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Should New members be Restricted from Posting in L&P


Hard to beleive I know, but I'm really not TRYING to be a jerk (any more than I normally am) but it seems to me that the over the past few months, New members IMMEDIATELY gravitate to L&P in an attempt, IMHO, to stir the pot.

This is a gun Board and sometimes I get the feeling that some folks could give a hoot about guns except as they may be part of a political agenda. While I like a good political discussion as well as the next guy, and while there are a huge bunch of folks from all political persuasions here who I think are exceptionally cool dudes, most of them are experienced "old hands" that have some good things to add about guns too...

On the other hand, for example, last night during a light night surf I found me a brand new member posting links to a conspiracy website (which was nipped in the bud by Antipitas) but I think this is indicative of a problem...no offense newbies, but simply because this is Board gun and gun related doesnt mean that we all share desires to restore prayers in schools, white only water fountains, Barack as the new Messiah or the impeachment of the Shrub.

So my gig...can or should new members be restricted from posting in L&P until they get some sand in their shoes so to speak in the gun parts of the Board....would this cull out the drive by agenda folks?

WildifimsteppinontoesletmeknowAlaska TM
im a new member to this forum. and i have learned alot so far just by reading new and old posts. i have been in the gun sales business 7 years prior to this year and i would not have joined this forum if i would have been limited to certain areas. just my opinion tho, so it counts for as much sand as you want it to.

but it is a good board, i think some people just have nothing better to do with their spare time. than to spam forums

Would only work if you split the L and P. Many of the first questions of new guys deal with the legal stuff.
I understand what you mean, but I don't know if it's the answer.

One one hand it appears that a member isn't allowed to make full use of membership benefits and it seems like it's a form of probation. Or, it may come across as a form of punishment before the crime has been comitted...

On the other hand, it may be wise so that if the new member wants to post in L&P, one can only read what's going on. That way he/she can learn the ropes of mannerisms and forms of communication that's presented...

I think this is the biggest issue. New members may not know exactly the method of sentence form/structure to effectively communicate his/her point without other members misreading the tone.

To be honest, I think I fell into this category when I first joined. I've read some of my first posts and the method of my communication has drastically changed since, IMO.

Darned if Rich does, darned if Rich doesn't...

Not to go off topic, but I'd LOVE to introduce a rule of new members aren't allowed to dig up old threads. This has run RAMPANT lately and isn't conducive to discussions. There are some threads that are worth reinstating, but a thread arguement of Glocks being dethroned that started way back in 2002 and pulled out of the closet 6 YEARS later is absolutely...well...I'll refrain from drifting OT. Sorry, Ken. The floor (and soap-box) is yours...
You're not stepping on any toes, Ken. Just asking a question - and a valid one at that.

I am against such restrictions due to the simple fact that we all agreed to certain rules when we joined TFL and if we all abide by them, there will be few problems. If a new member breaks the rules they'll be banned or given a "vacation" from L&P until they learn to control themselves.

If someone like Stephen Halbrook or John Lott decided to join, I'd sure like to have them posting in L&P right from the start.

I'm for correcting the problems of the minority (abusers) rather than restricting the majority (law-abiding).
I'm for correcting the problems of the minority (abusers) rather than restricting the majority (law-abiding).

hey! An analogy!:D

Could we not call new membership "training" then...:)

WildthenyougetyourpermittopostAlaska ™
Some of the new folks that like to stir it up in L&P are also the ones that constantly offer stupid firearms advice and opinions. People are rarely banned for believing stupid things about firearms, but they are often banned for acting like jackasses in L&P. Thus, allowing them to mouth off in L&P gets them and their insane firearms ideas off TFL as quickly as possible.

