Shoulder Holsters...

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Rob Pincus

New member
When travelling and often when working I find a shoulder holster to be the best choice for me in terms of comfort.
I am aware of all the tactical arguments against shoulder rigs, but you know what they say about that uncomfortable rig that you leave in your briefcase or in the truck. Not much good at all.


Do you build shoulder rigs? I am looking for a few vertical rigs for smaller guns than they are usually offered. Sadly, over the past few years I've lost a couple inches of shoulder and chest and find that while I am getting softer, it is also getting harder to use a horizontal shoulder rig without printing.
Since I am unlikely to get back into decent shape any time soon, I'd rather spend the cash a good vertical rig for my Glock .40s and maybe another handgun.

What is available?

Shoulder holsters have the disadvantage of offering the grip if the naughty person knows its there and not on a hip rig. It almost goes without saying that the wearer should stand over an arm and and half distance away and have the rig concealed from sight. Standing offset puts you in position to draw (Weaver), but puts the gun closer to naughty person.

That said and done, when you have to defecate, wearing a shoulder holster beats sitting there pointing your gun at the door.

Personally, I like shoulder rigs.

Rich, is this posting protected by the First Amendment or is it subject to censoring?
I do make shoulder rigs; they are all custom made one at a time. I will be happy to work with you and set up the rig anyway you like for just about any pistol. Cost for shoulder rigs start at $95 and include offside carry pouch for a magazine. Please keep in mind that at the moment we are backlogged and delivery could be 8-12 weeks or more.

The past week I have been carrying the “Genghis” using a very light shoulder rig I call the “Micro” harness. I have found that a shoulder rig is extremely comfortable and placed my knife where I could quickly draw it with either right or left hand while keeping it concealed. When I was in the Marine Corps during the Persian Gulf War I carried my Caspian 1911 .45 in a shoulder rig. This worked extremely well especially while driving. Now a days I usually go for the IWB carry for the pistol (strong side) and the knife off side.
Shoulder Rigs are great for travel! It is much easier to draw from the shoulder rig than from any belt rig... except from a cross draw unit - but those are harder to keep covered.
Cant find a good shoulder rig for an HK USP full size .40... Oh well...
Galco makes one, in horizontal position, Kodiac. But for a similar price (possibly less that retail on the Galco), the custom job by Scott might be better if you can stand the wait!

I have sent Scott a list of things I'd like in an email.. Maybe he can get me a holster before SHOT show and I can show it off there... wink,wink.


I recieved your Email. Here is the best I could manage on a picture of what I was talking about:

(yes, I am available for all of the members' artistic needs.. I work cheap too!)

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-19-98).]
Here is a Horizontal version. It would not allow as quick access to the knife as a primary, but it would certainly be there as a back-up!


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 12-19-98).]
I nominate ROB to be the official GRAPHIC ARTIST for The Firing Line.

Good idea Rob... Combining the unit is a good idea, it would allow an easy way to carry a good sized fixed blade knife. I could see a Cold Steel Recon Tanto snugged up next to a USP or Glock for a fighting combo...

Consider this... even in Kydex the package may be a tad bulky... unless it is done "just right"... meaning a lot of experimenting. :)
Think about the knife molded/sewn onto the double magazine pouch on the other side to even out the bulk...
Huh? What do you think?

Kenetic Defense Institute
Scott's the expert, hopefully, he'll weigh in soon.

I originally thought about the knife sheath in place of one of the mag pouches on the strong side of the holster. But, that would defeat the ability to draw the knife with the strong hand.


Are you trying to get us to take up a collection to get your Desktop working again??!! ;)

Scroll up!! (and retire that palmtop!)

Hey my post appeared!
Call Moulder and Scully...
I like two extra mags... I dont know if I would give up a mag for a knife.
I think this has potential. I wonder what kind of refinements a custom holster maker would make here. I would like to see a finished product on this one.

What kind of knife are you planning on here?

Kenetic Defense Institute
(I'm still LOL!)...

Depends, It will probably be whatever small (3 inch or less blade) fixed blade catches my eye at SHOT show.

I will probably be ordering one of the Mirage-X Micros after the new year, but that knife's characteristics would be lost on this design.

