Should I Go Back?

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I meant 207.200.

This section explains what is permitted. I am going paraphrase this section. It states any type of fencing means you need to get permission. If their is no fencing, but there are signs to keep out, you need to get permission. No signs, no fence, you don't need permission, here it is assumed the landowner permits hunting. But, even without fencing and signs, the owner can request a hunter to leave, at that point you don't have permission.

One more question. Why do care what our laws are? We get plenty of that from our neighbors to the west.
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Pardon the drift, but in my experience around Texas, rural deputies of any experience are pretty much knowledgeable about trespass: It is a common complaint with which they must deal on a regular basis.

Same goes for around here......and the number one scenario for trespassing is hunting. Add to that the fact that trespass laws are generally very simple and straightforward.

I think many are misinterpreting Bella's question. It's not can he go back, but should he go back. He certainly can go back because the land is obviously open for legal access and obviously open to hunting as verified by the deputy. His question of should most likely has to do whether being hassled inappropriately again by the neighbors is worth the bother.
In my mind you have covered the legal/ethical bases so deciding whether or not to go back hinges directly on whether the hunting was good enough to be worth the trip or not. You can choose to talk to the neighbor to attempt to end that side of the problem or simply let him be and hunt if you wish. Personally if the neighbor being upset was the ONLY problem I'd not worry about it even if I tried to make contact with them or not.
If it is legal to do what he is doing I am of the opinion that if you left every time somebody other than the owner did not want you there you would have a hard time hunting most anywhere.
I left because the weather was changing and I was near my car. If not for having to talk to the deputy I would have probably stayed a little longer.

The hunting was pretty good there.
I meant 207.200.

This section explains what is permitted. I am going paraphrase this section.
You keep talking about "tresspassing"
We are talking about hunting without permission

"Legal" or not, it isn't polite, although the statute that actually mentions hunting tends to imply it's illegal without permission
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