Should I Carry a Knife for Self Defense?

Gary H

New member
I am 47 years old and in good shape. I live in the SF bay area and the chances of getting a CCW are nill. My Rekat Sifu
should be arriving tomorrow. Now, I have a gym in my house and work out on a punching bag. Truth is that I have no real training in hand to hand self-defense. When I purchased guns, I sought training and I practice. I am concerned that should I need the knife, I will not have the proper training to use it. I know enough not to hold the knife point out, but that is about it. What training is available that can be entered into with a limited amount of time? I want to have skill, but not make it a second profession.
Hey how are you.

You stated you know not to hold the knife with the point out. are you referring to grip style, or edge distance to threat. The grip with the point forward has its advantages depending on the situation. with thet point forward and having room to move, you will now have a few more inches of reach toward your target. Revese grip applications, personally, I only like if things are really close and my body position is right. I like the potential of being able to trap (capture and cut limbs/shoulder/neck) with it. I use a double edge fixed fighter in addition to other's.
You can go the martial arts route, but the blade work there is usually not applicable to the street. In california, try checking out Massad Ayoobs "lethal force institute", or LFI. He will have good classes and instructors. :cool:
Yes, grip style. Thanks for the suggestion regarding Ayoob. Does anyone know of a local (Marin, Alameda county) instructor?
Suggestion...Go to your local yellow pages or go to your bookstore and pick up Black Belt Magazine or some M.A. magazine, then check out your local school. Also check some of your local YMCA's may have some short programs. Also pick up one of your favorite gun magazine and look up some of the courses being taught in your area.

Otherwise, go to your local gun range and ask the folks over there.

Then if you really, really have to...just ask the TFL'ers in the knife section.

Good luck!
Gary - Your doing pretty good.
I suggest GUNSITE's Edged Weapons II video which you could order for not too much - but will be of tremendous value to you.
I also suggest a smaller knife as a companion to the big one - and the Sifu is BIG.
A Spyderco Native or the like will be good day to day carry knife... your Use knife vs your Weapon knife. I would hate to see you at the post office opening a letter with the Sifu!

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited September 11, 2000).]
I purchased the knife after reading a number of posts. I should get it tomorrow and then the size will probably stun me.

Part of what I am asking is this: What martial arts program / style is most appropriate to real world self defense when modestly trained? I can't see myself devoting my free time to intensive training, but I can see a once a week class over a number of months.

I'll check out the video.

I read into your post that the second video without seeing number one is the way to go. Give me the word and I will order it. Thanks

I've studied several different forms of martial arts. From what I have encountered, jujitsu is by far the most effective "real world" fighting style. My professor teaches all sorts of weapons, especially if you ask him. He really loves the knife and machete. The best way to judge an instructor is to observe his students. My advice is to look around at several local schools and see which one has the most adept pupils.

I don't wanna start a "which martial art is best" discussion here, that's why I said "from what I have encountered." But you asked for opinions, so there mine is =)
Filippino martial arts such as Escrima, Kali and Arnis center around the use of blade or defenses against it.

Most of the "big" names in knife-fighting and defense derived their training in a Filippino system or two.

These are folks like Paul Vunak, Hock Hocheim, Marc McYoung, etc. Of course, I should add that a majority of these folks teach "simplified" or more "functional" knife-fighting rather than the artistry of more traditionally-minded FMA instructors.


For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence. Sun Tzu
I know enough not to hold the knife point out

Actually that's largely irrelevant. Different holds simply provide different options.

If you have the resources, go to LFI ( or Gunsite ( Those (and a few others, like Riddle Of Steel) will provide excellent short-term training.

For long-term training, find a school that teaches Kali (Philipine stick & knife fighting).

Important: study the knife laws in your area. Such laws vary widely between various states and cities. Assume anything that anyone tells you about knife laws is wrong (one of my conclusions from trying to summarize the knife laws for half the states).
While I have not taken any knife Martial arts, my boxing/mauy thai instructor taught me a few simple things which really improve the use of a knife - although this should not discourage you from taking better courses.
Try practicing this with a freind - and a fake knife!!!
1) peeling the apple. Basically, when someone blocks/traps your knife, simple pull back, cutting the arm in the process.
2) switch hands. -Playing around, you find people grabbing and holding your knife arm. Switch hands when that happens, and cut.
Again, practicing these are no substitute for real training, but can make the knife much more effective till you can get the training.

Hope this helps - and for those trainied people out there, if it's bad advise, please let Gary and me know

From the Committee to Use Proffesional Politicians as Lab Animals
She doesn't have bad dreams because she's made of plastic...
bad Kiki! No karaoke in the house!
Larry Flynt is right. You guys stink!!!
Peter McWilliams - Murdered by the DEA
The first video is so very basic as to be just plain boring.
The second video is much better even for a novice... and taught by an instructor who you just can't question his credibility. I talked to him for a little while at SHOT 2000 and I must say - I would not want to mess with him!
To use the Gunslinger's phrase "He knows the face of his Father."
Order #2 - skip #1.
Received my Sifu and George you were right. That is one very large knife. Unfortunately, it was shipped without the black blade and the blade finish is awful. My Boker is beautiful whereas the Sifu is ugly, but scary.

I'll pick up some videos. Watched my first Jet Li movie last night, "Romeo Must Die". Not bad. Some of the fight scenes were amazing. I would be really impressed if it weren't for the editing room antics.
Beauty holds many definitions... In the Sifu's main purpose - its form follows its function - in that sense - it's gorgeous...
Just dont try to compair it to a Randall.
Found some good legal info on on laws in kali, that is state not local and with the whole pre-emption thing don't know if local are differnt or not, I carry one anyway.

I don't understand your post. What did you find? My research indicates that California law does not restrict either concealed, nor revealed carry of knives.
First of all I am usually a lurker here, but you will find yourself in a heap if you carry a fixed blaed concealed!! Period. Read the laws. Do a internet search for california laws and then search the laws for knife info. It is there and pretty straight forward. Fixed blades are illegal, unless in a sheath hangning from the belt. Folders are legal concealable in any length. Thats the basics but please do check out the laws!! Thanks, and take care. Jim