Successful Bear Hunt
Well I returned yesterday from my first black bear hunt a happy man. I was able to take a 232# sow (that I was just positive was a boar). I ended up using Speer 180grain Mag Tips out of my 30-06 @2700fps. My shot was a classic broadside and the bullet took out both lungs and exited with 3/4 inch hole in the offside hide. As well as the 55 yard shot hit was, the bear still ran almost two hundred yards through thick cover. One of the guides from the lodge that I stayed at came out to help track. On his hands and knee's he was only able to find nine small drops of blood. The blood trail ran out about 25 yards from the shot location so we were forced to comb the brush for the animal. After about ten minutes of searching the guide found my bear. When we skinned the bear out we found the exit hole was devastating. Two ribs obliterated with a two inch hole in the flesh. I don't know if I will ever get a chance to hunt bear again but I sure did enjoy the entire experience. Time to get the bow out for the October 1st archery deer opener.