Shotgun Oil

For a general purpose oil ---- I use Break Free or Wilson's Ultima Lube ...( like on choke tubes ) / or on barrel connections in a semi-auto, or on the rails inside a semi-auto receiver, etc.

for barrel to receiver connection on an O/U - I use grease - and I prefer Rig grease or Wilson's Ultima Lube grease. I don't think oil is enough lube for the barrel to receiver connection on an O/U.

for real "light use" like inside the receiver on an O/U on the springs and firing pins --- / or inside the trigger group on a semi-auto - then I use a "light" spray oil - like Rig or Rem Oil.
I know it is blasphemy to many but I use 3-N-1... Well it has little picture of a gun right on the can so it has to be good...

Some of the oils that have been mentioned are not suitable in Semi's, during cold weather. Much to my unpleasant surprise, I have had shotguns freeze up on me. Might consider this if Y'all are going to hunt up north, during the winter months. I mostly use Breakfree and silicone spray by Gunk. There are times when I have gone to dry teflon.

Be Safe !!!
Hinge pins and locking bolts on O/Us should see high pressure greases that are available .Otherwise a good gun oil works fine.
I guess I'm the only one still using Militec...for my guns and in the V12. For the guns, it can be wiped near dry but still leave a micro film. In the 12, it makes a gas engine feel like a electric motor...gas pedal becomes a rheostat.
pennzoil. Only Pennzoil. I use the stuff that comes out of my truck when I do my oil change every other year. :o

Okay, I use CLP breakfree. Any of the modern oils are good, and with regular cleaning, a dab of lube and a bit of use any gun should be runnin' just fine.

Just remember that in cold weather an oily firing pin can get sticky. It happens here in WIS. Mostly to folks that don't keep their guns clean, though. :D