shotgun vs. pistol

For those of you with kids. . . .what if the bump is one of your kids getting a drink of water?

No different from any other safety plan (like a plan to meet in case of fire and what exits to use). Mostly I want everyone to stay put. Some may have tasks such as using the cell phone or hiding. It depends on your situation.
"grey_pilgrim: For those of you with kids. . . .what if the bump is one of your kids getting a drink of water?
As something else to consider, along with a bump in the night, what if your dorbell rings? What do you do then? If you are single? Married? Kid (but only gun owner in house)?? "

"grey_pilgrim: For those of you with kids. . . .what if the bump is one of your kids getting a drink of water?"

remember target identification before shooting it??

thats a pretty stupid question... if you know firearm safety this should be a no-brainer....

"As something else to consider, along with a bump in the night, what if your dorbell rings? What do you do then? If you are single? Married? Kid (but only gun owner in house)?? "

ill answer the door... after investigating the sound at hand that first woke me up... another no-brainer.
First is an 870 with folding stock and bird shot

Bird shot will not go through much of a wall but will cut some one in half.
One thing that most people dont think about when it comes to a shotgun is the sound.
ANYONE and I do mean ANYONE that has ever heard a shotgun, any shotgun being racked, loaded, what ever you want to call it will remember that sound.
If there is some one standing 10 feet on the other side of a wall from you and hears an 870 being loaded, once they stop peeing there pants will run, if they have half a brain.
And some one else here put it best, I would wait for them to come into my room, would make it easier to blow them out and if any one is behind them they will soon learn that I do mean business by the way there friend is falling apart.
It will all depend on the noise I hear that wakes me up. The furcritter in my house is a kibble-fed, gas-operated 12 pound feline predator and if she's not reacting to it I'll consider it a low probability event. But if she's poised to move fast I'll know something is up. :eek:

Like another post, I have strategic night lights around the house. Not so much for intruders but to avoid stepping on felines (I used to have 3 including a 19 lb male tom cat studying to be a lion). :D

Immediate threat reaction is a 2.5" S&W M66 with a pair of .38 special +P 125gr JHP. Those are followed by 4 .357 Mag 125gr JSPs. If I hear movement outside, the 1911 slide gets pulled back in preparation to launch 230gr Hydrashoks.

When I wasn't single, a Winchester 1200 pump was slung under the bed and would launch #6, #4, #4, 00, 00, slug.

I also keep dark blue sweats in reach in case I have time to don them. Also nearby are the Surefire 6P flashlight, a maglite and a Gerber MK II blade.

I'd like to find a good, inexpensive (under $550) M1-Carbine as a short rifle.
GP100 in a quick-access safe next to bed...870 is next purchase.

However even if I had one, my first concern is that the BG doesn't get upstairs. Everyone sleeps upstairs including my 2 kids. My bedroom is the first one. If BG(s) are still downstairs then we barricade while the wife calls the cops. If for some reason they do get upstairs then I still choose the revolver as the shotgun is out of the question. Regardless of having the 870 or .357, and I catch them rounding the corner to come up the stairs woe to them.

My .02...
What will you bring out when you here a noise in the middle of the night??

Preferably a .308 FAL, a couple of 9mm pistols and a set of earplugs. Since I don't own an FAL, a 30-30 Winchester or 7.62X39mm SKS will have to substitute.
That's me! (Hehehe...)

As something else to consider, along with a bump in the night, what if your dorbell rings? What do you do then? If you are single? Married? Kid (but only gun owner in house)??

I look out my window... My house's only real 'floor' is the main floor, which has two doors each with a porch. The front door's the ONLY door I'm going to open at night, and my room's window looks at that porch (note: you can't get into my room from the porch without levitating a short distance).
The basement is a large, workshop/storage type area, and is half-above-ground with a sliding glass door btw.

If I heard someone knocking, I'd look, then wake up the parents. While they answer the door, I plan on going to my room getting my gun ready and keeping an ear out for any trouble.
USP compact .40 loaded with hydra shoks in my night stand plus the 4 D cell maglite next to my bed (shooting flashlight is next on my list of things to get). The maglite is bright enough to blind anyone at night. I live alone in an apartment building so I would probably wait in my bedroom for a few minutes listening, since its only a two bedroom I can hear anything move from my bedroom at night. If I heard more noise I might investigate, or call the cops, which would be there in less than 2 minutes. If I heard the door bell, I would open the door with the privacy chain latched and my pistol behind my back, round in the chamber, saftey on.

Thats my plan untill I get a riot gun.