Should I have called the cops?

IMO you should've called 911 with a description of what was going on & let the on duty officers handle it. As some one else pointed out a call will get police response & let them know what's going on.

I know here we want the calls on any suspicious activity.
A child being chased by a thug with a stun gun is the police and tell them what you saw...Rod
Since the kids did not flee the scene, and they apparently knew the thugs, the event is apparently common and acceptable in their circle. A stranger inerfering in such an incident can turn what would be a safe bit of bullying into an escalated event. Anytime I see people who are familiar withother involved in disagreements I remain observant but uninvolved until the provoked becomes an endangered underdog. Although it seems right to protect everyone, sometimes it is less of an incident if we let them get it out of their system, because we are unwelcome intruders.
I would have called. Considering that stun guns can be lethal I don't consider it "harmless" bullying.

Fear of talking to the cops? That's not an adult attitude.
The sheriff's office in a county in Maryland two years ago; burst into a home, killed the owners two dogs, detained in restraints him, his wife and his very elderly mother. Turns out they had the wrong house; he was in fact the Mayor of his small town, in that county. You want to trust the police, go right ahead, but i don't! If you consider it 'childish' to fear an obvious danger, well :rolleyes:
Worthless; of course not, and like it or not we need them in a country of 350 million people. They are dangerous and I don't trust them, but they certainly do better then either anarchy or military law which are the alternatives.
I agree with Jhenry if it was my kids being chased. I would hope someone would have left there comfort zone to help protect them. At least by reporting to the Police what was happening.
A Wise man once told me after I received my carry permit
"Son, just remember that card didn't come with a badge and cuffs or a secret decoder ring".

A CCW has nothing to do with this. A call to 911 should have been made. Making that call doesnt make you a makes you a concientious and law-abiding citizen. A tazer is, at a minimum, a debilitating weapon. And how it was being used by these persons was easily reckless endangerment. That situation the OP witnessed definitely warranted a call to the 911.
The guy with the tazer didn't know what he was up to.

EVERY time you cycle the tazer, going "BZZZZZTT" you're

scorching the contacts with thousands of volts of juice.

This wear is cumulative and gets more severe with every


Sure hope that clown actually has an effective tazer when he needs it...

(Or do I?)

That said, OP, IMO you had a good grip on the situation.

Highest marks for situational awareness!!;)
A child being chased by a thug with a stun gun is the police and tell them what you saw...Rod

In Ohio it would be called Aggravated Menacing. Now if they cops show up and the kids say they knew the thugs were just messing around, and they were not afraid and didn't fear harm, no case.

At the very least the cops get a free pat down on the thugs.
Worthless; of course not, and like it or not we need them in a country of 350 million people. They are dangerous and I don't trust them, but they certainly do better then either anarchy or military law which are the alternatives.

Wow...what a way to go through life!

Sent from my kick ass HTC EVO!
I would have said something to the 4 kids.

Years ago I was driving down the street on my motorcycle, 4 large guys were piling on a teen boy. I got off the scoot and told my girl to go and call 911 was before cell phones. I got them off that boy, 2 got banged up but what the heck it was a kid in trouble. Cops show up, kid was in a home and tried to run away. Cops told them men they cannot dog pile a kid in an effort to get him back into the building.

Awhile before that a couple boys were grabbed and found dead later on, jubert is now dead but that fear was prevailent and on everyones mind.

Cops said thanks and I went on my way.
mnero: In this situation, calling 911 and being interviewed by police, is much different than (rightly or wrongly) being an person of interest.

I completely agree that law enforcement has done many bad things. One of the reasons we know that Tasers and stun guns can be deadly is because of their abuse by law enforcement. But the fact remains that police officers are public servants. As such you as a member of the public should have no fear of calling them. The people who should be fearful are the guys with the stun gun.