Should we or should we not talk to terrorists?

About all we should say to terrorists is "Which do you prefer to be? Burned to a crisp, blown to pieces, green and glowing, or swiss cheese? Pick one, cause you're gonna get it."
Tuttle8 I think you're right. Once the enemy surrenders then we need to talk to him. cxg231 you're entirely wrong because you're mixing up Obamas plans to appease active enemies with the present administration's attempts to heal the breech after they've surrendered.

Looking back on WWII, what some think was our last righteous war, we didn't rape and kill in Japan and Germany once they surrendered. Even though it took over a decade and we had to kill over 10,000 residual combatants we didn't execute the Emperor, nor did we wantonly murder the rank and file citizens of the two countries. We didn't start begging them to pretty-please stop in 1942. Instead we did what we had to do then when they begged us to stop we did on our terms not theirs.

Obama's stance goes back much further in history, with a good historical analogy being the concept of danegeld. Basically Obama (and most of his liberal colleagues) believe that if you pay the enemy off you can somehow buy his goodwill and he'll stop attacking you.
Thanks, M&M.

Make no mistake, though. As long as they even whistle the wrong tune, I believe in unrelenting hammering by our military....and then some.:cool:
This is a simple issue.

You can't talk to "terrorists" because: A) there is no one to talk to. They are just loosely aligned cells, with a variety of aims and no leadership; and B) there's nothing to talk about, as they are fanatics, by definition.

On the other hand, of course all countries should talk to one another, and always do, no matter the sporadic rhetoric of their leaders.
The current administration has long held that we don't talk with terrorists, yet, as I type, Condoleezza Rice is in Libya, talking with "Colonel" Gaddafi. Now, I realize that Libya has made strides from the 1980's but Gaddafi is still the same man that sponsered the bombing of PanAm 103. Last I checked, that was a blatant act of terrorism, therefore, Gaddafi is a terrorist.

So why is it ok for the current administration to talk to Gaddafi, but it's a horrible idea for Obama to talk to Iran (for example)? While I agree that Libya has come a long way, I don't think we should talk to them until Gaddafi (the terrorist) is out of there. Oh, but wait - Libya has oil...

Gaddafi is NO LONGER considered a terrorist---he has stopped terrorists activity and no longer engages in it or supports terrorists in his country.
He is a success story and we should talk to him ---at this point.

Comparing Gaddafi to Iran's leadership is not a valid comparison, one has STOPPED his activities that other has not.

One of the things that helped Gaddafi reach his current state of mind was when we went after him and he narrowly escaped, unfortunately his son did not and was killed when we bombed his tent.
He then decided that we were serious and decided to play ball.
Sometimes, a little help is all that is needed.
Talking first and giving a terrorist nation anything that resembles respect will just get us killed.

Don't leave out the effect our overthrow of Saddam had on Quaddafi.

Because of that, and the fact Libya was Nowheresville, Libya's fledgling nuclear weapons program is now stored in a warehouse in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Libya handed it over to us.
Yes, we should talk to terrorists, like maybe asking 'Do you have any final words' or Would you like a blindfold'.
Every time I see a thread on terrorism I am amazed and ashamed at the same time by what I read. I am new and I don't mean to offend anyone here, I want to make that crystal clear.

But I as an American feel offended and embarassed by our ignorance on the matter at hand. What I see in these posts is what is mostly fed to us through our media, be it TV, radio or movies.

It's sad that no one quotes some of our founding fathers and their views on terrorism and dangers to a free society. Maybe we should turn off the tv and head for the library to learn who the true terrrorists are.

On a final note, please don't forget that CIA created Al-Qaeda and recruited Osama to fight the Soviets. As far as I know, based on the facts and our countries actions, he is still on our payroll. Don't forget we trained them, we supplied them with weapons and participated in their 'terrorist' activities agains other nations, not just USSR. Read what Bush's top CIA adviser has to say about 911 and terrorism and our contries policies toward it.

It is our collective ignorance that is destroying this country. Not some muslim shepherd living in a cave.
Stija, hi, welcome to TFL!
It's sad that no one quotes some of our founding fathers and their views on terrorism and dangers to a free society. Maybe we should turn off the tv and head for the library to learn who the true terrrorists are.
Our books were all banned here. :rolleyes: Care to expound?

On a final note, please don't forget that CIA created Al-Qaeda and recruited Osama to fight the Soviets. As far as I know, based on the facts and our countries actions, he is still on our payroll.
Doesn't anyone know how to make an effective letter-bomb anymore? The check's in the mail.:rolleyes: :)
Don't forget we trained them, we supplied them with weapons and participated in their 'terrorist' activities agains other nations, not just USSR.
Yeah, well, when my highly-trained chow starts randomly biting women & children he can expect to be summarily put down also.
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In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was the most infamous terror-state existing in human history. Using Afghans to help bring them down was money well spent, regardless of future events.

We take the bad guys as they come, and out track record of getting rid of them in their turn is a pretty good one.
In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was the most infamous terror-state existing in human history.
And you know this how? First hand experience or western media?

I lived on both continents, and in both countries. The only difference is that people there were aware of the opression of rights by their government. In this country they're so oblivious that they welcome it with their arms open.

Have any of you actually ever read the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto? I suggest you do, here.

10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto
1 Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2 A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3 Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4 Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5 Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6 Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7 Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8 Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9 Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10 Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.[4]

Aaand...which one doesn't apply to this great 'Republic' of ours?