Should i sell some ammo?


New member
If you had a stockpile of enough ammo to last you three lifetimes would you be willing to sell some of it now at these ridiculous prices that ammo is fetching? $40 bucks for a freaking box of Tula 9mm, you have got to be kidding! My only consideration on not selling some is that it looks like it might be impossible to acquire more in the future and sadly i feel like someday things are really going to go sideways and a stockpile of ammo would be a good thing to have.
A lifetime supply for some folks is a carton of 500, others would define it as needing a forklift rented for the day and a 52 ft trailer. If I had a truckload, I would sell some. Anything under 50,000 rounds, I would keep.
Right now I would hold enough to feed my shooting habit for at least 3 years. Any excess over that I would sell, put the funds in savings, and use that to replenish as things normalize. That arbitrary 3 year number comes from me believing it will take a full 2 years for ammo supplies to largely be at least close to normal, and the 1 year extra is for an emergency poop hits the fan scenario OP talks about. In true long term survival situations I hope to not be shooting firearms much at all. If things are that dire, the report will draw a lot of attention. Hunting with bow/arrow will rule the day at that point. Firearm for SD only. Those types of survival situations are usually fanciful thoughts anyway. Yes it could happen, but the chance at this point is 1 in a million.
With the democrat proposals that include extremely high taxes on guns and ammo, I would make a decision if you intend to shoot much the rest of your life? If the answer is no, sell away. If the answer is yes, why risk running out? It may be cheaper in a few years..... but only if you can find it for sale!
I have sold off a lot of ammo, components, presses and even guns that have stacked up and I really don't want. But, I am changing those for (gun related) things I do want. I hardly ever shoot factory ammo anyway. But the stuff I actually shoot and use, nope, not going to liquidate that to have to buy later at a possibly higher price.
A stock pile of ammo is a good thing. 3 life times is a arbitrary number. If you sell it you can't replace it (right now). If things get real stupid you can use it to barter or sell and there is the self defense thing. My problem is if I had any ammo and I were to sell it I could not or would not charge $40 for commie 9 mm ammo or $90 for a brick of 22. It's just not right. So I don't sell and I don't have any ammo.
Should i sell some ammo?
If you had a stockpile of enough ammo to last you three lifetimes would you be willing to sell some of it now at these ridiculous prices that ammo is fetching?

Not sure of your pronoun use, but if you want to sell ammo, sell ammo.
I'm not against the thought of selling, but I'd hold off a bit. Wait until Biden proposes his ammo/gun grab legislation. If you think prices are high now, hold onto your beer for when that happens. Then you can sell if you want too.
I disagree that one who sells off ammo today should not ask the going rate for ammo. You can certainly be a sucker and someone else will give you a sob story and then turn around and flip the ammo and pocket the difference. I don't think there is a moral dilemma selling ammo for $90 a brick if that's what someone would charge you today to replace it. If you want to do a family or close friend a favor and sell it for what you got in it that's different. We really have no idea what "new normal" will be when this panic is over. We may see the largest tax increase on ammo in history with the current admin and increased regulation on the 2A so what if you sell 500 rounds of 22 for $40 today and then need some in two years and have to pay $100 for the same product? You are going to be crying about it for years to come.
Seriously? Approx. three lifetimes’ worth? :confused:

If most of the ammo could bring in about $4000.....quite frankly, Yes:)---Sell 2/3rds of it......:) Not kidding one bit.

That fraction might help pay for what --Then-- would be my next gun.:cool: Check the true seasoned gun evaluators on Youtube if you doubt their quality.
"Sig 551 A1, The Swiss AK-47". Or read comments by "encyclodediac-knowledge" "Mishaco".
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I'd only sell if I needed the money. Otherwise I'd hold on to it. I have long said that ammo may well be suitable for trade/barter in the future. And what I don't use in my lifetime, will pass to my kids for their future use.
If I really had enough for 3 lifetimes, I would certainly be willing to sell 2/3 of it at the current prices.

I would also sell the warehouse(s) where I was storing it.

Then I would retire with the money.
Not sure I have enough for 3 lifetimes, but I have plenty for my lifetime and will not sell, not now.

Maybe when I'm so old I can't enjoy shooting I would sell some, but most likely will leave it for my kids & grand kids to enjoy.

I lived through a period (many years ago) when there was no ammo & my inventory was not adequate. That will not happen to me again!

I'm well stocked with ammo & components to enjoy all my favorite shooting sports for many many years.

I keep it properly stored, it will last a very long time & always be worth more than I paid for it.
I got a report in from the Scheels in Fargo ND that said the shelves where they normally stock all the different handgun ammo had been completely cleared and restocked with 250 round packs of Remington 115 grain 9mm.

He said it was a sight to behold all that green boxed ammo completely filling the shelves.

It was a bit under $90 per box and he observed a curious phenomenom, folks looking at all that ammo saying, "You know what? I guess I don't need any." and walking away without buying.

He (my friend the marketing genius :p) said Scheels would have done better by bumping the price to $150 for the 250 round boxes and only putting out a hundred boxes or so at a time so only a fraction of their shelf space would be filled.

never sell off what you have...!:eek::eek:

hoard it...hoard it man....!!!!!!!

the day will come, when the zombies will be crashing thru your doors, windows, roof, and you ain't gonna have ANY ammo in easy to reach (to you not them), cuz you sold it off.....

think about yourself, your family, your dang dog or cat, or the goldfish..!!!!!!

fight the zombies, man, fight the zombies, and hold onto your ammo...!!!!!
NO, No and No!!

If you had a stockpile of enough ammo to last you three lifetimes would you be willing to sell some of it now

Unless you just got pink-slip from the KeyStone Pipe line project, Abosotively "Not"

Man, are you going to get some PM's, on this thread !! :eek:

Be Safe !!!