Sick of Illinois' sick laws...


New member
I'm a little bit tired of Illinois' laws regarding self defense, and I'm 100% aware of ICarry and Illinois Carry and the Empty Holster Protest going on on campuses. But, I've been watching our Senate closely the last couple of years and once again our CCW bill has been sent back to the "rules committee" (if I recall that name correctly), which is where they have always gone to die.

It's HB0367
HB5221 is another that went into committee recently.

I'm encouraging any residents of our great state to write letters to our senators, governors, mayors and councilmen to help get this rolling. I advise voting in the upcoming election according to gun control issues in the upcoming election (sorry if that gets too political, mods, lemme know) as it's what we need in this state.

I'm just sick of seeing a means to defend myself come up and then get batted away by our amazing politicians.

-Thanks for letting me get that out.

PS. I can't believe how much resistance this meets when the Chief of Champaign County Police condoned the "Illinois Carry Method" and the Mayor of Peoria pushed for his city to be the pilot city for the carry program. It's absurd.
-Thanks for letting me get that out.

You've got my sympathies, friend. I spent a decade on the part of the far left coast that believes commoners don't deserve to be granted the privilege of defending themselves. I'm a lot happier in Amrica now.
Wish I could help. I sure understand. Moved out of IL 15 years ago and I've never been back. As you well know the root cause of your problem is in Cook County.
Standing Wolf, I appreciate your sympathy.

To tell you the truth, though, it's all "America" and those laws that we don't agree with don't make it any less "America." The reason laws differ so much region to region is because of how great our nation is. Our Republic is set up to allow laws to reflect the majority of a region. And that same thing that makes America so great also allows us to be heard, but we have to make ourselves heard. Through protest and grass-roots political action. Which is what I'm advocating at this time. I love Illinois. I don't think I've ever been in a state that was anywhere near as great as this one (I might be biased, though), and I believe through grass roots political action we can make it better (and isn't that was America is all about?)
As you well know the root cause of your problem is in Cook County.

I believe that is spelled c-r-o-o-k county...

I'm in IL also, I feel ya, and thanks for pointing out the bill I was unaware of!
governor Q and other elected politicians in illinois receive this email every monday..............

Please initiate and/or support legislation
that DEEMPHASIZES gun control and
PROMOTES concealed or open carry
of hand guns in Illinois.

Hand gun bans and gun controls have
not been an effective deterrent to crime.
The only persons controlled by these
laws are the law abiding citizens.

Gang bangers and criminals obtain and
use firearms illegally on a daily basis.

Please allow the honest people to defend
themselves against attackers and place
the residents of Illinois on an equal level
with the other States that allow their
citizens to own and carry handguns.

Thank you for your consideration.

copy it and do the same. then vote for the "R" party canidate for governor....... it is our only hope.

we, too, shall overcome.
Our Republic is set up to allow laws to reflect the majority of a region.

Yeah, Thomme, but there are supposed to be limits the laws have to be written within. Illinois firearms-related laws, for example, directly contradict the Bill of Rights.

There's a world of difference between a democracy and a constitutional republic. People who don't know it end up in purportedly "democratic" socialist hell holes.
Vytoland, I am, indeed, voting Republican for the first time in my life this upcoming election. Bill Brady is my man. It's not good enough to simply vote "Republican" in Illinois, as many of our Republicans are anti-gun and a handful of our "Dems" are pro-gun. I vote issues, not political sides.

Standing Wolf, Gun Control laws are not unconstitutional. Gun Bans, on the other hand, are. I used to believe that the 2nd was meant for, literally, military and militias and felt that gun ownership in the US was a tradition, not a constitutional right. I've, as of late, changed my stance to believe that the 2nd means that I can own guns in order to protect myself. So, I can understand what some people think about the 2nd as referring to military and militias. And they vote, protest and voice their opinions on the 2nd the same as we do. That's the beauty of our country: our opinions and concerns can be expressed via the 1st and voting and the country responds accordingly.
The only way there will be a shall issue ccw law or legal open carry in Illinois is via the federal courts making it a fait accompli - such that the choice would be to pass such legislation or see totally unregulated carry as existing laws would be invalidated by the courts. If we should get a more sympathetic state legislature in senate and house and Brady as governor and they realistically saw such an outcome looming after McDonald then there is the possibility of legislative action sooner rather than later. If however Madigan, Cullerton, and Daley remain in firm control of the state then it will drag out like DC with more years of litigation and more bogus laws to take to court. In such a case they will not surrender ever until the last dog is shot.

