Most- if not all the time - thinking is not part of the voting process...
Bit of a rant...
...Vetting a candidate , IMO, is something not done today by individual voters. Many rely on nothing but TV, radio, newspapers (media in general) to choose their candidates and never check into the candidates history of where they stood on different issue's.
Very sad to say, Ray Charles can see, that often times these media outlets are very biased towards a candidate. Many of our TV stations/newspapers do not even make an attempt to try to disguise the fact they are biased, have endorsed a candidate, and instead of doing their jobs of reporting fair, unbiased news towards all candidates they report biased, good news for their endorsed candidate and negative news against those they don't.
The political machine realizes the power of the media and the fact that individual voters are to lazy to properly vet candidates on their own. Therefore, during political campaigns, the public, through the media, gets pounded with non-stop, biased BS....then, these ill-informed voters go to the polls and pull the switch on a candidate they know nothing about except from what they learned from the biased media outlet.
Answer to this problem, shut our TV off during election year, get off our butts and properly vet the candidates before we choose one.
Don't vote a candidate on any level of gov't in office without knowing the candidates history on issue's important to us then gripe about laws the candidate tries to instill after in office.
IMO, laws are needed for a civil society. But, as history has proven, for every law made, there is a person out there that will break it. This is nothing new. If this wasn't the case, there would be no reason to own a gun for SD purposes.
As a citizen of the U.S. ,I should have the right to defend myself and family anywhere I travel within the U.S. boarder. INCLUDING National parks where as a US citizen, should have the right to come and go as I please.
With crime the way it is today, I'll not vote for any candidate with even hints of a history of trying to take that right from me.