk softly and carry a big stick, one that goes bang in .308 is fine"
George, Sorry your 223 puked! :(

Now you know why my AR15s are Colt preebies. Nary a malf. BM even sounds like a medical description of a natural act!! ;)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts, it may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Remember: When you attempt to rationalize two inconsistent positions, you risk drowning as your own sewage backs up.
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
George, Old buddy, Ignore those people who tell you it can be fixed. They are trying to lead you down the long, expensive path you have worked so hard to avoid. Let me help you George, I will help you for the sake of your children, they shouldn't see you suffer so. Send it to me and I will send you my old pre ban Mini-14 with folding stock and two factouy Ruger 30 round mags. For you George I will sacrifice my trunk gun. No need to thank me George, what else are friends for.
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