Should i trade my beretta inox????? Help

Got a guy wanting to trade a prestine colt detective special 1977 for my beretta Italian 92fs inox ? Is it worth the trade? The colt would be my carry gun so it will be carried . Just sum thoughts on this even swap? Thanks
I carry a Beretta PX4 Storm Compact in 9mm and I love it. I've never had any failures with it.

If it was me I would keep the Beretta or try to get a PX4 Compact to carry. It's 15+1.
Pristine Colt is worth a lot more than the Beretta and very good trading material.
For me it would be a done deal, I don’t need that many rounds as a self defense gun.
The ring on the cylinder makes it less than pristine but I would still take the trade, anything with the dancing pony is a good gun to own.
If you are going to carry the Colt, that pretty fishish will lose some luster. Question, is the Beretta your carry piece now? You say the Colt will be your carry gun. Regardless of value, I would make the trade to have a better carry gun.
Definitely trade for the Colt. The Inox is run-of-the-mill, and you could always get another one later, easily. I pocket carry an LCR and its super convenient, you'll love the DS and especially it being iconic.
little Colts while worth allot are delicate.

While they may not be as robust as Rugers, Colt revolvers, even the "little" ones, are anything but "delicate". I shoot a little Cobra regularly without incident and my Officers Special has deposited thousands of bullets downrange at Bullseye matches accurately and reliably.

I'd make the trade in a New York minute.
So it looks like some do not think the berreta is worth keeping. I don't know if you know this but it is not a run of the mill Berreta. The INOX is stainless steel, rare, and also it is an Italian made version, did I mention rare. Yes you can find US made INOXs for not much more than the standard M9, say +$100.But an Italian made INOX has a bit more value.You may have to do some more research. But a would be close to an even trade should the trade value of the COLT is on the upside of $700+.Just what I have seen and in my neck of the woods.There is a memebr or two on here that I know also belong to another forum with much more knowledge on this than I.Perhaps they will chime in.
Why get a "pristine" Colt to carry? You can get a new air weight smith for around $400 and wear the finish off of that.

BINGO!!! We have a winner!

"Iconic" and "carry" just makes no sense to me. Keep your great Beretta, and if you have other carry guns you don't need the Colt any way. If you just want a snubbie for carry there are plenty that are not "iconic" peices to wear the finish off of.
On the other hand, if you want the Colt for a safe queen, or sometimes shooter only you can decide if trading your Italian INOX Beretta is really worth It.
But It sounds to me like you really like the Beretta.
The Beretta Inox is a joy to shoot. Tne Colt will rip your hand up. For me, no question...keep the Beretta. Unless you like collecting Colts, I don't see tne charm in something that bites your hand.
I don't think I would get rid of the Beretta 92...that is a very nice handgun but I sure wouldn't want to let a Colt like the one pictured get away either...any chance you could sell some golf clubs, dip into your savings or get rid of some of that furniture you probably own (remember you'll be spending more time at the range so you won't need so much furniture) and just buy the Colt?

Good luck - IMhO either decision will actually turn out pretty good for you,
Dale - who agrees whole heartedly with Cheapshooter's sig line.
Setting aside for the moment the "carry" issue.

I love Beretta, enough that it's fair to call me a fanboy. But they are still making new production runs of Beretta 92 Inox (you can get one for like $635 on Bud's right now). On a rare occasion I think they even do all-steel runs like yours (very rare though, this is true). They are no longer making D-frame Colts.

Get the Colt.

I'm baffled at the posts saying the Colt DS is hard on the hand or hard to carry. It is undoubtedly one of my softest shooters and not very hard at all to conceal.
I have abandoned Colt revolvers for any kind of use. They ARE more delicate than Rugers or Smiths, and finding parts or qualified gunsmith to even tune them is very hard to do, and expensive. As noted, the inox Beretta is a bit rare, and holds its value as easily as the Colt. I'd keep the Beretta, and get a Ruger SP101 or any of the new, improved current crop of J-frames.