Shut down Hillary's campaign


New member
It looks like Hillary must carry the state of Texas or she may be out. McCain appears to have a lock so I'm wondering if it would be best to use my vote for Obama and help kill Hillary's campaign. Obama may have a better chance of beating McClain so maybe I vote for Hillary to keep her in the race. McCain might have a better chance to beat Hillary than Obama.

Assuming McCain has a lock on the Republican nomination. As a Texan, how would you use your vote to hurt the liberal agenda?
A vote for Obama is a vote for the strictest gun control this nation has ever seen. If you want to hurt the liberal agenda, don't do so by offering him a "mandate" by his having swept the primaries.

There are bigger threats than Clinton and Obama may just be one of them. The Clintons had some pragmatism to restrict their cult of personality; they pushed but pulled back when people backlashed against their polices. Obama is clearly beginning to believe (or always has believed) that he is the messiah figure he is being painted as.
The Clintons got burned messing with guns, Obama, if elected, will think he has an absolute mandate to do all the wacko things the Clintons couldn't get done.
As they say, a Democratic nomination of Hillary Clinton will ignite the base... on the other side.

Hillary also remembers the '94 AWB very well. Obama, on the other hand, thinks the 2nd amendment protects the privilege to go duck hunting.
I don't understand why people are so scared of Hillary. Yes, all that stuff, I know, but she's running against OBAMA. I'll be voting in the Democratic primary for Hillary: not only will she be easier for McCain to beat than Barack, but I'd rather see a battle-hardened politician in office over mister "Yes, we can" any day. Win/win for me, the ultimate in hedging your bets.
Time to take a look at the Congressional races.
It looks like the Presidency thing is about wrapped up and it doesn't look good for us gunnies.
Our hope lies in Congress.

Much as I like Huckabee, I could never vote for him in the primary. The longer he's in, the longer McCain has to kowtow to the right. McCain needs to get the nomination locked up so he can stop pandering and get back into a position to fight Obama for the moderate voters. If he "keeps right" as you want, he's already lost the general election. He'd have a better chance scrapping with Barack for moderates and hoping his VP can turn out the conservatives.

I'm telling you, the conservatives are going to shoot themselves in the foot again... When you're such a small portion of the population (like the strong liberals, the strong conservatives ARE a minority), you can't expect one of the two main candidates to be in your corner all your time. And rather than choosing one sympathetic to several of their causes, they'd be content to torpedo his candidacy and go with someone not sympathetic to them at all. I don't understand. STRONG CONSERVATIVES: YOU ARE NOT A MAJORITY. STOP ACTING LIKE YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A PERFECT CANDIDATE.

*cough* Ahem, I'm sorry, did I say that out loud?
Time to take a look at the Congressional races.
It looks like the Presidency thing is about wrapped up and it doesn't look good for us gunnies.
Our hope lies in Congress.
+1. Even if you hate McCain, go to the polls to at least vote for pro-gun Congress members.

I think we stand a very good chance of changing Congress in a significant way. For one thing, Congress has a lower rating than Bush does. That rating doesn't inspire people to continue voting for their current members of Congress.

For another thing, the Dem presidential nominees are battling over voting blocks based on physical identities: Black voters, Latino voters, male voters, female voters. Republican presidential nominees are battling over philosophical differences: Conservatives, moderates, evangelicals, etc.

Here's the difference: Physical identities don't change (barring surgery) and they don't overlap. A voter who votes for Hillary because she's a woman will get nothing, identitywise, if Obama gets the nomination because he can never be the first woman president. A voter who votes for Obama because he's black will get nothing, identitywise, if Hillary gets the nomination because she can never be the first (real) black president. Regardless of who gets the nomination on the Dem side, huge segments of these identity voters will be completely shut out from the reason for their votes. That means their primary reason for voting at all is gone. They will then likely sit out the election, which in turn means many of the people who would vote in anti-gun members of Congress won't vote. The fact that they're probably not happy with their current members of Congress only adds to their incentive to stay home. This is the "train-wreck" that Howard Dean is upset about.

Contrast this with the philosophical-based Republican voters. Philosophies are often wide and overlapping. McCain might give you only 20% of what you want, but at least that's something. You are not completely shut out. And he's more likely to bring on pro-freedom Supreme Court justices than either Hillary or Obama.

But again, even if you despise McCain 100%, at least go to the polls and vote for your local folks and your members of Congress with whom you do agree. Voting for the president isn't the only important vote you can cast.
A vote for Obama is a vote for the strictest gun control this nation has ever seen. If you want to hurt the liberal agenda, don't do so by offering him a "mandate" by his having swept the primaries.

There are bigger threats than Clinton and Obama may just be one of them. The Clintons had some pragmatism to restrict their cult of personality; they pushed but pulled back when people backlashed against their polices. Obama is clearly beginning to believe (or always has believed) that he is the messiah figure he is being painted as.

I agree 100%.
Franky, having Obama and Hillary savage each other right to the end is the best thing that could happen to us.

It wastes their money, no one gets a mandate, their grassroots (and elite supporters) will be divided and Slick Willie still gets to chase chicks.

C'mon, guys. In the final analysis, what could be better?

It looks like Hillary must carry the state of Texas or she may be out. McCain appears to have a lock so I'm wondering if it would be best to use my vote for Obama and help kill Hillary's campaign. Obama may have a better chance of beating McClain so maybe I vote for Hillary to keep her in the race. McCain might have a better chance to beat Hillary than Obama.

Unless your registered for Democrat, you cant vote for them in the primaries!!! You must vote republican
Open primaries. Vote in either party's primary at your own discretion.

So yes, we can vote in the Democratic primary. :D
Where I voted in NYS, you couldn't - The little levers weren't active for the democrats. But, I would never vote for Hillobama anyhow!
Yes, New York has a closed primary. Texas has an open primary.

Remember, it's not a vote for Hillary, it's a vote against Obama. :)
If Huckabee were working strategically he would have dropped out already, unless his goal is to convince McCain that he's the guy to get the VP nod.

But yeah, strategic politics are awesome. :D
The way I see it, it will be no trick for McCain to be moderate in comparison to [apparently] niave socialist Barack Hussein Obama and committed socialist Madame Hillary. If Texas can nudge him to the right a bit on first and second amendment and immigration issues, that will not hurt him with actual voters, as opposed to the kind who just feel good when they hear Hillary/Obama talk about the vision of government solving all problems. That type is a lost cause for McCain in any case.