Should I teach my kid?


My dad started me at 6 or 7 shooting old cans with a Remington Nylon 66 .22.

After 5 years of training on handling, using, shooting and caring for a firearm he bought me an 870 Wingmaster at 12.

Now is the right age to start teaching your kid. I have a 6 year old and he already wants to go hunting and loves shooting hedge apples off the tree on the farm.

Do the right thing for your child and your family. Teach them while they are young.

If you don't teach them to be for Guns, they will be taught to be against them. You need to start instructing them as soon as they start communicating. If you don't believe me, take a look at the anti-gun TV ads spewed forth by the Feds during children's programing.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
if you take the time to teach them to say no to drugs and beware of strangers, why would you not teach them about guns. by all means do it. my daughter started getting an interest in guns (especially shot guns) 1 1/2 yrs ago. she is now 16 and is doing trap and skeet, as well as being a staunch 2nd amend. supporter and activist in school. yes there are a few gun friendly students as well as teachers also.
I ran into the same problem as ak9 when I tried to convince my 15 year old son to take an interest in shooting. I wish that I myself had been introduced to shooting while my son was at a younger age. Unfortunately, when you mention guns to my son he snickers behind my back. I think the media has reached my son before I did. Mention guns and all I hear is Columbine and killing rampages. I’m still working with my him and trying to ease him into the firearm family, but he doesn’t seem to have an interest in it at all. I would love to take him shooting with me, but at this point just convincing him that not all shooters are evil is a chore in itself.

I would extremely encourage anyone with small children to start their children shooting at an early age.

Wow!! All of you guys and gal have the same opinion. My son is looking forward to our trip to the range. Unfortunately my daughter (10) is not so enthusiastic about it. So how could I encourage her. She afraid of gun.

A few suggestions:

make sure the kid can hadnle the gun physically. I had a disappointing range trip with a 9yo girl who could not even pull the trigger on most guns. Week after I ran into an 8yo who would shooting an old 7mm Mauser off hand!

Start with .22, maybe even a .22short at a very close range with a large target (something reactice is nice)

If at all possible, shoot outdoors: much less noise, both from echos of your own reports and from people shooting .454 in the next lane.

If the kid isn't into it, give it rest for a while...however, I view gun handling as a lesson that bears teaching, a bit like personal hygiene...
My dad started taking me to the range around the age of five or six. I'm very glad that he did. I grew up with a healthly respect for firearms and what they are capable of. I plan on doing the same thing if I have children one day. By all means, at least teach them gun safety and instill some respect for firearms in your child. Even if they don't get into shooting, they'll be better off for it

"There are roads that must not be followed, and battles that must not be fought.." --Sun Tzu
Vega, don't hesitate. I'm teaching the 3/4yr. old, but very slowly. Sometimes the POPS get to the little ones. As for your little lady, if I had one of those, I might start out with a decent BB pistol or rifle. And you might also mention how really good women seem to shoot naturally. Of course, don't take my word for it, ask the ladies on this here board - they're TOPS! If she's afraid of guns, though, don't force her, just help her to understand that a 'healthy respect' and knowledge may be a better way to look at it. Good luck to you. Mabuhay!Terry

[This message has been edited by TMoney (edited January 08, 2000).]
Remind your daughter that one of the best shots this country ever produced was Annie Oakley. Also tell her that a girl needs to know how to protect herself. She'll listen.
I always had a BB gun around for the kids of plink with, then when they got around 10 or ll, I started them out on a .22.
You must always stress gun safety and this will be an easy topic to talk about. As you watch TV, point out the mistakes others make.
After awhile, the kids will see this themselves.
Also, when you hear of tragic accidents, ask them to fiqure out what went wrong.
Believe me, you will be amazed years from now of how smart and savvy your kids are.
The time will be well spent.