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Should New members be Restricted from Posting in L&P

For the most part, I think it's justified during these election times. If the cattle gets restless, you gotta control the troublemakers with a shorter leash for a time until things settle down.

I don't consider myself to be a troublemaker. At least that wasn't my intent. I'm not bitchin about it. Staying out of L&P will keep my blood pressure down.:D
I think the mods on L&P are wound a lil tight. I've not been a member here that long but I've made a good many posts and made a few smart assed quips on L&P and got temporarily banned from there for it. Maybe this remark will get me banned from TFL altogether. If that's the case then so be it.

Pretty much how I see it.

I called a guy who admits and brags about being a REMF "a REMF" during a discussion about actual fighting and immediately got a vacation from L&P. That'd be like someone getting banned for calling me a "redneck Texan" when I've never made any secret over being both a redneck and a Texan.

Go figure.

But having been on the stinky end of the political stick when in uniform as well as carrying around a gold badge, it's just as well. Politics nauseate me as do people who relish politics and believe in politics.

I wish this place had a way I could "ignore" the whole stinking L&P area and not even see it when I click on "new posts."

But, the one good thing about the L&P is that it helps me expand and grow my "ignore" list. Sure has reduced the amount of reading I end up doing.

I understand where you are coming from but I am reluctant to see members banned from certain sections without due course.

...but I do get tired or certain people that only post in L&P. I have seen guys with high post counts that haven't discussed a gun in the last several hundred posts if not longer. They just seem intent on making sure the over all tone of the L&P section remains leaning to the right.
They just seem intent on making sure the over all tone of the L&P section remains leaning to the right.

I thought it was outer space myself :)

Thank god we got guys like you PP who bring us back to a sense of normalcy.

WildthoushallnotcovetthyneigborssigAlaska TM
Just a thought!

Is it possible that people join this forum for the purpose of learning how gun owners think as regards Legal and Political?

I ran across The High Road while looking up something gun related. I stay for the reloading, handgun and revolver forums, the Trading Post and the General Discussion Forum. I came here because so many members there are here too. I read the same forums here. I glance at the Legal and Political occasionally just to see what is being said. I don't like politics, don't really care which one is going to shaft us this time.

I do believe that new members should participate in the entire site, but trying to force them to do that by barring them from what they may have come here for seems awfully narrow minded. How are we going to interest them in all aspects of gunownership if we try to direct there travel. I would rather tolerate some inane or outright stupid questions than to have them go away disgruntled and join the anti's.. We as gunowners need to become a lot more openminded than we appear to be on websites lest we get labelled as clique ish, snobbish or belligerent.

Just my opinion.

I belong to several forums and the phenomenon you describe is not limited to TFL. I noticed it first in the '04 elections when numerous 'DNC Plants' started registering 4-6 months before the election and running up high post counts- almost solely in L&P-type posts, and usually for a specific candidate.

I am generally against regulating speech beyond what any specific forum's rules already cover. McCain-Fiengold is enough of an insult to the intelligence of the voting public. Besides, there are plenty of opportunities to question their intelligence after each election;)

Moronic political posters are, in my view, simply another good use for that wonderful little 'ignore' feature that graces the better forums. Oh I suppose if you caught one of them posting total fertilizer and you felt it was worth your trouble to point that out, a person could do that. More and more however I find myself with better things to do than trying to teach opera to pigs, or change minds that are already closed.

take care-
More and more however I find myself with better things to do than trying to teach opera to pigs, or change minds that are already closed.

That needs to be my new sig line, can I have it?

WildniceoneAlaska TM
After a personal experience in the downside of L&P, I've decided to limit my exposure.

I thought over the matter and reconfigured ideas on just why I come to forums. Obviously KF is work related--there are so few tinkers that it's more like text messaging family members.

And I dumped all of my defense forums. I began to question the actual credentials of the posters.

However, the rest of that participation should be fun, and once in a while I regretted signing on, and that's a warning sign.

Personally, if we had a knife segment here I could pretty much play, tell bad jokes and offer a lifestyle point of view without ever treading in L&P.
I seriously mean this, with all due respect, Wildalaska, I do not agree with you one bit on this one.

That is the reason there is a Legal and Political section. If you don't want to talk politics then stay away from that forum. Why restrict liberty?

I seriously think that that whole idea is draconian.

Just because someone is a new member of The Firing Line does not mean that they don't know as much as senior members do. I guarantee you that I know more than some of the guys on here with 1000's of posts. Then again, I am sure there are some guys on here with 2 posts that know unfathomably more than I could ever expect to know.
More and more however I find myself with better things to do than trying to teach opera to pigs, or change minds that are already closed.
That needs to be my new sig line, can I have it?

WildniceoneAlaska TM

Absolutely. I'll take that as a compliment, and thank you.

Please forgive my internet ignorance, but what does it mean?

regarding L&P posts, maybe there s/b some sort of limit; you cant have more L&P posts than your total of all other forum posts.

About suspensions; what exactly is/are grounds for suspension on L&P? are they different than the rest of the forum? does anyone else know when you get suspended ( "so and so has been suspended for three days for repeated use of the f word..."?)

Im not being a wise azz, Im just trying to understand!
About the suspension deal. Nobody else usually knows if you get suspended/banned. I got banned from L&P for one month for a tongue in cheek(I guess the mods didn't see it that way) bout with a couple of other members. They also got banned, however one of them apologized and whatall and was reinstated. I carry on the same way sometimes on the other forums and nothing is said. There was no warning, no PM telling me I was messin up, no nothing. I can still read the forum, just can't post. Course without being able to post there's no point in reading. I didn't spend a lot of time there, most of my posts are gun related so it's no big deal. Do I think I deserved to be banned? No, but that's not my call to make. The mods have a job to do and they do it. I know what it's like being a mod because I am one on another gun forum and sometimes you have to make decisions based on what's best for the forum, but I really think this was a little extreme.
There was no warning, no PM telling me I was messin up, no nothing.

I know the Mods can alter a post and even "unpost" it and thats a needed "safety". but would think you'd get a warning first.
I had a mod change the title of my post once and send me a very nice PM saying why.
still need to know what "SWMBO" and "REMF" mean.
This is a free speech forum. With that being the case you're gonna get posts that you like, and posts that you don't (to include politics). Its entertaining. Thats one of the reasons I frequent this site. Just like any other you have to sift through a few posts sometimes (yours and mine included) to find what you need, but thats ok. There appears to be a good mix of those who are quite knowledgeable, and ones like me who are interested in learning. We throw a post out there. Sometimes it sticks, sometimes it dosen't. If we get too carried away the mods lock it down : )


Go Heels! Beat everybody : )