should i wear deoderant

If i am gun hunting,,, ill wear my normal deoderant.

now bow hunting.... im a scent freak. You have to be. The scent free deoderant I have, i think its scent-a-way SUCKS id be better off wearing nothing. I totally smell like BO come the end of the way. I was RANK this year after i got my doe with a bow, it got into like the 70s midday... tracking,, then draging it out... yeah RANK.

I need to find another scent free deoderant.
My wife came up with a pretty good thought.

Here in Oklahoma,Texas area, this year we can just stand in the camp fire smoke, and the deer will think we're just part of another damn grass fire.:mad:
Just a little humor. No offence intended.
Innercity deer may be wearing head phones and listening to rap when you find them. There smellers may be filled with smog and they cant smell anything, or they are wacked out on the meth. I don't hunt innercity deer with neighborhoods on both sides with an AK. You must admit that this is not the average whitetail hunt.

Most of us hunt in the country. We don't believe deer are stupid. Anything can happen on any given day in the deer woods. Yes deer act goofy during the rut. The stories are in the millions about people doing everything wrong and still bagging a deer. After that first shot of rifle season, mature deer are very wary of smells. The more you can do to cover your smell, the better chance you have at finding Godzilla Buck.
Check the monster bucks of record and see what the hunters were wearing and doing.

It sounds like you have a great advantage over the rest of us. I can never sell you on scent control because you have had success without it. Maybe after a couple of seasons of bad luck you will change your mind.
RC Racer If I hunt, shoot, track, field dress, and drag out a deer, I don't know of any deodorant that would keep me from being rank. HS scents stick deodorant works for me.
I am fortunate enough to live in an area where I have deer in my backyard, and I live on the edge of the city limits, with about 40 houses around me.
I have 40 acres on my property here, and if I walk to the back I am just over the city limit boundry. This allows me a place that I can bow hunt on with out being in the city limits.
I also have other properties that I hunt with bow and rifle that are WAY out in the country.
The difference in hunting the two locations is NIGHT and DAY.
The deer I hunt at home are far easier to hunt, than the deer in the other places in the country.
I have been in this conversation with hunters at deer camp at least a hundred times, and I have come to realize that arguing the point is useless, but I have also made the observation, that even though all of the hunters will kill a buck of some sort, the really trophy bucks, seem to come from hunters that take the extra step with their odor, and wind conditions.Not all of us spend a lot of money on the dollar maker products that are out there, but if you are going to be successful on a regular basis, you will be better off to treat your prey as if it were as smart as you are.
If you smell gasoline in the dark, you would be smart enough not to light a match to look for it, and a deer, if it smells you in a location, will be smart enough not to enter that location.
I will say agin. I believe it "depends" on where you hunt and what you believe. I don't live in the inner city I live about 5 miles from the city limits and it is a small city called Rock Hill in SC. Also when I moved here there were no nighborhoods. The ones to either side(not as close as you may think) of where I hunt only sprung up a few years ago. Also a deer 100+ yrds away isn't going to know where your scent is coming from, and if you think your potiential predator scent is the only one in the woods then you are wrong. Do you really honestly think foxes, dogs, coyotes, bob cat, panther, bear..ect don't urinate or deficate in your hunting area? The deer in my area are just as wary as any other deer after the rut. Also I did state that when I still hunt way up in a tree that I put out deer attractent scent around the base of my tree. Too I have been successful in more remote areas with nothing more and I have killed a few 8 point several 6s innumerable 4s and cow horns and doe all with out covers and scent free deoderants or special camoflage clothing. Those guys you see on TV are sponsered by those that want your money and get all that stuff for free and will tell you what ever thier sponsors want them to tell you.
After a few beginning season freezer fillers from still hunting I do like to stalk hunt with a pistol. When I stalk I do use a cover. Real Tree raccoon urian, and nothing else and have been sufficiantly success with that too.
As to the AK kill. I wasn't out in the woods to hunt. I was going into the woods to do some target shooting. Also when I first bought the land on which I live and hunt most of the time I was broke and had only my Colt King Cobra SS 4". So I bought the cheapest most powerful rifle I could find. A bulgarian SKS for $100 back in '94 and killed many a deer with it using wolf JHP's and SJSP's. The longest shot well over 250yrds on a six point, using iron sightes, and killed it where it stood. Every deer I ever shot died on the spot with that rifle and those rounds except 1 and it only ran about 20 yrds.
I say agin all you who buy into these you gotta have this and you gotta have that and you gotta have a super powerful/super accurate scoped rifle to be successful ads have been played buy the big buisnesses. A fool and his money are soon parted.
IMHO, use Scentkiller brand non-scented deodorant, and Scentkiller spray.

That stuff works...My father had a 8 point stand DIRECTLY downwind at 18 yds.(the distance between him and the now venison deer!:D) and still not smell him or his camel cigs.:D

Yes, he and the deer were both at ground level...No, he was not in a blind of any sort...just leaning against a tree...
Wind Wind Wind

You can use all the scent killer in the world it may or may not help you. But if you hunt with the wind in your face they won't smell you.

I've used all the stuff out there I've killed 80 + deer with a bow and over 175 with a firearm. I don't care how careful you are with your scent if a strong breeze is blowing toward the game you can hang it up. (99 times out of a 100). Of course there are exceptions to every rule.

All of natures best predators stink to high heaven I've have never smelled a fox or a coyote that didn't stink up a storm. They are always careful of the wind. That's why you shouldn't go coyote calling on real windy days unless you got the perfect setup. Some lay of the land that forces them to ignore the wind like a river or something similar. They will invaribly circle to get down wind of the noise. The best days to call are on windless or nearly so days.

Oh did I mention pay attention to the wind! LOL!