I saw a custom push knife that I really liked at a show over the weekend. If it wasn't Xmas week, I'd've bought it.
Pronounced "Wince" for good reason.
Good grief. I hope Santa is getting that new Hard Drive like I demad... -suggested.
Cant get the thing to send my attached .BMP file of knife designs. This is a pain in the fanny. Spent an hour sketching them into digital and now I cant do anything with it!.
I got to go get some more NOG and play Black Beard with my 5 year old...
And new batteries for this piece of crud computer wanna be. I should have paid 200 extra bucks and got a full blown laptop when I had the chance.

Kenetic Defense Institute
Mirage X is a nice knife... But I am not comfortable with a ceramic knife as a carry blade.
I am sure there will be plenty of suitable knives at the show. I pitty you having to decide on just ONE! :)

Talk at ya latter,

Kenetic Defense Institute
What knife did you have in mind? ( You read my mind Kodiac )

A knife held handle down, on the magazine side, could easily be drawn by the strong hand in the reverse grip. If someone were trying to relive you of your pistol you could clamp down on your gun with the left hand while drawing immediately into a knife strike with the right. (a GAF-MU maneuver .. Get Away From Me U) Also, no need to chose between knife or magazine. The flat knife sheath can attach to the back side of the Mag pouch. The balance of the rig depends on the weight of the various components, how you adjust the harness and weather you anchor it down to the belt. A medium size knife is no trouble here. Knife on the gun side will have more of an effect on the bulk of the rig then on the balance (again I'm speaking of a medium to small size knife). If the gun side is where you want the knife I will work it out that way for you, however, (just thinking out loud here) from a tactical perspective I think the knife opposite the gun gives better options. What are your thoughts about this?

I'm wondering what the other forum members think the best configuration would be.

Jump in guys

I see you answered the what knife question while I was composing :)

[This message has been edited by Scott Evans (edited 12-21-98).]
You'll recall that my first thought was oppostie the gun, then, wehn I realized we were working with Kydex, I thought the knife could be put on the gun side without too much additional bulk.... Now you've got me thinking again....

I am thinking of a fixed blade knife with a max 3" blade. Don't know exactly which one. Open to suggestions.

As for the vertical holster itself, can you produce a holster that will retain the pistol under physically exerting circumstances (running, limited HTH, falling down, etc...) that can still have a open front? I was thinking of the classic 6 inch revolver holsters that were vertical, but allowed a "pull-through" presentation. That would be necessary for the presentation to be as fast as possible from shoulder carry.
The properties of Kydex combined with the retention I build into my shoulder rigs makes it very unlikely that your weapon could come out of the holster without pulling it out. If you jumped off the roof and landed on your head the weapon may possibly dislodge. (With such an impact "gun out of the holster" is probably no longer a priority) :) Simply falling while running is just not enough in my experience to do it. I do make thumb breaks if that is something you desire however, I don't think it is necessary for this type of rig. (your call)

As far as which knife ?? … Mission has a new small blade called the MPU and a medium sized knife called the MPS both will be available in Titanium or steel. Both are well suited for your application. The smaller MD knives are also a good choice. I have not yet had any experience with the Mirage-X Micros and don't know if I could recommend them for a defensive knife. I'm sure the other forum members can fill you in on that.

By the way I would like the mention of some other makers of fine quality Kydex shoulder rigs as I do not want to take unfair advantage of this site for my own personal business. Please feel free to ask me anything you want but keep in mind that this forum is not about me. I moderate here because Rich Lucibella was kind enough to ask and because I do enjoy and learn from the discussions. So … if anyone knows of a reputable maker of quality Kydex shoulder rigs please mention it so Rob and any other person contemplating a purchase can make an informed choice.

James Piorek "The Blade Rigger" makes some innovative shoulder rigs
Please, don't make me use Paint again!...

Do you remember the "three sided" vertical shoulder holsters, like the type Dirty Harry used, I believe?
The draw stroke actually brought the grip down to the horizontal position instead of lifting it up. Picture the weapon pivoting on the muzzle, then the wepoan is brought out as if it had been in a horizontal holster. the leather holsters used some "spring tension" from metal inside the leather to hold the opening closed until the draw forced the "mouth" open.
I want to know if that can be done in Kydex.

I want the Mirage for its ceramic properties, which would be wasted next to a 2lb hunk of metal. I'll look at some knives soon and get back to you.
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