Shootout In Hollywood

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If we want to get into engine specifics... Think of all the hoses/wires surrounding the engine. I'm sure those would kill the engine long before the big metal parts would...
So then the armored vehicle, was shot, and it's engine was disabled, from the beginning of the firefight. Ok. I did not know this. Someone said it was able to move around. I guess it could have been pushed.
Just wondering, if one of the cops had a .357 magnum revolver with 125 grain FMJ ammo, would that be enough to pierce the armor the BG's were wearing? Or at least break bones?
I'm not paid to "serve and protect", but I do know which end the bullet comes out of and where on the target my guns shoot. Must be nice being a cop, everytime you screw up there's thousands of people out there willing to come up with every excuse in the book for you. :barf:

No, I don't favor the Beretta. 35 yards? That should be difficult seeing as I normally practice at 30. You're telling me you couldn't make a single headshot on a silhouette target? Do I also get a 12 gauge loaded with 00 Buck? I didn't know that they were running back and forth, sure didn't look like it. Most of the time they seemed to be walking around/standing/shooting helicopters/digging things out of their trunk..

@Old NFO
The police had more than 3 mags of ammo at the scene. :rolleyes:

I don't remember what armor they were wearing, but it's doubtful unless there was a problem with the vest or it hit a seam. If they were donning typical level II or IIa then an FN 5.7 should have done it. A mildly loaded S&B FMJ out of a CZ-52 or TT-33 would have done the job even better.
I'm not paid to "serve and protect", but I do know which end the bullet comes out of and where on the target my guns shoot. Must be nice being a cop, everytime you screw up there's thousands of people out there willing to come up with every excuse in the book for you. "

So tell us what it's like being in a shootout where rds are coming your way. I, like others on here, would like to know your experiences of returning fire while under fire, and just how easy it is. :rolleyes:
Some people play video games so much they actually believe they're real. :D
3 tours in 'nam.

What seems to be your obsession with video games?

You want to be non-judgemental towards the police, but judgemental towards a total stranger on the internet. What a fraud.
"3 tours in 'nam."

And your profile says:
August 31, 1979 "
That puts you born about 5 yrs after VN. Were you there as a tourist?
or maybe this post? You remember typing this:
"I hear ya. I'm at the point where I can't afford school anymore and the jobs around here don't pay unless you're a LEO, doctor, in real estate or know programming... Bout ready to break down and join LE or the Army cuz I don't really wanna be a firefighter..."
Now who's a fraud?
You can't pull the BS. Those who've been under fire know, and your posts show you haven't.
So again, tell us all what it's like to be under fire, and return fire. Tell us all how easy it is.
What a phony! Another internet commando.
You owe all us Vets an apology, if you've got the guts to admit it.
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