Shot Placement?

Just came from the range...

am tired and euphoric. 150 rounds. My 5th time out. I'm writing because I have learned so much from you guys that I have improved dramatically. I can't thank all of you at TFL enough. Have cut and pasted all of your info to a separate folder. I have learned to relax, sight, breathe and squeeze. Patterns are getting tight. I love this sport. I had to tell someone... why not ya'll?!

Thanks again to all. Wish I could remember everyones names! ;)
Dead Men Can't Testify...shoot To Kill

Technically, this is correct, but just because the guy is dead does not mean that you are in the clear. While dead men can't testify, forensic evidence identified from the incident can often 'speak' for the dead. Keep in mind, that murders with no witnesses present, except for the shooter and victim, still manage to be solved.

In short, the apparent comfort taken by many shooters provided by the notion that dead men tell no tales is naive at best.