I still hope and believe that we will some day get ccw and other more rational laws in Illinois, but realize that the politics trumps all in Illinois - and politics is run by Chicago and Cook.

I have been politically active in advocating for gun rights in Illinois for almost two decades now, including directly lobbying senators and representatives - and the truth is that reason, rational debate, and the constitution and the law have little to do with changing the votes of gun control advocates in power - they are not concerned with what is right or just or constitutional they are only concerned about power and control.
Sometimes, you need to read between the lines

I used to believe that the 2nd was meant for, literally, military and militias and felt that gun ownership in the US was a tradition, not a constitutional right.

Our Founders wrote the 2nd Amendment to prevent the govt from prohibiting individual ownership, SO THAT the militas would be armed, when called up.

Gun ownership was a tradition, as firearms were common working tools in colonial America. The fundamental "natural" (or God given) right is to self defense. And without firearms ownership, our self defense is severely "infringed".

Colonial Militias were not armed, nor equipped by the govt. They relied on the personal arms and equipment of the individuals reporting to duty. The term "Well Regulated" meant showing up with a gun, ammo, basic camping gear, and knowing the rudiments of military drill. It had nothing to do with laws, or "regulations", which is the concept used by anti 2ndAm activists today.

Note that the recent Supreme Court decision (Heller vs, DC) has affirmed that the indivdual right is paramount, and that while regulation is allowed, complete prohibition is not.
I've, as of late, changed my stance to believe that the 2nd means that I can own guns in order to protect myself.

Nope. The Second Amendment offers a rationale for the right to keep and bear arms, "...the Security of a free State..." but doesn't limit their ownership to self-defense.

That's the beauty of our country: our opinions and concerns can be expressed via the 1st and voting and the country responds accordingly.

Expressing opinions and concerns is a wonderful thing—until their "expression" is used to deprive us of our rights. People are entitled to have all the opinions and concerns under the sun, but our rights aren't up for a vote. I know they actually are voted on, but the whole point of the Bill of Rights was to elevate them above the fray.
The politicians in Illinois either carry or have security carry for them. They will make sure it stays that way.

I moved out to Arizona in 1989 and I AIN'T GOIN' BACK AGAIN!!

Take a cut in pay if that is what it takes. You need to get out of the state.

You could see the handwriting on the wall when the FOID was foisted on the public. What a crock!

Do yourself a favor and if it is at all possible, beat feet out of the state.

It is NOT worth it. All the gun control laws in the world have not made Chicago a safe place to live. Let them have it.

Republican or Democrat is a very poor barometer of an Illinois politician's stance on issues. A much better way to tell is to look at where in the state he's from. Generally, it's the northern part of the state (particularly Chicago) versus the central and southern part. A good example is the stance of the last two governors (not counting the current one) on 2A. Not only was Blago (I'll use this shortened form of his name because I know I'll butcher it if I try to spell it out), a Democrat, rabidly anti-gun, but his predecessor Ryan, a Republican, was also. Of course, Blago was from Chicago and Ryan was from Kankakee (forgive my spelling if its incorrect). Governor Edgar, I believe, would have probably supported CC if it had ever gotten to him, but then again he was from Charleston.

Really, most of Illinois isn't so bad. I've got family in Champaign, Monticello, Atwood, Tuscola, Sullivan, and Altamont and those areas, by and large, aren't so different from Indiana where I currently reside. If you could just break Mayor Daley's stranglehold on the state, you would be a lot better off.

