shutdown of handgun production?

The Lone Ranger makes pretty good sense for a Brit! Only one problem with it. Being part of the fire arms business I can tell you that the big boys are scared to death of our government and their position . The main feeling is We can't win so don't rock the boat. The second word is Diversify!
They are all preparing for the day they no longer make guns. The government is using the court system to manipulate and intimidate the gun manufacturers. That is the reason for the Hugh judgements and the City law suits against the gun industry. As for the industry as we know it is in the death throws. It will not be long before they all turn their attention to their other businesses. Like Colt. It makes more money from Crucible Steel than it does off the fire arms business . ( a guess on my part) Ruger has already showed that he isn't going to buck big brother when he not only went along with congress in their assault rifle thinking and even volunteered a few ideas of his own.
Watch also for the civil rights aspect of all this. The mayor of Bridgeport said in almost so many words that the suit is intended to keep gun manufacturers from selling their products to African-Americans and Hispanics, who, he said, are all criminals.

The lawyers are being very careful not to say that, and to concentrate on repayment for damages "caused by guns" (not their users), but if something like that is said in court or is given lots of publicity, the whole thing could blow up in charges of racism.

Of course, we all know that the main goal of gun control has always been to disarm African-Americans; the antis just have not been able to figure out a way to do that without attacking all gun owners. I have had half a dozen gun control advocates explain that "we don't mean you". When I ask whom they do mean, they hem and haw and change the subject.
