Sick of Illinois' sick laws...

I don't think I'm better than someone who chooses to move out of Illinois nor do I think I am somehow stupid for staying. If someone would rather move out of state rather than stay and fight to change the laws here - well good for them - seems like a pretty rational decision to me. Heck, I would probably move too - except for two reasons - one just turned 14 and the other will be 10 - my visitation rights end if I move more than 60 miles away from my kids and besides being with them and around them is one of the top priorities in my life. Maybe down the road when they are grown I will move to a state like AZ or AK but in the mean time I will continue the fight I have been fighting for the last 20 odd years.

Edit to add: in my youth I worked in Chicago and have been there to visit many times - it is a beautiful city - and would be a great place if you could get rid of all the politicians and idiotic laws.
Standing Wolf, Gun Control laws are not unconstitutional. Gun Bans, on the other hand, are. I used to believe that the 2nd was meant for, literally, military and militias and felt that gun ownership in the US was a tradition, not a constitutional right.

That issue was settled last year, by the US Supreme Court. They ruled (when they struck down DC's gun ban) that there is an individual right to keep and bear arms, quite apart from the need for a militia. If I'm not mistaken, it's the first time SCOTUS has ruled in favor of the individual right to bear arms.

@44 AMP
Sorry, I just noticed your reply, and saw that you addressed the above.
I hate resurrect an old and dead thread:

but I apologize, my old ideology regarding gun ownership showed through right there. I used to believe the 2nd only applied to Military and Police, but in recent years I've come to understand that it refers to YOU and I's right as PRIVATE citizens to maintain a means to protect ourselves from not only the tyrant King George, but all other tyrannical entities in our lives.

Occasionally my old Ideologies show through, and I apologize for misrepresenting what I believe our constitutional rights are.

If mods want to close this cause it's so old, that's cool.

But I also like the idea of re-opening the call to arms (not a literally militaristic call to arms, but rather a political and metaphorical) to my Illinois brethren. So, I say to my brethren in Illinois: write your senators, congressmen, mayors and sheriffs and decry them taking away our constitutional rights! I already know I needs fall on deaf ear withs Quinn, so, I say: ignore letters to him. We all know Bill Brady will win in November. And our cries will not fall on deaf ears with him.

Sorry to get so political, but this is literally about gun rights in Il.
Our currant Governor has stated many times he will never sign any CCW bills that come across his desk and will be happy to veto if needed!

He has to go in the next election or IL is stuck in the same old same old for years to come!:mad:

Daley needs to retire as will!

We need term limits on all politicians so they don't get a chance get the King mentality.
I didn't think I should start another thread for this, since it rolls off of this one so well, but ICarry (which is an organization that specializes in carry laws regarding Wisc and Ill) sent me this e-mail recently. I didn't see it mentioned on the forums, but, there's finally an event in Il for us Lincoln Lovers.

I hope the link works, I may have copied it wrong. But, I'm sad to say I can't make it (I have to work the 28th, 29th and 30th) but, I'm hoping to spread news to other Illini on the forum!

Hopefully I can get off to see ya'll there, but if I don't, I hope any other Illini that can will help support our cause!
But I will get into this: running away from a location simply because you don't agree with the laws and politicians, to me, is one of the least American things you can do. Moving to another location because you prefer the lifestyle choices afforded there, that's fine. But simply stating that you should move because the laws aren't what you'd like, instead of trying to change them, to me seems un-American. Plus moving isn't really an option for me, at all. Hopefully I'll be in North Carolina in a couple years, but in the mean-time I would like to make an impact here (Plus in 3-4 years I'll be living in Dublin, Ireland, so: no guns there). And encourage my fellow citizens of Illinois to try and do the same, instead of just moving away to get away from draconian gun laws. Plus there's the idea of pride in your hometown/home-state.

Our voices can be heard, and that's the point of America. And if you choose to turn and run, rather than make your voice heard, I feel you're not taking advantage of the system and that advice is no apt for this situation. So, I beg you to please refrain from telling me to leave this great state and help me encourage people raising there voices to be heard.

Amen brother! Where would our nation be right now if our founding fathers had decided to run to another part of the world to gain their freedom instead of standing and fighting to get it right here. They had already run to HERE to be free and they weren't going to run anymore! We can't run from this thing. We have to stand our ground and fight this thing out. Nothing will ever change if we just give up and leave. We can and will win this fight. It took the citizens of Missouri 16 years of fighting in the legislature to get their right to carry pushed through, but they got it done. Illinois is closer than some might think to getting the right to carry passed.

Vote the issues yes, but vote rights first. Without your rights you are at their mercy with regard to the issues.
As a resident of the Land of Lincoln I would have no hard feelings for someone leaving this state as a result of our restrictive gun laws. If someone believes his rights are being violated to the extent he is willing to move, who am I to say his leaving is a betrayal of the rest of us who choose to remain.

