Shotgun to the Face of Unarmed Man - Proper

He used a good move. It worked well for him, and perhaps he knew his limitations. It seems like too fast, like he did not really size up his opponent, but it worked.
A thief works on fear, on terror, on the victim being totally afraid, and when this one wasn't, he ran.
The guy was small and the thief looks bigger. But thieves are usually not too confident about what they do. They know it's wrong. They know it might not work.
But it sure did turn out to be a case of 'robbing the wrong guy.'
This is an interesting video. I wonder if he had some training of some sort.

I used to teach that exact sweep, even to stepping into it, but the target was the opponents arm. You grabbed the wrist with your right hand, turned it clockwise, thereby turning the opponent away from you. The left hand came up and buckled the opponents elbow ending with them restrained with their hand behind their back in a pain hold. It was quite effective.
These were defense for healthcare provider classes so I'd be surprised if it was unique to them, but he did exactly as I would have taught it, except he got a gun instead of an arm.
It was our favorite move, it would let some 98lb nurse make some pretty hefty guys look silly if you were fast enough.:D
While I understand the concern that the victim may have been taking a huge risk by his attempted disarm under the circumstances, he seemed to have a pretty good idea of what he was doing. He swept and grabbed the barrel while simultaneously clearing his body of the "danger zone". The part that really stands out to me though is after his defensive maneuver, while the bad guy is starting to run away, he moved quickly to a disarm by smartly placing his other hand as far back on the gun as he could before trying to pull it away from him. While this may have been a successful case of good instincts (or luck), he did very well under the pressure of having a gun to his face.

Edit: Also, free shotgun!
I don't really think the intent of the good guy was ever to disarm the bad guy. He simply moved the muzzle to a more safe direction in regard to his safety. At that point, the bad guy when into full retreat. And so then the good guy had a proverbial tiger by the tail. He could run with the bad guy or let go and give the bad guy a second chance.
The way he brought his hand around to sweep the shotgun in the direction he did suggests training to me.

Either way, that crook is a loser, even for a thug. Or possibly the shotgun was empty and he panicked when he realized he was about to have his posterior kicked.

The robber made a common mistake he used the gun like they do in the movies. Held high in your face, looks cool on TV but it is a huge tactical error.

If he would of had the gun at his waist and 10-15ft away he would be extremely hard to disarm without getting shot.

I agree with you on the 10-15 feet, but even if he had the gun low, someone trained could easily take the gun away if the BG was in close. I was in a hand to hand class last weekend where we practiced doing just what this guy did, including disarms where the BG is behind you.