Well, to be more than chl 10 percent of members would need to be from Ohio. I would be surprised if Ohio was that disproportionately represented.
To give more of an explanation on CHL numbers correlating to legislative gains:
The first CHL law took a lot of election cycles. Hard to say how many. Probably some working on it for thirty years. The first version was effectively pointless. Small incremental steps made. Usually involving two or more legislative cycles to get something passed. Around 2010 enough restrictions were removed that carrying daily was reasonably easy. CHL license numbers doubled in just a couple years. Still making a few incremental changes at a time, but it seems like things go through in one cycle without much trouble at all.
I think there are several members here who put in a lot more work and were generally more involved, especially consistently involved, than I in this process, so maybe they would disagree.
NRA was involved and NRA membership in Ohio has probably also grown over that period. State groups appeared to do the heavy lifting. BFA is very strongly linked to the NRA, borderline satellite. OFCC, which is more centered on defensive issues than BFA, is not so closely tied to The NRA.