Shut down Hillary's campaign

It looks like Hillary must carry the state of Texas or she may be out. McCain appears to have a lock so I'm wondering if it would be best to use my vote for Obama and help kill Hillary's campaign. Obama may have a better chance of beating McClain so maybe I vote for Hillary to keep her in the race. McCain might have a better chance to beat Hillary than Obama.

Assuming McCain has a lock on the Republican nomination. As a Texan, how would you use your vote to hurt the liberal agenda?
You don't consider this dishonest?

How would you react if there were a thread on a more liberal forum trying to ruin your favorite candidate's campaign?
I wouldn't worry too much about who wins as far as guns go:

Clinton won't touch it because of her 'experience' in 1994 with the AWB.

Obama won't touch it because although he may well believe in strict restrictions, he's not stupid; he knows that pushing gun control would expend a lot of political capital that given the enormity of the problems he has to fix, would be poorly used to say the least.

McCain. Not even worth mentioning regarding gun control.
I think that you will probably see an Obama-Clinton ticket no matter what. Those two have the lock pretty much set on the Democrats' ticket. Trouble is that if they run as a team, I think that just about any Republican will be able to beat them. An Obama-Clinton or Clinton-Obama is just too radical for most people to take. About the only votes that they will be getting will be from the neo-Nazis, the communists and a few of the party hardcore. I don't look for them to win.
I wouldn't worry too much about who wins as far as guns go
That's a hoot. I wouldn't either if I were in Scotland.

Something to think about: If McCain doesn't get a majority of delegates in the primaries, it would mean a brokered convention.
Wishful thinking, Rifleman. Apart they have mass appeal. Why wouldn't they have mass appeal together? Also, I think you greatly exaggerate how liberal Hillary is. Likely Obama too, but I just don't like him for being so darned naive.
Hillary will never run as Obama's VP. First, she has coveted the presidency for decades. If Obama wins the presidency, he's young enough to do two terms. That's 8 years, and her age will work against her (assuming she doesn't create any new scandals). Second, the Clintons don't embrace former opponents. Bill didn't select any of his opponents as his running mate in 1992, and the guy he did select, Al Gore, by all reports is not on speaking terms with either Hill or Bill. Imagine what terms Hill and Obama would be on after 8 years. Third, why would Obama want to select the one candidate most likely to galvanize the anti-Hillary vote in the general election? Fourth, why would Obama want to have Bill tagging along after the problems Bill has caused? Fifth, the people who want to see Hillary as the first woman president won't be as enthusiastic about her being the first woman vice-president, so Hill will not bring as many voters with her as she's doing now.

As for Obama being Hillary's running mate, again, the Clintons don't embrace former opponents. Second, Hillary doesn't particularly want to share the limelight with Obama's star power. Third, it would send a signal that Hillary can't get elected on her own; she needs a man to do that. Fourth, the people who want to see Obama as the first black president won't be as enthusiastic about him being the first black vice-president, so Obama will not bring as many voters with him as he's doing now. Fifth, Obama is young enough to try again for the top prize and has no need to link himself to the likely scandal-plagued and ineffective Hillary presidency, if she wins the election.

It just ain't gonna happen.
Obama won't touch it because although he may well believe in strict restrictions, he's not stupid.
I wouldn't bet on it. Obama seems to be detached from reality on some things. He is almost youthfully naive sometimes on how things work in the real world. His ideas ring to me and others as stuff that we have been told before and let down on.
Obama will be a one-term failure who'll make Jimmy Carter look like a Founding Father and not accomplish a thing if elected......

Hillary will wheel and deal herself into a second term or more (esp. with her stacking SCOTUS).......

I'm voting Obama in the primary and find a REAL conservative to vote for in the general election (third-party again, I guess).....

...and pray fervently that the GOP learns its lesson in the next two years.....