Let them hang themselves in L&P whenever they want for the greater good of normal firearms conversations.
I consider this board to be private property just like a business is private property. For the "probation" or "training" period proposed I see it exactly like one should see carrying a weapon. I find it ironic that some, and I understand and agree, want to place restrictions on posting on this board yet when it comes to guns protest any and all restrictions, probationary period or training. They also want to deny the right of a merchant or employer to prohibit weapons on his property. An Internet discussion board can be considered a reflection of society with its rights and responsibilities. Should an Internet discussion board be run differently than a business with rules and regulations comparable to being able to carry a gun? I just see this as another example of some saying that the only right that counts is 2A.
i'm not sure what to say to that. i know that from reading others posts and asking questions and posting questions and respones of my own. i am gaining knowledge here as well as getting a few laughs and some oh my goshes.
...I'm really not TRYING to be a jerk (any more than I normally am) but it seems to me that the over the past few months, New members IMMEDIATELY gravitate to L&P in an attempt, IMHO, to stir the pot.

So, the most tempered opinions come from being an older member of the FL Forum? From what I've read on the FL posts, the pot-stirring has no correlation to the length of membership. Let 'em spout for heaven's sake...
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I am new to this forum but not new to to gun forums or forums in general. All I can say is start your own forum and see how good it operates with your rule or rules. I can assure you it will not work. If people are causing trouble the mods will take care of it, that's their job.

My 2 cents...
I think the mods on L&P are wound a lil tight. I've not been a member here that long but I've made a good many posts and made a few smart assed quips on L&P and got temporarily banned from there for it. Maybe this remark will get me banned from TFL altogether. If that's the case then so be it.
I think the mods on L&P are wound a lil tight. I've not been a member here that long but I've made a good many posts and made a few smart assed quips on L&P and got temporarily banned from there for it. Maybe this remark will get me banned from TFL altogether. If that's the case then so be it.

For the most part, I think it's justified during these election times. If the cattle gets restless, you gotta control the troublemakers with a shorter leash for a time until things settle down.

IMHO, I think due to the mods being overworked and not enough post reporting from members, higher than normal incidents of rulebreaking are happening. Overall, I still think this board is one of THE best operated.

Nobody's perfect. I'm sure a few members may have had an unnecessary short leash, yet many that should have roamed free for quite some time...
I think it is a bad idea. This is an open forum. There are lurkers who visit for quite a long toime before they read something that compells them to post. Sure some newbies join solely to instigate. But they dont last.

I dont believe that a new member should be restricted based solely upon post count. We all know that post count means nothing. There is no potential here to cause bodily harm like a permit to carry or a drivers liscense brings with it. If a new member lays an egg...a mod will clean it up pretty quickly (no offense mods). Until that happens...you can always ignore the post and just move on to another.

Taking it further, what if a new member came along and suggested that someoone with a post count of over 1,000 in less than one year "needs to get a life" and should be restricted so that they can go outside and breathe some fresh air?

We were all a newbie once...were we any less pertinent then, then now?
We were all a newbie once...were we any less pertinent then, then now?

Dont know about you but I have never been pertinent :)

My gripe is the folks that join up on Feb 23, 2008, with their first post being (with this not being aimed at anyone in particular) "The NRA is controlled by Neocons Who Are depriving us of our firearms in a conspiracy with the Demonkrats"....

Or such like.

WildsleepyAlaska TM
My gripe is the folks that join up on Feb 23, 2008, with their first post being (with this not being aimed at anyone in particular) "The NRA is controlled by Neocons Who Are depriving us of our firearms in a conspiracy with the Demonkrats"

So don't read 'em. :)

And even more difficult - don't respond... :D :p

And even more difficult - don't respond...

Dave, me and SWMBO follow ambulances around. We rubberneck. I watch death videos through my fingers.

How could I NOT respond to one like I set forth?? My heart would give out and my liver explode!

It's my duty as a self appointed prissymeister to respond ;):D:p Besides put a chocolate cake in front of me with a pack of Marlboros and see how strong I am

WildimustimusticanthelpitstopmebeforeipostagainAlaska TM
There are some who are obviously joining to promote anti-gun politicians or smear pro-gun orgs. I don't think that their posts are going to entice Halbrook or Lott to join up. I have to agree with WA on this one.
Wild, you are not being a jerk any more than you are normally (somebody had to agree with you, LOL!). However, if they didn't post in L&P, they would just put their posts in a general section.

Besides, a group of us got together and agreed to not have a conspiracy.