After McDonald is decided, I can see Illinois going to a May Issue system in order to appease Chicago. Good luck ever getting CC in Chicago, but you might be able to get it downstate.
I'm not going to get into the idea that the bill of rights grants blanket rights to citizens making those choices above the law.

But I will get into this: running away from a location simply because you don't agree with the laws and politicians, to me, is one of the least American things you can do. Moving to another location because you prefer the lifestyle choices afforded there, that's fine. But simply stating that you should move because the laws aren't what you'd like, instead of trying to change them, to me seems un-American. Plus moving isn't really an option for me, at all. Hopefully I'll be in North Carolina in a couple years, but in the mean-time I would like to make an impact here (Plus in 3-4 years I'll be living in Dublin, Ireland, so: no guns there). And encourage my fellow citizens of Illinois to try and do the same, instead of just moving away to get away from draconian gun laws. Plus there's the idea of pride in your hometown/home-state.

Our voices can be heard, and that's the point of America. And if you choose to turn and run, rather than make your voice heard, I feel you're not taking advantage of the system and that advice is no apt for this situation. So, I beg you to please refrain from telling me to leave this great state and help me encourage people raising there voices to be heard.
Choosing to live in a state or area that outright denies you to provide the means you feel necessary to protect yourself and loved ones. Don't know about you, but my priority lies with protection of myself, my wife, and my belongings over sticking around a state cram-packed full of individuals that keep voting in anti-gun politicians.

Call me Un-American all you want. It's not like I bailed and moved to Canada or something. I see it by moving to a state that has a good chance to bolster my rights or a state that already does sends the message to anti-gun states they will no longer receive my tax dollars. They will see other states full of "gun-toting yahoos" that know how to allow us to keep our liberties.
I hear you, in WI we don't have conceal carry nor the Castle Doctrine. If someone breaks into my house and I shoot him as he attacks my wife he has the legal right to sue me for harming him.
bill of rights

The first ten ammendments, commonly known and labled as the "Bill of Rights" are for the "PEOPLE". If that is the case why are we having trouble with the (2nd A)? 1-10 are individual rights with the exception of #2?? Hogwash! The Founding Fathers were not alluding to the Militia or Governmental collectivism...while crafting a document concerning individual rights. Plain, pure and simple the 2A was for protecting yourself, defending your property, providing for food and lastly having the ability to thwart tyranny.
The first ten ammendments, commonly known and labled as the "Bill of Rights" are for the "PEOPLE".

Specifically, the BOR is a list of limits and restrictions on what the Fed govt may do. "Congress shall make no law..." "No person shall...", etc. While individual rights, and collective rights (the states) are mentioned, the BOR grants no rights, rather stating, how the Fed gov cannot infringe or abridge our rights.

And the list is not all inclusive. There are natural rights (aka God given rights) not named in the BOR, but still covered, as per the 10th amendment.

The idea that the 2nd Amendment is only a collective right, not an individual one is an argument only put forth in the last half century or so, by anti gun groups. Somehow they can make the distinction between the phrase "the people" meaning individual rights (all the other amendments) and "the people" being only a collective right (their view of the 2nd Amendment).

The recent Heller vs DC decision in the Supreme court has finally shut down that specious argument. It is an individual right. Like all our other rights, govt can impose "reasonable" restrictions, but it cannot deny us outright.

The garbage about the 2A being about the militias in the midst of crafting a document concerning indvidual rights is specious. Any able bodied man was considered part of the militia at the time. CONCERNING ILLINOIS GUN LAWS; I spent the majority fo my life growing up in west central Illinois and have seen the results of what the sophisticated "UPSTATERS" can implement. FOID card...Firearm Owners Identification Card. You need one to purchase, own or carry a firearm and you need it as well to purchse ammo. A run of the mill common citizen can get one and then purchase a firearm after waiting 3 days BUT a run of the mill (non-felon) citizen cannot own a firearm without one. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED was thrown out the window for the length of time it takes to obtain least a month but that was more than 15 years ago. IF cook county dropped off the map things in Illinois would change overnight.