show off your hunting pix


This buck was taken after a long stalk in rough country. I'll always treasure this memory, even if it had been big doe.
I haven't been able to go out again since 2003, but that was a good year. I took this West Texas Mulie south west of Sanderson from 167yards with a single round of .308 Hornady 168gr TAP out of my Chinese Dragunov.


Here's the first deer taken with that rifle back in 1999. It's my longest shot to date with the gun in the field --- 250 yds --- which is about the edge for the 4x scope's ability to verify points before dropping the hammer. Ammo used for this one was Hornady's 165gr SP "Custom" in the gray box, and the deer literally didn't take a single step. He just fell over dead.:D


That same rifle also took a 120lbs. male cougar in 2000, but I can't find the photos for the life of me (got the pelt on the wall though). Both of the last two were taken on the Sombrero Peak ranch on the border of Big Bend National Park. If I find other pictures, I'll post 'em

I found one more. Forgive the quality as it had to be scanned, cropped, then uploaded. This one was also taken on Sombrero Peak Ranch, however in 2001 I was using a reproduction 1903A4 sniper rifle built from a Smith Corona A3 I got for a song. Range was all of 25 yards and the deer didn't show himself until I was right on him. I had spent the entire morning working a ridge line slowly and glassing everything without seeing a single deer. So, more out of frustration than anything else I decided to drop lower and move quickly through the brush hoping to force any hidden ones to move. 5 minutes into that tactic, I just about stepped on this one and he made 25 yards before I could get a round off.


I got this big basstad spearfishing last week, about 8-10kg


shot a similar one last week but it got away, It is giant cuttlefish season and im stocking up on the calamari :) they have big eyes like a cow

saw some tentacles moving in a cave and dive down and got a good shot on him, didn't want to rush draging him in cos didn't want to lose this one so i had to survive a few ink bombs,

made a mess of the kitchen too, LOL took me ages to cut it up but its good you dont really need to gut them.
Here's mine!!


Of course it was taken 74 years ago and that's my .22 single shot I got for my 6th birthday - photographer was my proud dad. Coyotes were considered dangerous for calves on our ranches so there was a $2.00 bounty on them. This resulted in overpopulation of rabbits so it was my obligation to help correct that.

:D :D :D
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What an awesome photo and a great way to grow up. Keepin the rabbit population to a minimum and starring as Alfalfa in Lil Rascals all at the same time.

Just kiddin, the grin tells the rest of the story. Proud dad and proud hunter.

You better have that one framed for the grandkids to see.
When I first glanced at jonutarr's photo (with out reading the text first) I had to do a double-take. I thought he was holding up a gut pile from some type of animal :eek: :D

OJ -- that's a fantastic photo.
the funny thing is though it may look like some guts, these animals are the most pleasant and easy things to gut and it makes good burley to ;)
Haha, not comparable to any of the beasts previously posted, but I just found and scanned a pic of my first hunt with an old Remmington 1100. That shotgun weighed more than I did.