Should I just RETIRE my pore ole Rem 512?


New member
I've had this rifle since I was nine. (1949)

It was with me through rabbits, birds, cans, and targets. (never bottles though ;))

This is a pic. It is near mint.


I took immaculate care of it and even at one time VARNISHED ..ugh... the stock.
Then I corrected that with a good LinSpeed finish and that's what's in the pic.

Nuffa that.

A few years ago, it started jamming. Tried to double feed and the upcoming ctg would jam against the new one going in. Or.... the one coming OUT would hang up on the one coming IN.

Okay... feed prob.

So.... I took it to a "gunsmith" :mad::mad: here in Sacto.
He kept it 7 months, charged me $35 and did NOTHING to cure ...anything.

Not willing to let him get his incompetent mitts on it again, I started tweaking the big screw on the side that I read was what should be tweaked.
It worked sporadically but better than dopey left it.

Then it started the whole thing again about 3 months ago and I took it to a smith that has done GOOD work for me.

Just got it back. He said he fixed it. uh....nope...
but at least NOW it will work if loaded with 5 rds only.

Which I guess is OK since I only fixed it for sentimental reasons and 10/22 and 9422 whenever I shoot 22 rifle.

Back to the 512....
If it works with 5....but not with 15.....or even 10.....

Does that suggest to you a ctg follower spring issue? Too much push on the column of cartridges???

The kicker is that this is a crimped brass tube insert. (Not bent or dented)

Should I try "working" on the spring or retire this ole thang?

I would agree that the spring seems to be the issue.

Me, personally, as a rather sentimental person, would fix it by any means possible(without totally screwing it up) and then retire it. That way if something crazy apocalyptic happens, you can loan out the 10/22 or other gun and keep the 512 to yourself.

Or if you and two buddies want to plink with a 22 rifle and neither have one, you keep your rem.

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Some years ago, I had similar issues with a tube fed bolt .22 -- a Marlin. Was an inherited rifle I had no history with. Eventually I got frustrated and took the entire feed system--outer tube, inner tube, spring, plug, lifter and link--apart, thoroughly cleaned (mega gunk), lightly lubed, and reassembled -- and the problem went away.

.22 rimfire is a dirty round, even when not fired. Why the tube in the bolt gun should be fussier than, say, in pump guns is a question I cannot answer.
It has worn me to a frazzle with the feed issue. That's for sure.
It's very tempting to retire it as a 5 shooter.
The innards on these are touchy devils and it's usually that ONE huge screw in the action that has to be juuuuusssst right.

A frustrating thing to work on.

The 10/22 and 9422 are aperture sighted tack drivers out to 100 yds.

I'd LIKE to get this thing able to run a full tube but don't know if I can work up the enthusiasm again.:(
I've got one just like it, and it just sits because feeding is erratic. And I'm a gunsmith! I just don't have time to dink with a gun every time I want to go shoot it, so I set it on the shelf. My suggestion is you do the same.
So, use it with five rounds loaded.
What's the big deal?
It's a bolt action.
Why deny yourself the enjoyment of using it just because it only works with five rounds in the tube?
Heck, I'd use it still even if it turned into a single shot.
Perfection is not a requirement for something that old, including me and you.
Do what RKG has said a good cleaning won't hurt the gun.

I have a K-22 that has to have the chambers brushed every 3-4 cylinders shot,
due to the wax from the 22 shells,
I'm goin' with Scorch.
When, if, whether I use it, I will just put 5 in.

Although I can't figure ANY need to even
It is a part of my childhood but so was bubble gum.

My other guns SO far outclass it for utility that it will just turn into a continuance of a nagging frustration.
And that don't sound fun a'tall.

So.... rest, ol pal. Ya dang thing, you! :D

Oh, and it HAS been cleaned.
Everything but the washing machine. Gunscrubber, toothbrushes, patches, wipes, soaks, and EVERYTHING.
People who see it remark on the condition.

Well, it ain't gonna get no more WORN.... :D:D

just for beans.....try some Winchester ammo.
My old K-22 had the tightest holes since ...well, I won't go there...but
REMINGTON...especially was a booger to shoot.

After shooting a cylinder full.

Even my new M63 is a ....BIT..... tight after some use.
I think S&W hold tolerances to absolute minimun in their 22 revolvers.

Winchesters fit best.

However I usually use CCI's and they work fine.
Like that's a surprise. ;)

Oh.....BTW..... if you actually HAVE a Jag XK120, I hate you.
That is one cool car.
I had a a XK150

but...of course..... it was when I had no
A new mag spring runs $5.10 from Gunparts. $4 for a new follower.
Have a close look at the mag tubes while you're at it. Works with 5 but no more says the spring and follower are ok. Might be a wee dent in either tube.
A used Magazine Tube Assembly, Inside runs $14.55 from Gunparts. $10.60 for a used outer. New parts are slight more. Really important, um, part is that they have 'em all in stock.
The reason I'm suspecting the spring is that it appears to be driving the rounds UNDER the upcoming one.
Like there could be too much spring forcing the column.
Then THAT makes a highly unlikely situation of a spring GAINING power over the past 60 years!

I've never stretched the spring.

My head hurts. :D
This is embarrassing but I just thought of the thing I should have thought of FIRST!

When it started malfunctioning, I never TRIED loading only 5 or so. :o

It MAY have handled them. :(

But....knowing SOMETHING was off, I took it to 2 separate smiths who apparently are as stumped as I am.

But I started thinking that ...IF.... I got it FULLY fixed.....would I use it?

Answer is "probably not." My other guns are WAY better and nicer and equipped with great globe front and aperture rear so the 512 with it's tiny notch and little bead doesn't give me anywhere near the sight picture I can HIT with at any distance past about 20-25 feet.

Sooooo.....having spent a hundred bucks over 2 gunsmiths..... what would be the final result?

Seems like same as it is.

So....... guess I should leave it like that. :)
Well, I took it back for completion of repair.
It quit working with only 5 rounds and I do want it to function again.

Call me a sentimental fool but I want this old thing to work as it did in my youth.

I may not shoot it much, but knowing it WOULD shoot would please me. :)
Glad you got it fixed, it would be interesting to know what it took.

That said, the tube magazine .22 was popular because it held more rounds than a clip without much risk of losing the inner tube as has been a problem with detachable box magazines over the years.

But the popular priced tube mag .22 pays for this by having a rather complex stamped lifter. When the stamped parts wear out, you are out of luck unless you can find parts and somebody who knows how to adjust them.
I believe it was that goofy combination cutoff/carrier.

He said he found a worn section and ground it square. :confused:

Not sure EXACTLY where, but it now feeds all 15 rounds.

Just gotta remember not to work the action ....s l o w.....
Be crisp about it.

Feeds em all .


Twas Craig Maraviov in Woodland, CA