Should I Carry a Knife for Self Defense?

California Penal Code section 12020 prohibits any person from carrying a concealed dirk or dagger, defined as "a knife
or other instrument with or without a handguard that is capable of
ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict great bodily injury
or death." I berlieve this commonly refers to a knife with a blade 4" in length or more.

The section also provides that "Knives carried in sheaths which are worn openly suspended from the waist of the wearer are not concealed within the meaning of this

Just for fun, check this out:

12001.1. (a) Any person in this state who commercially manufactures
or causes to be commercially manufactured, or who knowingly imports
into the state for commercial sale, keeps for commercial sale, or
offers or exposes for commercial sale, any undetectable knife is
guilty of a misdemeanor. As used in this section, an "undetectable
knife" means any knife or other instrument with or without a
handguard that is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may
inflict great bodily injury or death that is commercially
manufactured to be used as a weapon and is not detectable by a metal
detector set at standard calibration.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, commencing January
1, 2000, all knives or other instrument with or without a handguard
that is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict
great bodily injury or death that are commercially manufactured in
this state that utilize materials that are not detectable by a metal
detector shall be manufactured to include materials that will ensure
they are detectable by a metal detector set at standard calibration.

Regards from Kalifornia,


Please check out this link, if it works, it is the California Penal code search for knife info that I did. Code 626.10 deals with knives at schools. Code 12001.1 deals with manufacturing undetectable knives. When looking at the codes use your browser edit button to look for the word knife. It will save a lot of time. Code 12020-12040 give the most information. I hope this helps everyone.

Here is the penal codes definition of a dirk or dagger.
12020 (24) As used in this section, a "dirk" or "dagger" means a knife or other instrument with or without a handguard that is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict great bodily injury or death. A nonlocking folding knife, a folding knife that is not prohibited by Section 653k, or a pocketknife is capable of ready use as a stabbing weapon that may inflict great bodily injury or death only if the blade of the knife is exposed and locked into position.

Section 653k pertains to switchblades.
training is a big thing. there is a great article in either this months or last months black belt magazine on tactical knife usage.

as i am not old enough to carry a firearms legaly the knife is it for me.

i have not been to any real training or read any books or anyhting like that, but i need to. most of the things i use in practice and would use in real life i have picked up and then modified for me.
most of what i know, and i feel it is a good amount, was picked up over at

yes is sister site to this, but i dont get along with several over there, including the sys op kevin(spark). and the attitude is negative, i mean really really negative.
it is totally different at so check it out.

as far as laws go i am not a legal expert, i think my carry folder, emerson commander, is illegal to carry concealed in some citys near me, however i feel that it is better to be a living law breaker than a dead law abider.

seriously i would rather lose a good,expensive knife, and maybe a little time off my life, and maybe some money than i would die.
it is a choice u have to make, will a legal knife be exactly what i need? or do i need to risk it and go with one thats illegal"
compromise, and saying well it will do doesnt work for self defense matters.
u make the choice and then get the proper training for the choice u have made.