I think Southern Illinois is great place to live, and Chicago a great place to visit. I have long been an advocate of dividing Illinois into two states with Interstate 80 as the border between the two. Southern Illinois would be a solid red state with very limited gun laws, and only God knows what would happen in Northern Illinois.:rolleyes:
Chaplain Tom,

some good points, but do we consider it running away when someone moves to FL from northern Maine in their latter yrs or if someone decides to move from a populated city to raise their family in the quieting, refreshing country? If it works for the the person making the decision, I don't see anything wrong with it.
Of course it's a person's right to move anywhere they want to. I would not talk bad about someone who chose to move somewhere to find better schools or a better climate or whatever their reason was to move. All I'm saying is that we don't have to move to another state to get our constitutional rights back. We can choose stay here and fight to get them back. If someone is tired of the fight and they choose to move, I respect that choice.

I was only addressing the issue of someone claiming to love the state of Illinois and feeling like they have to move away from their beloved state just to get their rights back. Of course it's up to the individual and I would not stand in their way. Nor would I think bad of them for leaving. After all, we're talking about rights here, and choice is a right.

I do think though that moving away because the laws are not to our liking is like saying that we believe that our vote doesn't count for anything. I think that a lot of people (including myself) have for years failed to vote our conscience and we let these things happen over time because of that. I think that most of the people in Illinois believed that we were voting for the candidate who would help save our jobs and bolster our economy, but even after we saw that they were not only failing to do that, but they were systematically tearing away at our civil rights, we continued to vote for the same crooks year after year because we kept falling for the same old song and dance over and over again. It's now time to take a stand and vote rights first and issues second. Without our rights the issues won't matter.

I know this got way too political, and I appologize for that, but it is I believe still about our right to keep and bare arms. We can't just vote party lines anymore in Illinois as I believe most have done for the last 100 or so years in this state. If we don't vote for the candidate most likely to stand up for those rights we will never be able to sway the anti gunners and prove their foolish ideals wrong.

I know we are not suppose to get into politics to this degree on this forum, but it is that season now and it would be hard not to get at least some politics in a discussion like this. To the moderators... Please don't delete my post and please don't lock this thread. Illinois is one of the last states to hold out on passing a right to carry law. We may be preaching to the chior here, but we do need to have this discussion or nothing will change here.
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Chaplain Tom believe me I get your frustration. For those of us who vote for conservative politicians at the state and federal level it really does feel like our vote is wasted. I do continue to hope that the rising tide of states coming to understand disarming citizens does not decrease violent crime will eventually find its way here. A few years ago I thought the battle was lost but I now have hope. Thanks for making your voice heard. That is the only way this gets changed.
You're right about the frustration K Mac. But I'm as much frustrated with our voters and I am those voted in. I said in my last post that we can't just vote party lines anymore. Right now in Illinois there are several Democrats who are pro gun / 2nd amendment. Until we get this thing resolved, we need to put party politics aside. I too vote conservative pretty much accross the board.

Our stated is in such a state of turmoil right now as far as economic and social issues go that I don't think that any candidate will make that much difference in fixing those issues very quickly. I've said before that right now in Illinois we should focus on our rights before we consider the other issues. Not that those other issues are not important, they are very important, but without our God given rights what does it matter?
I left my home state of Illinois in 1970 and never looked back.
As a news photographer I saw the results of criminals having guns and the citizen not too many times.
The laws in Illinois are the crime.
chaplain tom said:
All I'm saying is that we don't have to move to another state to get our constitutional rights back. We can choose stay here and fight to get them back.

Think of all those citizens of Illinois that have been living there since the 50's with your same ideals. For over 50 years, they've had the pipe dream that the mentality of the general population was going to change for the better. As you respect our decision, I respect yours as well. But the average voter turnout percentage and the same anti-gun politicians being voted in for the past 40+ years leads me to believe it was best to move. The safety and fundamental rights of my family are more important than to wait for the Great Pumpkin to appear.
When the graveyard votes stop being counted, then the PEOPLE may actually have a shot at being heard. I totally understand why many want to leave. They are being pushed out, I feel. As Tuttle said, if nothing good has come in the past 50 years, I must ask myself just what the possibilities in the future are.
My 2 cents.....
Right now only IL and WI have no legal provision for concealed carry. With the Republican candidate likely to win the race for Governor on Tuesday, it is likely that WI will finally get concealed carry legislation passed (it has passed twice in recent years but was vetoed by the Democrat Governor Doyle). As a resident of Northern Illinois I am hopeful that once IL becomes the sole state denying the right to carry we will see a change, especially if we have a Republican, pro-gun Governor (as seems likely) and a larger, if not majority Republican presence in the State Senate. Due to work and family reasons as well as the unlikely chance of selling my house, I am stuck being an IL resident. But where there is life there is hope. With my PA non-resident concealed carry permit I can legally carry in many US states, and do so when I travel to those states. Now I just need to be legal at home....
Vito, I am with you there! I certainly hope that we get a Governor in next Tuesday that can make changes in our States right to carry!

Maybe my Girlfriend can carry her nice new SR9c in her purse or in the car for a change?