should i wear deoderant


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should i wear deorderant?

i go to school on fridays for about 2-4 hrs. when i know i will go hunting with a friend of mine i don't wear deorderant neither does he. is that bad?
i am not going to school to me somebody.

i do take a shower but with water only, plus it helps me stay up.

but if i do were deorderant what should i use so that i don't scare away the feral hogs or the coyotes?

we kill them becuase they run away the deer and kill the turkeys.
I Have Heard That The Human Scent Is Stronger And Animals Will Notice You More If You Stink. I Agree With The Above Reply Of Using Unsented Deodorant.
I use the unscented deordorant for hunting and also use some of the scent killer sprays and also cover scents.
I've used it but at the moment i couldn't tell you what brand it was. But it did work pretty well. I believe i got it at walmart in the hunting section. +1 on using the scent killer sprays.
I am a 10 year bowhunter and a 2 year rifle hunter. For close encounters you should concider the Hunter's Specialty line of scent control. This is not the only line, but it is a good one. Others work equally as good.

I use the Bar soap, my hunting buddy uses the liquid.
I use the underarm deodorant.
I use the Laundry detergent
I use the Drier sheets.
I keep my clothes in scent free bags.
I use the scent elimination spray on my boots and clothes.

I harvested 7 deer in 2 states last fall. 3 bow, 1 muzzleloader,3 Rifle

The best thing you can do to keep from getting scent-busted is to play the wind and wear rubber boots. Only wear those rubber boots in the woods.

One big mistake hunters make is wearing there boots in town and even filling up the truck with gasoline while wearing those boots. 20 minutes later they are in the woods. The parking lot smell is trailed everywhere they walked.

Play the wind. Get some cheap rubber boots and only use them in the woods. The bar soap is around 4 bucks. The spray from HS is about 7 for a big bottle. The feeling you get when deer are walking below you, and don't know you are there........priceless.
I don't know how true it is, but I have had a lot of guys tell me not to wash camo in the washer and dryer because it puts little fuzz balls on the camo that makes it more visible to deer in the early morning or late evening light.
I can't say for sure because I always hand wash my camo in a stream and air dry before storing in scent proof bags.
D.FOX is telling it right, the biggest two mistakes that I have seen hunters make over the years is storing their camo on a hanger, in a closet, that is open to all the odors in your house(bacon frying, smokeing odor,scented candles,ect.) since you live there, you won't notice the odor, but the deer will.
The other one D.FOX covered is your boots, you should NEVER wear your hunting boots, anywhere besides in your hunting area. I bought a pair of good hunting boots several years ago, and they don't see the light of day except in the woods. I don't even put them on until I get in the woods.
Deer have an excellent nose, and will pick up ANY faint odor you might leave while walking, and anything strange to them, is a reason for them to gather up some gone.
I also use a scent nuetralizer called Scent Away. It can be had at walmart or about any hunting store. Fairly priced and seems to work well.
I spray it on my body before getting dressed and again after I am dressed(not to heavy or you will water log your camo) I take a small bottle with me to the stand and if I touch something, like my ladder, I will spray it down after climbing up, just for safe measure.

thanks for the info i will go out and buy some rubber boots. and will check wally world for the scent odor.


thanks for that info, will do
The Human Scent Is Stronger And Animals Will Notice You More If You Stink.

+1 :barf:

There is ammonia in your sweat...

Ever smell ammonia?

If it doesn't belong in the woods, it will "spook" the game...

Try Ivory if you don't have access to the hunter's deoderant...

