Show your pocket carry~only pocket

If Burress was half as good at gun handling as he is at receiving he wouldn't be in jail or have a hole in his leg.

I have also tested an unloaded but cocked Glock uncovered trigger guard and in waistband many many times without a problem.

For the last 10 or so years I have been testing uncovered trigger guard and in the waist band Glocks while loaded without issue.

My fanny pack (uncle mikes sidekick) doesn't contain a holster. The gun just sits in there loose. In 19 years of this style carry not a single issue. Pack goes everywhere with me. Even played some recreational football with it on.

I could see your point if you were carrying one with a round chambered. But I don't think it's that bad of an idea if you left it unchambered. Although, I suspect it would be a bit big to fit in my pockets.

Keep the pics coming, i've been debating getting a pocket pistol for a while.
but I think pocket carrying a Glock is a great way to shoot yourself. The Glock design requires that it be carried in a holster that guards the trigger.

and according to your expertise, then every gun without a manual safety would go off?:rolleyes: I've pocket carried Glock's subcompacts, loaded with one in the chamber and NEVER felt like it would go off without me actually pulling the trigger. I don't keep my keys, or anything else in that pocket that would potentially get hung up on the trigger. Just common sense there brother. :cool:
Just my opinion....and I don't mean to offend anyone, but I think pocket carrying a Glock is a great way to shoot yourself. The Glock design requires that it be carried in a holster that guards the trigger.

The O/P didn't ask to see the holsters / carry setup.

What makes you think you can't carry a G27 in pocket with a holster?

Please see post #14 - the nemesis works for both my S&W 60 and the G27.
I'll play.....


In fact, I find myself carrying it more and more than my "holster guns" as it is just too easy to drop it in a pocket on the way out the door.

+1 for pocket carrying a Glock. That's what rides in mine 89% of the time. The other 11%, it's the p3at. Both are fully loaded, one under the chamber with a spare mag for each. :cool::cool::cool:
Just ordered this she will be here Monday. Had to use a internet photo. I'm gonna start a thread for the Diamond Back 380 when I get it to the range for testing.

Size is in the LCR, TCP, P3AT range.

3-gun ...

... Looking forward to the Diamondback test results.

I really like the way the one I tried shot - great sights for a pocket pistol - but I had a host of problems with jamming.
I'm hoping that it was simply the ammo I was using.

Be interested in your results.