Shoulder stocked handguns are illegal.

Ther version I have read says a pistol stock turns a good handgun into a poor carbine. With the cap and ball Colts there is the problem of the supporting hand being too close to the barrel/cylinder gap plus it changes the sight picture too much. Looks nifty though. Supposedly Kaiser Wilhem II used a shoulder stocked Luger because of his crippled left arm.
Let's stop with the liberal vs. conservative stereotyping. It's inaccurate, immature, and unfair. There are liberals who are strong supporters of our cause, and there are conservatives who are not.

Furthermore, let's also stop with the not-so-subtle digs at each other. A guy in a gun magazine wrote something inaccurate. That's hardly the first time it's happened, nor is it the worst I've seen.

For the record, even without the shoulder stock, the Caracal would still be problematic with the forward pistol grip. Even without the pistol grip, it'd still be ugly :p
I enjoy Mike Venturino's writings, I note that he has never put the initials J.D. or LLB after his name nor referred to his bar association membership, he is simply citing government regulations, which,as many of us can attest to, are often poorly written and arbitrarily interepreted by bureacrats of dubious ability.
Regarding that Caracal, it looks nifty but suffers from the Doubel Whammy of being a non C&R with a shoulder stock and having too short a barrel, hence being classified as a "sawed off rifle." Also as a Steel and Walnut know.