The Indians washed up in the creek. (Burrr) They didn't have soap, they used to rub their bodies with bruised leaves so it would cover their scent...
They had to get a lot closer to the game hunting with bows and arrows...
and they weren't using compounds or even recurves. :rolleyes:

I have been using some of the H & S scent killer sprays from Wal-Mart. They also make one that is called earth scent . I have used it for years, but man my wife raises H##l when she smells it. I love to smell it because it smells like fresh dirt and reminds me of being in the woods. Don't know if anyone else has ever tried the raccoon urine spray but I have used it as a cover scent on the bottom of my boots the past two seasons. This past season I had bucks and does walking right in my tracks and they didn't seem too concerned. I saw more deer the last two seasons than I have seen in 10 years combined. Like the other guys said, don't walk around the gas station in your hunting boots or hang out a the local bar in the cigarette smoke. You get fuel on the bottom of your boots and ol bucky will avoid you. As far as my clothes I try to wash them in the special non scented detergeants and then put them in the H & S bags that zip up. I add the H & S scent wafers to the inside of the bags.
The Other Predator

Right now, mountain lions are doing a number on the deer population in certain areas of California. What scent blocking device or product do you think they are using? Find out and duplicate it. Then you can get as close as they do to deer which is within pointy stick range.
Use unscented Mennon deodorant, and Ivory soap. I wash my hunting clothes in Baking Soda (both for no scent, and no "brighteners" that make you glow in the dark for animals that can see in to the ultrviolet better than we). I also use coverup spray (Earth Scent) as well.

Is all of it really that important? probabaly not, but I need all the help i can get!

I think you got a good idea, but I can't run fast enough to catch one.:D

Iv'e never even seen a Mountain Lion but from what I gather out of my hunting manuels, I think they tend to work up wind of their prey, and jump from higher vantage points:rolleyes: Wow, that sure sounds like how I hunt. I've been telling my wife for years that I should be the King in my house.:D

It didn't work, she says when I can run like a lion, then I can roar like one, but not until.:mad:
in all honesty ive hunted for 12 years now never used scentblockers and never paid close attention to where my boots have been,and i always see deer,not always bucks but deer anyway
Do you see deer at 20 yards or 120? I see deer under my treestand almost every time I hunt. Sometimes right below me, sometimes 15-25 yards away. I have seen deer cross my trail and go to alert 2 hours after I left it. That is after much attention to scent control. If you use some of the items listed above( I didn't list everything I do for bowhunting) you may see more and better quality deer.
I believe it depends if you are ground hunting or tree hunting. I used to go buy all the best camoflage and scent killers (including deoderant) and cover scents. I don't any more though. I tree hunt most of the time and try to get at least 20' up. I take a shower the night before using regular irish spring soap and brush my teeth before I go out. I killed 3 doe and 2 buck this season,and only went out 7 times. Largest was a 6 point white tail 173lbs with an AK47. This is what gets every one I know that hunts. I had just got home from a rough day at work and decided to blow a few rounds to blow off some steam. No shower, no brushed teeth, no scent killers,no cammys, and no cover scents. I started into the woods and immediatly jumped 2 doe. L I B might wanna turn on this reflex QA hologram scope i thought to myself. Stalk walked on in and 100 yrds later at the bottom of small hill next to creek stood the 6 point standing about 40 yrds from me. So I slowly brought rifle on line and killed him on the spot. 1st shot knocked him on his a$$ but he was attempting to get up so I fired another. No more movement. The kicker is I was up wind. The only reason I can conclude that these deer don't associate human scent as all that dangerous is because there are nieghbor hoods on both sides of where I hunt and the deer in that area have become accustom to human scents. Also when way up in a tree the deer won't readily see you and your scent is carried away from your location by breezes and makes any deer scenting you think you are where you aren't.
Deer are in my observations some kooky crazy stupid animals. Especially during the rut. I went hunting with a friend once and we both got a buck. We were draging his back to his truck and when we got close we saw about 6 deer hanging out around his truck. Looking in the back and into cab through glass.
Your fore fathers didn't have all the crap they market today. They had no camoflage. they had no cover scents or scent elimenators, and thier weapons weren't as accurate so they had to get way closer. Yet they were sucessful. You do the math and save your money. Hunting should not be an expensive sport. But the product marketers will have you thinking you can't be sucessful with out thier products.
Now I do have to admit I do put out attractant scent around my tree. I use Hunters Gold. Also I use my deer call and rattle. but I don't wear speacial camouflage or scent killers/covers.