Show your pocket carry~only pocket


New member
Show your gun you carry in the pocket/pants/jacket. Nothing else.

Thread is for pocket carrying only.
P32, NAA 22mag

PF9, and S&W 360sc
Bersa Model 83 in stainless

Of course I would never carry, since I'm in a non-carry state, but if I were, and I had coat pockets, I would carry this:





Just my opinion....and I don't mean to offend anyone, but I think pocket carrying a Glock is a great way to shoot yourself. The Glock design requires that it be carried in a holster that guards the trigger.
Actually, thats a big maybe.

Ive been carrying a second, unloaded Glock around the house, for pretty much every minute Im home, everyday for over a year now, just stuck in my waistband, or in a pocket, or doing pretty much everything youre constantly told you should not be doing with one, even picking it up by the trigger, and so far, have yet to ever have the trigger tripped, other than intentionally pulling it.

Not saying it cant happen, but unless you do something really stupid, its looking to be just an overblown "scary" thing.