Shotgun HD load

What I currently have loaded in social shotguns:
Rem1100 12ga cyl bore--Fed 00 buck full power FliteControl
Rem870 12ga cylbore--Rem Express 000 buck full power
Both 2 3/4" shells.
Guess what? The 1100 patterns best with 00 Fed FC, the 870 with 000.

I use buck since I am in the city and a neighbor has a wall facing me down my likeliest avenue of fire that is nothing but stick built with vinyl siding. Far enough that buckshot is very unlikely to penetrate, but a slug would tip its hat when passing through. Were I situated such that I was less worried about projectiles leaving my house, I would go slug every time. A soft foster slug for SD. I do not load my SD shotguns with slugs, but have it handy for a re-load if necessary.

I see the Win PDX loads as the worst of both worlds: the precision of buckshot with the penetration of a slug. You are hosed is you want slug precision and hosed if you are worried about overpenetration. Pick one: slug or buck.

Leave the birdshot for the little birdies. And the less-lethal for the LEOs.
Living alone with no kids, ect......I have loaded firearms ALL OVER the house.

In my PG shotguns, I keep low brass #8 birdshot for IN THE HOUSE engagements upto 20' max.

In some shotguns, I keep high brass #4&#6 birdshot for "PESTS".

In yet other shotguns, I keep 2.75" 00buck, 000buck, & #4buck for YARD engagements 25' to 30' max.

After's AR time!!!!
I've currently got Fiocchi Less Lethal as my first two out of the barrel, followed by Winchester PDX Defender. I keep the Less Lethal in there for the occasional wild animal (bear, javelina) that treads too close to the house if we are outside. If they force the issue they'll get the PDX or full on slug.

Should you have a home invasion, you may never get past the two less lethal rounds. I would rather keep an empty chamber with rook in the magazine to combat load the less lethal should an animal come around.
IMHO, less than lethal in a home defense gun is a very bad idea. If you are justified in using a firearm for self defense, you want to decisively stop the threat NOW, if the attacker dies in the process of being stopped...oh well.

Less than lethal may not stop the threat.
I've got a magazine tube full of Federal LE #1 Buck and a side saddle with Hornady 00. Both of them hold 2" patterns or less at any distance inside my house.

Not to start a different debate... BUT my 16" barreled AR is much shorter, much more maneuverable and has pretty nasty terminal ballistics.
I have worked or assisted with three shotgun HD shootings with birdshot, from 'across the room' to 'down a long flight of stairs'. One to the face, one to the abdomen and one to the nether regions. None of the recipients were going to harm anybody immediately thereafter. The guy hit in the abdomen died.

I've got some 12 pellet 0 Remington 2 3/4" buck that IMO should be about perfect for an indoor/outdoor defense load to 25 yards. Photo is self-explanatory except for the birdshot pattern, which is a Winchester Universal from the same gun.

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